Is he playing Maggio in Napoli's upcoming movie 'Coppa Italia: Champions of Italy'?
I really like Homeland, but man, the 24-iness keeps creeping in. I hope they won't be taking the series down that road ...
Is he playing Maggio in Napoli's upcoming movie 'Coppa Italia: Champions of Italy'?
I really like Homeland, but man, the 24-iness keeps creeping in. I hope they're not taking the series down that road ...
I don't get these complaints. 24 was, in it's prime, one of the best shows on TV!
I don't usually talk about Gaffers that aren't part of this thread but Scullibudos love for Avatar is rather nauseating.
In the Star Wars thread he's trying to talk it up as one of the most important movies of this generation. It's eye candy with a wafer thin plot and poorly written characters.
I don't usually talk about Gaffers that aren't part of this thread but Scullibudos love for Avatar is rather nauseating.
In the Star Wars thread he's trying to talk it up as one of the most important movies of this generation. It's eye candy with a wafer thin plot and poorly written characters.
I don't get these complaints. 24 was, in it's prime, one of the best shows on TV!
Ever get embarrassed by your own teams fans? Going by the Villa boards you would think we just got relegated not made it into the last 8. Jesus, bloody negative brummies![]()
He's a bit delusional, but everyone shat on Avatar before it came out so I can only imagine how vindicated he must have felt when it crushed everyone else at the Box office. Plus, guy fucking loves James CameronI can respect that lol. He appreciates it for what it is, the "blockbuster" at its finest.
Ever get embarrassed by your own teams fans? Going by the Villa boards you would think we just got relegated not made it into the last 8. Jesus, bloody negative brummies![]()
I hope they pick it up soon, Villa fans have been quite demanding the last few years, dating back to O'Leary. Don't want Lambert to fail, I really like him.
I gave up because the plot was fucking boring and the character development dragged.I've never seen 24, Lost, Homeland, probably a whole lists of shows. I need to catch up on Boardwalk Empire though because I'm falling too far behind
I loved when your fans sang "Lets pretend, lets pretend, leeeeeeets pretend we scored a goal" and then started celebrating like crazy.
I don't like where it's headed either. But at least the main characters can actslowclap.gif
I really like Homeland, but man, the 24-iness keeps creeping in. I hope they won't be taking the series down that road ...
I've never seen 24, Lost, Homeland
You guys are harsh on Avatar :lol. It's serviceable in some areas and it's fantastic in others. I just enjoyed it because it was a great film to watch and it was a lot of fun, and, at the end of the day, it was just a well-made film. Structurally, visually, everything. It had everything you needed in a good ol' action filck: a compelling villain, high stakes, great action, etc. Formulaic, shallow? Sure, but no one gives a shit when the Avengers is pure formula.
You guys are harsh on Avatar :lol. It's serviceable in some areas and it's fantastic in others. I just enjoyed it because it was a great film to watch and it was a lot of fun, and, at the end of the day, it was just a well-made film. Structurally, visually, everything. It had everything you needed in a good ol' action filck: a compelling villain, high stakes, great action, etc. Formulaic, shallow? Sure, but no one gives a shit when the Avengers is pure formula.
Lol I'm sorry dude but Avatar was archetypical, derivative, predictable and boring.
smh dude. The first two are the pinnacle of modern classic television. Don't listen to the haters around here. Sure, both drop quality in the last two seasons, but the ride is second to none. There aren't other tv shows that are any similar to these two, and probably never will be.
And Homeland is my favorite show on air right now. Give it a try.
Hey - we agree on something!
Oh god oh god oh god. Sound the alarms!!
You like Mario Gomez dude. I question your taste
I will i'm just really bad about finishing shows i've, fallen behind on the walking dead lol
-the game and show
I enjoyed Avatar. That's enough for me. You guys didn't, fair enough.
I'm do think there's a bit of a double standard that's going on with "blockbuster" movies where people shit on Avatar but love the Avengers and other mediocre big budget movies, but that's neither here nor there. (Cue Sculli's favorite clip of Spielberg going "Nobody likes a winner.")
Still, at least both are better than Inception.
"Nobody loves a winner"? You do realise the Avengers took $1.5bn at the box office. Must just be people supporting the plucky underdog.
I don't even understand what point you are trying to make with your double standards comment.
The problem with discussing films with people who listen to Kermode on a regular basis is that they begin to inject him into their own critiquing persona. It's depressing, you can spot it a mile away, it happened today actually when I was talking about Skyfall. He even put on an accent.
I don't have a problem with you enjoying Avatar, Walrus, but when your reasoning falls down at the first hurdle you've got to expect a backlash. And when you say Inception's worse than Avatar, with the sole reason of being controversial (you and a few other film buffs on here do that about Inception), you've got to accept the frowns that come your way.
EDIT: Alright, fuck off Wilbury. Genuinely didn't see your post. That's eerie.
More proof that we are destined to be together. Just pop on your tablecloth and I'll come pick you up.
Man, gonna go see Skyfall again soon. Probably the best film I've seen this year.
I kind of agree. And Lost's up there in my favourite shows of all time. In 10 years, when I'm reminiscing about my teenage years I'll look back on Lost as a key part of my pop culture universe growing up. Me and my brother used to race out of the living room because we didn't want to be the last one in who'd have to turn off the telly, leaving them in complete darkness, after that freaky end jingle played.DOn't watch Lost.
Watching Lost on a marathon bluray is bollocks.
Lost was meant to be watched week over week, then come up with several theories, and be left dissapointed.
I enjoyed Avatar. That's enough for me. You guys didn't, fair enough.
I'm do think there's a bit of a double standard that's going on with "blockbuster" movies where people shit on Avatar but love the Avengers and other mediocre big budget movies, but that's neither here nor there. (Cue Sculli's favorite clip of Spielberg going "Nobody likes a winner.")
Still, at least both are better than Inception.
edit: Kermode shits on post-Jackie Brown Tarantino. I respect the man's opinion and can usually judge whether or not I will like a movie based off of his reviews but he's hardly always right.
I'm annoyed that my friends are going to see it tomorrow; I want a rewatch but Bond can go get fucked in his naughty blue secret service trackie if he thinks I'm missing Liverpool in the Capital One Cup.
Spending the entire day in the library tomorrow researching for an essay. I'll probably spend upwards of a tenner in the cafe.
As far as I'm concerned I don't give Hollywood movies a pass unless they're actually good. I haven't watched the Avengers so I can't comment on that one.
One thing I can't ever agree with is when people cite "good CG" for why they liked a movie. Nothing is impressive anymore. CG in movies just make them lifeless and dull. Recently I watched The Remains of the Day for the first time, having read and loved the book, and I was floored with the visual splendor. It's one of the most beautiful films I've seen and of course there wasn't even a hint of CG.
Many would subscribe to the belief that reducing restrictions leaves things more up to the directors to fully realize their vision, but I've always thought that limitations foster creativity.
edit: Kermode shits on post-Jackie Brown Tarantino. I respect the man's opinion and can usually judge whether or not I will like a movie based off of his reviews but he's hardly always right.
Avatar isn't anywhere near Inception's level. Inception had some masterful build up of tension, clever dialog, required a minimum of thought to process and had good characters.
It also has a subtler allegory and a satisfying finale. Avatar was the same stupid story done for the umpteenth time but with big blue people.
That's because JB is the only Tarantino film that isn't filled with characters who are Tarantino-clones.
Kill Bill isn't great, Basterds is.
Only CG that really impresses me these days is Fincher films. Zodiac probably has the best CG of any film I've ever seen. Hell, Fincher is probably the only director where you could tell me the story and characters were complete shit (Benjamin Button) and I'd pay money to go see it anyways because they're always stunning.
I really enjoy both Kill Bills but they're nowhere near the level of RD/PF/JB/IB. Haven't seen Death Proof yet, which is odd because I do love Tarantino but all the bad reviews have just made me wait until I'm in the mood for it one day.
Django looks fucking great though.
I'm missing our game, sigh. 24.50 to dress like a droog, I'll easy spend 30 quid out and I didn't even want to go as a fucking droog but fuck spending 50 quid on a costume.
I always forget Fincher made Social Network, its so different from everything else he's made, but its so entertaining.
My only problem with Tarantino is the dialogue. If it wasn't for that, as it often leaves me rolling my eyes rather than thinking "Oh QT, you're so crazy and cool" or whatever, I'd probably enjoy his recent films more. But I feel it makes every one of his films so samey and a bit boring.
Only CG that really impresses me these days is Fincher films. Zodiac probably has the best CG of any film I've ever seen. Hell, Fincher is probably the only director where you could tell me the story and characters were complete shit (Benjamin Button) and I'd pay money to go see it anyways because they're always stunning.
Meh, I didn't find it thought provoking at all. The script is fucking terrible and the action is shot horribly. Plus, there's no tension whatsoever, the rules of the world aren't clearly established at all, and there are no characters. It's like a nice case example of how awful the Matrix could have been if it didn't have two masterful directors at the helm. We can agree to disagree :lol
Still, I should probably check out that Remains of the Day adaptation. I'm a huge Ishiguro fan (though I didn't like the Never Let Me Go filmdunno if you've seen it).
My only problem with Tarantino is the dialogue. If it wasn't for that, as it often leaves me rolling my eyes rather than thinking "Oh QT, you're so crazy and cool" or whatever, I'd probably enjoy his recent films more. But I feel it makes every one of his films so samey and a bit boring.
Lol so true. Ever since Jackie Brown, Tarantino has basically recycled the same characters and formula for every movie he's made. Kill Bill is like a Tarantino Greatest Hits. Personally I couldn't stand it.
Basterds is great though. And I thought Death Proof was good too.
Pulp Fiction remains one of the greatest movies ever made IMO.
Fuck that. I'm dressing in standard attire tomorrow (with perhaps a smidge of fake blood) and if anyone questions it I'll just say I died fully clothed in my sleep.