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Fix This Shit Guerrilla: A Neogaf Killzone 3 Clan


Noshino said:
sent application, but I think it was ignored because I wasn't on the KZ2 clan :C

Give it some time, only been 2 days and for example FFO just got his game yesterday.


They might have missed it, best to just pm or wait some time.


FFO should probably just send out invites to everyone when he gets on today, the guys from the KZ2 clans can accept their invites at killzone.com in My Killzone before they get the game if needed, I accepted mine this morning.

The clan is up to 36 members so far, so we'll soon see if the limit is 50, heh (it better not be).


just gotta be patient chaps. FFO will be at work right now so earliest you're gonna see invites go out is likely after 6pm GMT.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Facism said:
just gotta be patient chaps. FFO will be at work right now so earliest you're gonna see invites go out is likely after 6pm GMT.
No worries. I read that others were joining the clan. I am still enjoying the SP anyway.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
RotBot said:
You'll probably be added faster if you send a request through the website.


No need to get agitated about not being in the clan yet, because you can't join on clan members.

Yeah, just apply to clan, a lot easier than manually inviting 50 people.

Had some good games yesterday, but unfortunately, it f'ing locks up ALL THE TIME when grouped with 7 other folks. What's up with that?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Nightz said:
Looking at the clan site, it looks like we could use more engineers.

I'll gladly fill the engineer role. I don't think the engineer role requires many points into it to be effective. The first level repair tool is more than good enough (who really hacks enemy turrets?) and I like the default weapon (tho the STA3 is a beast in close quarters). Really wish the engineer got the rockets. Love the missile launcher.

Agent X

Nightz said:
Looking at the clan site, it looks like we could use more engineers.

I noticed that. I've been mostly playing as Field Medic or Marksman, but I experimented briefly with Engineer yesterday as well, and might stick with it for a little longer if it would fill a niche in the clan. Admittedly, I'm not very good at multiplayer modes on first-person shooters (not my forte), but I'll try to improve and contribute as best as I can.

I don't know if I'm officially in the clan yet. I got an invitation through killzone.com and responded there yesterday. I noticed the roster has grown since last night, but I'm still not listed.


I can go engineer as well as a secondary class. I've pretty much maxed out the medic role, so I'll focus on engineering next.


I'll definitely pop into the engineer class. Medic isn't as fun as in KZ2 for some reason.

I'll be clearing out my FL tonight and adding some other of the KZ3 faithful to my FL.


Hopin' to get accepted tonight as well, looking forward to some fun games.

I only have Tactician and Marksman mostly unlocked, and I regret going after the Marksman. I wish I put the points into Medic right now ..


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
KingOfKong said:
damn, the clan is already at 42 members. i still need an invite. PSN MustacheBandit

thanks guys!

To anyone that wants an invite, please request to join the clan via the killzone.com website. It will make it easier and faster for everyone.
commish said:
To anyone that wants an invite, please request to join the clan via the killzone.com website. It will make it easier and faster for everyone.

signed up for both but probably went overlooked because i wasn't in a kz2 clan?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
KingOfKong said:
signed up for both but probably went overlooked because i wasn't in a kz2 clan?

Sorry, didn't meant to single you out - just saying in general to make it easy on FFO. AJ just started doing the clan last night and leadership was switched over to FFO, who should be approving and adding you all later today/tonight.


Had a game of Operations by myself last night and randomly got teamed up with a few dudes from the clan. Long story short we won.

I added my info in the spreadsheet. I'll be getting a new headset in a week or two so as soon as that comes in, I'll make an application to join on the Killzone site.


moonspeak said:
I'll be getting a new headset in a week or two so as soon as that comes in, I'll make an application to join on the Killzone site.

As long as you can listen to what your team wants/needs, not having a headset isn't a deal breaker at all.
aristotle said:
As long as you can listen to what your team wants/needs, not having a headset isn't a deal breaker at all.

It isn't, but it's a good thing to have, so you can say where enemies are or what you're doing in-game. I won't be using any mic because I'm using headphones for directional sound, which contributes greatly to how well I play.

I don't want to spend money on a set of headphones with a good built-in mic when I already have very good headphones and a headphone amplifier.


Matchmaking sucks so far. I've yet to go more than two matches in a row before one team shrinks to half the size of the other. It's not going to help large squads get any interesting games going.
Giriath_89 said:
I won't be using any mic because I'm using headphones for directional sound, which contributes greatly to how well I play.

I don't want to spend money on a set of headphones with a good built-in mic when I already have very good headphones and a headphone amplifier.

I can't believe I didn't know there was a way to get incoming chat through your default audio device (TV, sound system, headphones etc) while still outputting chat through whatever headset/mic you have.

Apparently you can set that under Audio Device Settings, so I'll be hanging my official PS3 headset of my collar from now on. :D


Giriath_89 said:
I can't believe I didn't know there was a way to get incoming chat through your default audio device (TV, sound system, headphones etc) while still outputting chat through whatever headset/mic you have.

Apparently you can set that under Audio Device Settings, so I'll be hanging my official PS3 headset of my collar from now on. :D
I still wish it was like the 360 where you can output voice chat to your headset AND your TV speakers at the same time. At least give the option.


Got the game now, I have invited a few people but have transferred leadership back to Cagen so he'll go about inviting the rest. Thanks to aj for creating clan and inviting the majority of people so far.

FTSG clan has started off with 3 victories all 7-0 wins so far :p


KZObsessed said:
Got the game now, I have invited a few people but have transferred leadership back to Cagen so he'll go about inviting the rest. Thanks to aj for creating clan and inviting the majority of people so far.

FTSG clan has started off with 3 victories all 7-0 wins so far :p

they were so so good.

btw how do we have 2 tournaments lost?

look at the clanpage, someone's been doing a few tdm games

also, number 1 in the warzone leaderboards. those cod guys we beat took a massive hit by losing to us



Game froze when we joined that clan match so decided to call it a night, was 8 on 5 anyway. Good games tonight, besides being spawn camped on Turbine.

After a few good (read: easy) clan matches we're 1st in the clan leaderboards for warzone, for now at least heh.


Also, I'll go through the members list tomorrow day time and get invites sorted out to anyone waiting.


Great way to send a message to GG to have "FIX THIS **** GUERRILLA" at the top of the leaderboards.

Haha, nice job.
Damn, Warzone sucks when you're not playing in a squad.

Damn right I'll join. My PSN friends list is literally empty (long story)... I'm somewhat of a Killzone noob though I've played a ton of MP FPS from Call of Duty to freakin' Shadowrun (my favorite of this gen btw). I do have a mic and am a total team player. The game seems like it's amazing when you have an intelligent squad...at least judging by how hard I was getting dominated earlier.

PSN: MassXtortion
sent a request via killzone.com PSN ID: kurisub

I've got a mic and have usually been playing as tactician, although recently I've been dabbling in engineer. Far too often I capture a spawns, yet nobody bothers to fix the ammo crate next to it.


Facism said:
who keeps losing clan games lol. 4 games lost.

One of the losses was us, last night on Turbine. We were out numbered, placed on the Higg side and just got spawn camped the whole match. It is such a shit map.

I can't believe allow anyone to start a clan match, people could really fuck up our ranking. If they wanted to they could do it deliberately and we have no idea who would be doing it. I thought the clan side of it was supposed to be for the more hardcore player but they have tried to open it up to everyone and fucked it up a bit.

On that note though, I'll say this. If you don't want to take clan matches seriously and help to improve our ranking then please don't join them or start them. If you do start a clan match, especially in Warzone, DO NOT go in with a squad of less than 6 members, preferably a full squad. If you go in out numbered you are at a severe disadvantage from the off set. Guerrilla Warfare it doesn't really matter, just make sure you can aim lol.

I don't want to limit anyone from playing in clan matches (theres currently no way I could even if I wanted to lol), after all this is a GAF clan and everyone is of differing abilities. While I personally don't take it too seriously, I still don't want people messing about and needlessly losing us rankings, we still want to be competitive.
Cagen said:
One of the losses was us, last night on Turbine. We were out numbered, placed on the Higg side and just got spawn camped the whole match. It is such a shit map.

I can't believe allow anyone to start a clan match, people could really fuck up our ranking. If they wanted to they could do it deliberately and we have no idea who would be doing it. I thought the clan side of it was supposed to be for the more hardcore player but they have tried to open it up to everyone and fucked it up a bit.

On that note though, I'll say this. If you don't want to take clan matches seriously and help to improve our ranking then please don't join them or start them. If you do start a clan match, especially in Warzone, DO NOT go in with a squad of less than 6 members, preferably a full squad. If you go in out numbered you are at a severe disadvantage from the off set. Guerrilla Warfare it doesn't really matter, just make sure you can aim lol.

I don't want to limit anyone from playing in clan matches (theres currently no way I could even if I wanted to lol), after all this is a GAF clan and everyone is of differing abilities. While I personally don't take it too seriously, I still don't want people messing about and needlessly losing us rankings, we still want to be competitive.

the game that froze on you we ended up getting a tie(which for some reason deranks both teams) then later on we made a new 8 player squad and went 1-3(crappy americans).

the last couple games were especially brutal since were getting one shotted left and right. mostly cause mawlr graveyard is a total POS when you are on isa side since you have to run uphill just to grab a damn TSP while they rain down lmg fire. we really need more organization on what classes everyone should play so it doesnt turn into a tact fest every game when we need other classes.

also we should maybe make some clan teams with the good players spread out that way we can go into clan matches simultaneously and get alot more clan members involved.


I would've played with you guys last night but I kept getting world full messages. Finally had to go play with randoms. :(

GG really needs to allow you to join any member of you clan even if they're not in your friends list. I can't believe that's not an option right now. Send me an invite tonight and I'll be down for some matches. psn: xinoart


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I fully leveled up an engineer last night. Played for 6.5 hours. Did it playing with pubbies, too. Not bragging or anything, but if the clan needs an unselfish engineer, I am your man.

Thanks for the invite, Cagen.


DenogginizerOS said:
I fully leveled up an engineer last night. Played for 6.5 hours. Did it playing with pubbies, too. Not bragging or anything, but if the clan needs an unselfish engineer, I am your man.

Thanks for the invite, Cagen.

I am also doing leveling up an engineer after I am done with my medic.


Right, I have hit the invite limit (100 members) which is a slight problem as I still need to send about 10 invites. I have sent a lot out today so if you are wanting to be in the clan please accept them asap.

After the weekend I'll go through the pending invites and prune them to get invites out to the people still waiting. If you are still waiting for an invite then, if it let's you, apply for the clan at killzone.com so I don't miss you, it might say the clan is full or something though.


Cagen, can you check something for me .. is my Application to join the clan still pending? I was one of the first to apply when AJ still have ownership, so I assume all a Leader needed to do was accept it rather than send out an invite ..

Just wanted to know if there was a bug there because I'm not in and I remember on KZ.com that day I applied it said I joined a clan (about 50x in a row) on my Live Feed but didn't say what clan.


X-Frame said:
Cagen, can you check something for me .. is my Application to join the clan still pending? I was one of the first to apply when AJ still have ownership, so I assume all a Leader needed to do was accept it rather than send out an invite ..

Just wanted to know if there was a bug there because I'm not in and I remember on KZ.com that day I applied it said I joined a clan (about 50x in a row) on my Live Feed but didn't say what clan.

The "You have joined a clan" message was a bug on their website I think. I had it too before I even applied or came to this thread.
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