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Football Thread 2011/2012 | OT12 | All the clowns were offside...

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At some point a club has to take responsibility when their owners are really shitting the bed, though. That's what the board is there for.

Right, United fans?

Well. Yeah. What should we be disagreeing with?


We're owned by the Glazers. I don't know many fans who like the Glazers. I know some fans that don't mind them, but that's not the same thing.
Good. Rangers deserve it, you mess up, no second chances, back to the bottom you go.

1 abstention in the voting, I wonder if that was Celtic haha.


Imagine a EPL team went bankrupt, stopped paying their players and staff, stopped paying tax and then started themselves up as a new company (to dodge all their creditors) and then expected to still keep their standing in the league - would you feel that was fair?

This is totally unlike MUFC who are only in debt to the bank (for a loan that has been agreed and is being paid off - albeit very expensively and slowly)

My likening it to MUFC was just a joke anyway, like I said I didn't really know what happened with Rangers.

Indeed, if I were another club, I'd absolutely want them out if that is what they're guilty of doing.


Unconfirmed Member
What they did is wrong but my interest in the league has died down. I can't see the other teams strengthening enough to stop it from being a one team league for the next few years.


It would be a one team league even if this new club was voted in. All their players contracts are void and many have already left. They still have no money.

They'll be put in Division 1 and be back in a year or two, but this team isn't the same Rangers as before. No history.


My likening it to MUFC was just a joke anyway, like I said I didn't really know what happened with Rangers.

Indeed, if I were another club, I'd absolutely want them out if that is what they're guilty of doing.

Funnily enough I had started writing the reply before you mentioned MUFC :)

There's also a lot of hurt in the SPL/SFA due to the way Rangers (and Celtic) have dictated SPL policy for so long and kept so much of the money. I imagine a similar thing would happen in the unlikely event that Barca or Real Madrid had the same happen to them.


Gold Member
It would be a one team league even if this new club was voted in. All their players contracts are void and many have already left. They still have no money.

They'll be put in Division 1 and be back in a year or two, but this team isn't the same Rangers as before. No history.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were relegated to Division 3


I do feel a little bad for that. I tell you what, I'll paypal you it (£10?) if we sell Modric to Real Madrid. That's where the real money is.

£10. I backed AVB and Blanc (33/1) though. It was only ever going to be one of those.

Wow very nice! If Van Gaal or Adriaanse get the Holland job I'll be getting back the same amount amount as you did.

On a random note, I shed man tears watching this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z1r1VROXsw


Once And Future Member
Funnily enough I had started writing the reply before you mentioned MUFC :)

There's also a lot of hurt in the SPL/SFA due to the way Rangers (and Celtic) have dictated SPL policy for so long and kept so much of the money. I imagine a similar thing would happen in the unlikely event that Barca or Real Madrid had the same happen to them.
Right. Actually, SPL voting requires an 11-1 majority, so proposals (like sharing gate receipts) have always been blocked by Celtic and Rangers. Now that Rangers are out, the SPL clubs can force those kind of changes on Celtic - taking a large portion of revenue generated by Celtic supporters unfairly, splitting the TV money more evenly even though 90% of the games televised feature Celtic or Rangers and the subscriptions are paid by fans of those teams, etc.

Though I honestly don't mind if it means we have a more competitive league. I hope it gives teams like Aberdeen, Motherwell and Hearts the opportunity to compete more in Europe, too. Scottish football had become too dull, if anything this should liven things up a bit.


There were talks of Rangers buying an English club and playing here. To be honest Celtic and Rangers should have been in the English leagues a long time ago.


Gold Member
Just put Chronicle on.

Anyone watched it?

It's enjoyable to some degree, it's slow script is its downfall. I didn't like the ending much either.

There were talks of Rangers buying an English club and playing here. To be honest Celtic and Rangers should have been in the English leagues a long time ago.

Swansea could win that league, I wouldn't give much credit to Celtic or Rangers to be honest.


It's enjoyable to some degree, it's slow script is its downfall. I didn't like the ending much either.

Swansea could win that league, I wouldn't give much credit to Celtic or Rangers to be honest.

Celtic and Rangers aren't bad teams. They could hold their own in the BPL.
There were talks of Rangers buying an English club and playing here. To be honest Celtic and Rangers should have been in the English leagues a long time ago.
No thanks, don't want their bullshit down here.

They would be massive forces if they did, mind. Their current teams wouldn't do very well at all IMO but the money they'd make would soon change that. Would definitely by battling for the top 4 spots.


warrior showing off our third kit tonight are we going to be disappointed

I really liked the look of that leaked photo. I vastly prefer it to the away kit, and I might even buy it if I can find a really good deal in the future. Who knows, I might even go fully nuts and get Aquilani on the back, assuming he still plays for the club.


Once And Future Member
No teams will be moving league, UEFA won't have it. What happens then when the Dutch clubs want to move to Germany, the Portuguese clubs to Spain, the Scandinavian clubs, etc? It opens the floodgates and will destroy most national leagues.

Won't happen.

Fady K

First, Welcome to the *many* new members, enjoy your stay. The community here is absolutely wonderful and memorable.

Second, Took me forever I know. But I'd be lying if I said life is easier/better without a daily dose of footygaf. Late responses (some to comments made in OT11 lol!) below:

Seriously I hated Max within the first (forced to watch of course!) cutscene of the game, glad it bombed. So yeah, went back to battlefield, got RDR for ps3 after my 360 died, might try and finish that later.

That sucks, I thought the entirety of GAF loved MP3. The first 2 had potential in the plot department but Remedy did not do so well there - and the same goes for Alan Wake, where the plot was even more disappointing.




<3 you Messi. Jeff will be back soon and so Wil Willbury. Good times ahead.

My Jack Russell

It barks way too much! But she's cute!

Your dog is insanely cute!

BEAGLEEEEEEEEES (it's my moms, but i still consider it mine even if not living at home anymore!)

Beagles FTW!!!

Lung I want to personally thank you for killing any small amount of excitement I had left for playing LA Noire with your screenshots in the PC thread :/

I hear it looks worse in motion as well, on top of the game being pretty shit.

Hmmm...honestly L.A. Noire is one of those games that have such divided opinions. For me, the theme + noir + atmosphere absolutely blew me away. It's a VERY slow paced game, with a LOT of repetition, and the plot can be weak at times. The main problem with it is that, case-wise, it starts off far more interesting than it ends.

Spain away shirt is so nice!

Agreed. Such a beautiful shade of blue.

The thought just came into my head that maybe the reason Fady doesn't post here much is because the monsters we have become. He's ashamed of us.

I'd be surprised if I was ever be ashamed of you guys <3

Fady texted me calling you an utter labia, true story

It was Fady I swear

I don't even know what a labia is :p Hope to see you back here soon bro :]

KILLER7 said:
IMBRAHIMOVIC with the goal of the Euro's

Brilliant finish.

Agreed! Too bad he couldn't pull some of this stuff before they got knocked out.

Az said:
Love how my wife has been getting more and more into football lately. She actually watches the games with me and asks questions all the time. It's cute to watch her get all into it...

Man, that's awesome. I'm sure all of us would love to have football-appreciating wives!

Arnie said:
God I hate Ridley Scott.

Every one of his films has a deluge of different cuts that not only dilutes the importance of the theatrical cut but rakes in money. There was 20 minutes cut out of Prometheus that he'll no doubt introduce in a Directors Cut before christmas. At least in Prometheus it won't answer any of the questions though, it'll probably just invent a whole raft of convoluted questions.

While I love the director's cut stuff of his, what I loathe is how LONG some of the DXs take to arrive! God knows how many Blade Runner fans did not live long enough to watch the final cut.

Zabojnik said:
I urge everybody with a pair of working eyes and a blu-ray player to buy the 5-disc BR edition of Blade Runner. It's ... glorious. Amazing, amazing transfer and TONS of fantastic bonus features.

*Thumbs up* I'm a happy owner of this! The Alien Anthology is a very worthy mention as well. 60 hours of material!

Nope! Me too!

Good taste Yenrot : D (We were talking about Noomi Rapace, way, way back :p)

My list:

Anna Kendrick
Emma Stone (red hair, not gross blonde)
Alex Morgan
Rosie Jones
Ashley Greene
Mila Kunis
Charlize Theron

That's just off the top of my head though :/

Noomi seems cute, but I'll need to see one of her movies to form a better opinion. And Ellen Page is cute, but she is too tiny!

Good taste Awesome Animals! Besides Noomi and Ellen, my list contains Reese Witherspoon (save for DAT CHIN) and there's something attractive about Kristen Stewart...even though she has the look of a vampire IMO :p

I loved her in Prometheus.

She was oh so brilliant in it! Thought she was real cool in Sherlock Holmes: AGOS as well.

Oh and Fady, Noomi was smoking in Promethues although I'll agree that she's inconsistent with how she looks!

Your post nails it about her, as she looked her best in Prometheus. The hair too, kickass. She could look far prettier with that hair IMO.

Sorry man, she's really unattractive. :( She gets naked a few times in Dragon Tattoo and the sequels though so if you haven't seen the originals, get to it!

Haha! Even I think she can look unattractive at times to be honest. I have not seen that trilogy yet. I may watch the American one soon.

and Neville with a City fan


LOL at the Neville pic :p

He'll be the best ManU signing in a while, I feel it. I look forward to seeing his talent.


I found this quite funny.

Hopefully not old or the Xth repost :p



every company thinking every game should sell call of duty numbers is killing gaming.. I am all for more single player only experiences that I can buy for $30 with high production values and 5-6 hr of good story whether retail or xbox arcade..

I *perfectly* agree with you! The main joy I get out of gaming are high quality single player experiences = games with stories to tell and an interesting universe to explore.

H, let me introduce myself. dc89, resident PR expert.

Good to have you on board.

HAHA you always nail it bro :p

What a BADASS pic!

It's a million times better than ME2.

I don't know if I asked you yet, but I'm curious - having beaten the 2nd game but not the 3rd yet - why do you feel 3 is much better than 2? (No spoilers please ;D)

Fuck. I'm gonna get my penis out, take a picture and post it in his honour.


Guys, where is Fady?

At White Heart Lane :p
Join twitter Messi :0

He tweeted earlier today. He's in here, in our hearts.


Yes, this is a good question.

Working hours + Euro 2012 + Videogame backlog among other things gave me very little time to check out GAF :[ I'm balancing things out a little so, God willing, I hope to see more of you guys from now on :] How have you been man? Any imminent signings for Benfica?


Del Bosque's expression at the end :lol

LOL. This is perfect! Del Bosque looked like he was too tired to give a damn :p

Yurt providing more badass Pirlo pics. The guy deserved a better final!


Play.com posted that!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA. This is so awesome!!! I know most of my responses are like this but you guys post so much funny awesomeness that it can change one's mood for the better completely!

Balotelli is saying all the right things in his interviews. I hope he keeps it up heading into the new season. I really want to like him for other reasons than I already do.

Likewise man. He's full of potential, and he's only 21. It's always nice to see not just an athlete, but a human being in general, slowly transform to a better character.

Just finished the Chelsea season in review DVD and it was good other than the shit Chelsea TV Commentators for the FA Cup and the Champions League :/

I look forward to it! My order has not arrived yet. I wonder if Barcelona has a season review on DVD as well? I heard the DVD is lacking in content, which sucks because CFC have SO much content posted over their youtube channel and website that would make for some excellent extra content.

LOL. Good start to the window.

HAHA. Selling Bosingwa is like buying a new player :p

Congrats to Spain but can't help but a feel a tad sorry for Italy, played some fine football throughout the tournament and did not deserve to endure a historic defeat like this :( Hopefully Prandelli will be given a chance to continue since I think his attacking football has been enjoyable to watch :)

My sentiments exactly. A harsh ending for them, and they were very unlucky too. Prandelli should have stuck with the far superior formula that he used against Spain at the group stage. It would have made a more even final.

Andres Iniesta

MoTM World Cup Final 2010

MoTM European Championships Final 2012.

Best midfielder in the world.

I approve of this post!

Reading through the thread now, already see some football-gafers have been banned (like elsk and confuziz)


Also, who would have thought that Torres would have the golden boot of Euro 12, be a Euro 12 winner again, score in the final again, get an assist in the final, have a CL winners medal and FA Cup by the end of the season. :lol

For the bans - is it really because of that C word?

For Torres - I could not believe it either. Unbelievable! He'll be having a lot more playtime next season at his club.

Salazar, do you post on GAF while watching a movie as well? Some people think it's ridiculous, but lately I can't seem to finish a movie at one go, I always give it a pause to eat something or come by the forum.

That happens to me at times; unless I'm at the movies, I find it harder to finish a movie without a break these days :/ It feels more time consuming than it used to be. What I can't understand is how you guys can post during such tense games :p I'm still glad you all do, otherwise the thread would not be half as entertaining. Nothing is better than going back to the thread post-match and reading the posts when a crazy/unexpected goal has been scored :p

You're on PSN? Adding you up :D

still the best RE game


RE Remake is still the best RE game.

And Revelations is better than 4.

Revelations is better than 4? I've yet to play it but now I'm more hyped! MPW, RE4 is definitely the best "game" in the series IMO, though I think REmake is still the best RE game by far. It nailed the atmosphere and the horror - and the plot really works unlike the later games :/ Have you played it yet? Can't believe how good it looks for a 10 year old game.

Yeah that quote thingy won't work for Fady.

Or my brain.

You're right, it wouldn't :p It would confuse so many people too :p

Where is Fady these days?

I was thinking about posting this before. Maybe he's still working on that mega-post he promised us :(

I know this is not much of a mega-post guys :p But I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Fady is busy with work, but hopes to be back soon.

You know me : ]

My new shirt


Very nice buy, congrats man. I hope to pick up the away kit soon!!

Always loved him.



RESPECT to Casillas.

Freewheelin' has got me covered.. It's Michael Fassbender from Prometheus - Scullibundo's favourite movie ever.

Is that possible by the way? For Sculli to have a non-James Cameron film as his favorite :p?

Oh man, so happy for myself - I mean him! Will be interesting to see how he does. Surely you guys won't make fun of him as much as you used to in his Chelsea days :p J/K - congrats on the Sigurdsson (too tired to see if I spelled it right :p) purchase.

the new FCB signings

You guys picked up a LOT of players - and so early too. Maybe there are even more purchases in this transfer period. Should be a good season. Both my clubs picked up a total of 3 players only :p

Just asking because P3 is reduced on PSN at the moment and P4 comes out on Vita soon.

Both are highly praised RPGs, as you probably know. Like you I haven't played either but I guess that means we have 2 more awesome games to go through :) The Golden in particular will be gorgeous on the Vita!


Fady - ME3 is better because it has an actual storyline.

Also, without spoilers, ME3 portrays the Illusive Man like the character he is in the books far better than ME2 ever did. In ME2, you basically have no idea why he's notorious.

Can't really talk about it without spoiling but ME3 just feels so much superior to ME2 in every way.

edit: Viva has been saving that gif for this moment lol


Well, I'm in.

Nice interview with Lucas on Daily Mail, talks about how he's confident he can get back to the level he was at before the injury and won't lose his aggressive attitude.

Can't link because the Daily Mail is banned apparently.

Fady K




I don't blame you guys one bit. It's far too long for the posters concerned to read, let alone general posters.

Fady - ME3 is better because it has an actual storyline.

Also, without spoilers, ME3 portrays the Illusive Man like the character he is in the books far better than ME2 ever did. In ME2, you basically have no idea why he's notorious.

Can't really talk about it without spoiling but ME3 just feels so much superior to ME2 in every way.

edit: Viva has been saving that gif for this moment lol

Wow, you sure got me hyped more for ME3 now. Story is a huge factor for me! I look forward to playing it :)

Post of the year!





Mass Effect 3 was a huge letdown. The first still stands as the best in the series. 2 was amazing too. 3 just had "moments" of brilliance.


Mass Effect 3 was a huge letdown. The first still stands as the best in the series. 2 was amazing too. 3 just had "moments" of brilliance.

nope ME3 was great especially with the extended cut. 2 on the other hand felt like a giant cock block..


2 lacked a storyline. Can't really call it "amazing".

It was still lightyears ahead of 3, which was one of the most unsavoury gaming experiences I've had in years, and that's not even me being salty about the ending. By that point I couldn't give a fuck how it concluded; I'd just had to kill about 5 marauders and brutes on my own in some fugly rendering of London.


It was still lightyears ahead of 3, which was one of the most unsavoury gaming experiences I've had in years, and that's not even me being salty about the ending. By that point I couldn't give a fuck how it concluded; I'd just had to kill about 5 marauders and brutes on my own in some fugly rendering of London.

Agreed. 2 might not have progressed the story much, but it had great characters and dialogue. 3 was cringe worthy at points.


Agreed. 2 might not have progressed the story much, but it had great characters and dialogue. 3 was cringe worthy at points.

2 had great characters? Don't think we played the same game :lol

Argh I hate this topic. Let's not continue this please.
Stopped playing ME3 around exam time. I haven't started up since but I was about half way through so I've been dodging spoilers ever since. Spoilers:
Mordin's death hit me very hard. My favourite character..... just gone :'(. I don't if dc has played it yet but I think he'll feel/felt the same if it happens/happened.

The Mail just used the first Oscar pun. I expected The Sun to beat them to it.

edit: turns out they did
So, Bayern will "support" Breno in the future. I really want to see how they'll support him, Breno pretty much killed his career and life with the Bayern move...
Udinese said a few days ago they weren't going to sell Handanovic, and now he's off to Inter? Supposed to be one of the best keepers in the Serie A, so I'm guessing that's a good signing...


Gold Member
So, Bayern will "support" Breno in the future. I really want to see how they'll support him, Breno pretty much killed his career and life with the Bayern move...

It will be interesting to see how they support him, I remember the arson inquiry being reported in January during a rift between him and Heynckes, I wonder how Heynckes feels about him now.
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