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Football Thread 2011/2012 | OT12 | All the clowns were offside...

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Finale spoilers :
Gus death was borderline retarded. Was a great episode but dammit him walking out calmly with half his face blown off like that and falling down was stupid.

Finale spoilers:
I have no idea why people have such an issue with that scene haha

Personally, I wouldn't change a single thing from that finale. It was perfection.




Actually this "announcement" should've been made ages ago. Why the hell isn't this in the TOS, the FAQ, or stickied at the top of both forums. It's painful obvious this hasn't been clear or correctly enforced since... ever.


That's why I said I'd be willing to bite. I honestly don't care if I get banned. If they are going to ban users for trying to have an open discussion about clarification of rules, then fine. We haven't seen any explanation as to what is going on, and we are seeing inconsistent enforcement of the rules. If they are trying to reel us in because we got out of hand fine, but say something. Instead of ruling behind a curtain, tell us what's going on and let us police ourselves. The communities are the strongest part of NeoGAF, this isn't Gaming side or the OT.

Added you

I agree with you on all of this, but we can't act like some people in here didnt get way out of line with the use of the word. I want a clarification as much as the next guy, not that I ever use the word (bar that one time recently where I stepped over the line about pepe). I just don't like seeing people I am friendly with here getting banned. So i'd like clarification so you idiots stop getting banned :)

This banning and unbanning is fucked up though.
Definitely contextual, always. For example, I just said all four of those words, and you'll notice I'm not banned!

Generally speaking, if the word is clearly not intended to apply in a gender sensitive way -- if you use it as a synonym for "asshole" or "jerk" -- it will be fine.

But other uses are not fine. If you are applying it to a woman in a situation that might be even remotely gender-specific, be careful. Also, applying it to a man in such a way that you intend to emasculate them, or imply they are weak or pathetic, is also not appropriate. So, "stop being a bitch" is not appropriate, for example.

Context will always matter. While sometimes people are not moderated simply because we don't see the post (it happens), many times people complain that [Poster X] was banned for saying a bad word, but [Poster Y] was not, and people think this is unfair. As you say, however, context matters -- the same exact words can mean very different things coming from different people at different times.

This makes the rules harder to follow, I realize this. They are not hard, fast, simple rules. We are relying on your ability to be reasonable and mature, and in almost all cases you'll be fine if you do.

Again, feel free to send me PMs if you need. Thanks.

Wait....so it's fair game as long as we aren't attacking posters with it? Isn't that how it always was (and should be)?

What the fuck is even going on? :lol :lol
Still doesn't explain why some people get banned and binned, while others get banned, unbanned and let off with a slap on the wrists.

edit - Just read the post above. Still reeks of favouritism to me
Where did you get that Willkiller?

Bitch and cunt are in no way even close to insults like nigger and fag.

This is just plain silly.

I agree. I'm just going to sigh and decide that I'm going to approach this from the idea that it will just force us to be more creative in insulting each other and our least favorite players.


Bitch and cunt are in no way even close to insults like nigger and fag.

This is just plain silly.


Wait....so it's fair game as long as we aren't attacking posters with it? Isn't that how it always was (and should be)?

What the fuck is even going on? :lol :lol

Confused. The referee was called Cuneyt Cakir for fuck's sake! All I did was take out two letters!


I PM'd Opiate anyway.


Wait....so it's fair game as long as we aren't attacking posters with it? Isn't that how it always was (and should be)?

What the fuck is even going on? :lol :lol

"Cunt" is an extremely sexist and offensive slur for a vagina. When you use it to refer to someone or something you do not like, you are implicitly insulting all of the women on this board for their sex. That is unacceptable. I realize that this word does not have the same taboo in other English-speaking countries as it has in the United States, but that is not an excuse for using it.



I am so confused guys, do I pull the trigger and order the Barca away kit with Sergio on it. Maybe throw my support towards Pedro (hoping he does not get sold :( and support in hoping he regains his epic form) or get Jordi Alba on it who I am stupidly excited about?

I also want to add that Wilbury deserved his ban.


Never truer words spoken :p


I think leaving him out would raise unnecessary questions for the club right now.

Potentially, but it seems awfully short sighted, and is most likely digging a big hole for them if the rumours are true.

Once Borini's wrapped up I hope we go full tilt for Joe Allen. The guy's quality. Just offer Adam and £5 million or something.
I am so confused guys, do I pull the trigger and order the Barca away kit with Sergio on it. Maybe throw my support towards Pedro (hoping he does not get sold :( and support in hoping he regains his epic form) or get Jordi Alba on it who I am stupidly excited about?

Get Messi.
Potentially, but it seems awfully short sighted, and is most likely digging a big hole for them if the rumours are true.

Once Borini's wrapped up I hope we go full tilt for Joe Allen. The guy's quality. Just offer Adam and £5 million or something.

Dude, that's like £22million for Joe Allen. Afterall, Adam's set pieces are worth £10m alone ¬¬


Potentially, but it seems awfully short sighted, and is most likely digging a big hole for them if the rumours are true.

Once Borini's wrapped up I hope we go full tilt for Joe Allen. The guy's quality. Just offer Adam and £5 million or something.

God if Wilshere is not actually permacrocked but just undergoing a couple season long bans or some massive personal issues, I'm not sure whether I'd be overjoyed or really disappointed. having said that, I really really doubt the rumors are true if only because I feel like the FA would have done something, or indicated as such. as it is, they've been more than willing to let others paint him as not just Arsenal's sole savior but England's too. at the very least... wouldn't someone have told Roy?!

as for a career ending injury, jesus christ. I don't even know... with Arsenal, injury stories are far more believable. as it is, I definitely think Wenger rushed him back (remember all those stories about his "miraculous recovery" only for him to miss the rest of the season?) and got him injured again because his ankle clearly hadn't healed. that makes enough sense for me to believe without dipping my toes into the conspiracy theory pool of shit.


Dude, that's like £22million for Joe Allen. Afterall, Adam's set pieces are worth £10m alone ¬¬

Allen's worth £50 million, he's the Welsh Iniesta. It's only fair to use the Scottish Pirlo as a makeweight.

Also this 'cunt' flip flopping is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

God if Wilshere is not actually permacrocked but just undergoing a couple season long bans or some massive personal issues, I'm not sure whether I'd be overjoyed or really disappointed. having said that, I really really doubt the rumors are true if only because I feel like the FA would have done something, or indicated as such. as it is, they've been more than willing to let others paint him as not just Arsenal's sole savior but England's too. at the very least... wouldn't someone have told Roy?!

as for a career ending injury, jesus christ. I don't even know... with Arsenal, injury stories are far more believable. as it is, I definitely think Wenger rushed him back (remember all those stories about his "miraculous recovery" only for him to miss the rest of the season?) and got him injured again because his ankle clearly hadn't healed. that makes enough sense for me to believe without dipping my toes into the conspiracy theory pool of shit.
It's so damning of his current position that I'm more inclined to believe he's been put on false medical leave because of an illegal drug habit, or that he's actually harbouring a career threatening injury, rather than simply out with some routine but long standing health issue that'll eventually clear up. I don't think the club are helping by not clarifying it, and using him as a poster boy for their new kit.


Wierd when you go to order the new barca away kit on the official site the kit is a incredible rip off of 92 euro (expected) without printing. Add any name to the kit and it discounts the jersey to 84.99 with printing. This must be a mistake right? wonder if they will honour the sale if I buy it.


You guys are all going to catch up with the new season. This is going to be so good!

I want you all to reach S04E11 already.


From me

Is wanker allowed? That's a male-specific term. Or cock. I understand the reasoning behind it being some sort of vulgarity in America and some other places of course, but there's a distinct difference between me calling a footballer who's done something I dislike a cunt (and to me, that and wanker/twat/dickhead means the same thing) and calling a black footballer a nigger, or a gay footballer a faggot.

Contextually cunt seems fine to me, and while it may not be according to the ToS, I'd just require a little clarification regarding that as opposed to other words. When Sculli called Spider-Man a cunt, he obviously meant he's an arsehole, but used a word more colloquially used in America. When I called a referee called Cuneyt Cakir Cunt Cakir, I was being hilarious (maybe).

The problem isn't banning the word per se (its typing, I may not be able to restrain myself in person sometimes but I sure can over a computer), but banning it and keeping other gender-specific words or such things.


To me

After some discussion with other moderators, "wanker" is fine in most contexts. We'd prefer you didn't direct this at other posters; but a football player who does terribly and ruins the chances for your team are probably fair game.

I hope that helps you navigate the contextual minefield. Have fun.

So lots of wankers this year guyz
Does that mean the c-word is still off limits, even in that context?

please be careful with the spoilers. I know you will be :)
That is the most I'll say
If you could put your cock anywhere on your body, where would it be?

I'd replace my index and pointer finger with a thick veiny member. always erect, ready for a quick release whenever I needed it.

You guys are all going to catch up with the new season. This is going to be so good!

I want you all to reach S04E11 already.

I'm watching it now!!


You guys are all going to catch up with the new season. This is going to be so good!

I want you all to reach S04E11 already.

I will be caught up in time for the premier. Can't wait.

edit: So many people here are going to get banned, wait and see lol.


This is fine by me. I get to call Terry a cunt again, as long as I'm not trying to insult his manhood.

I don't think we can though. They say bitch is fine contextually, and wanker, but cunt seems off limits. Sculli was banned, as was Wilbury. People are obviously let off if they like Batman of course, because Batman's special.
I don't think we can though. They say bitch is fine contextually, and wanker, but cunt seems off limits. Sculli was banned, as was Wilbury. People are obviously let off if they like Batman of course, because Batman's special.
Well this was adressed in the Opiate post earlier this page, but with bitch as an example. One would assume the same rule applies with cunt.
I should feel bad that I'm still awake at 5 but this night has been eventful. History has been written tonight and I can tell my grandchildren that I was there on that fateful night
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