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Football Thread 2013/14 |OT5| Levy to Woodward "You're nobody. Pass me the ball"

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Off topic, but I've never seen anyone quite so violently puritanical toward sexuality as video game fans.

On topic, Barcelona probably just operating under standard business procedure like elseano said, but you have to admit it doesn't sound good at all on their end.



Not only did you completely confuse me with another poster, you didn't even spell that posters name correctly anyway. Exactly how drunk are you
What do you do? You have cancer, you are nobody.

You will pass the ball to me.

You are here to play for me.

Considering how terminal you are, I've no idea how you cost so much.





Not only did you completely confuse me with another poster, you didn't even spell that posters name correctly anyway. Exactly how drunk are you

I always mix you two up. Sorry. I also deliberated over whether there was an I in there but didn't feel like checking.


Jones is fucking tragic at right back. Playing with him and Valencia on the same side literally makes me want to shit on a bible in anger


Jones is fucking tragic at right back. Playing with him and Valencia on the same side literally makes me want to shit on a bible in anger

I always - literally every fucking time - think he is going to turn inside and ever so fucking helpfully expose the ball to the pressuring player. And possibly put in a shit backpass.

If you're so fucking limited, just smack it up the line.


il capo silenzioso
*a couple of years ago*

Zinedine Zidane: "Mesut Özil is my successor. I've never seen such quality in a player."



Jones was good against the Madrid away game playing in defense midfield.

He did a decent job against Bale and Fellaini we we played their clubs too. However, his entire job was to stick to his man, put in challenges and make sure they didn't get too much time on the ball. He was a non entity when we had possession. He's good at bursting forward with the ball but don't ask him to play a controlled, possession based game from midfield. He's useless at that.
He did a decent job against Bale and Fellaini we we played their clubs too. However, his entire job was to stick to his man, put in challenges and make sure they didn't get too much time on the ball. He was a non entity when we had possession. He's good at bursting forward with the ball but don't ask him to play a controlled, possession based game from midfield. He's useless at that.

Yep, he's like having a man down when you have the ball.
Jones was good against the Madrid away game playing in defense midfield.

He was good at tracking Ronaldo, and fuck all else.

He did a decent job against Bale and Fellaini we we played their clubs too. However, his entire job was to stick to his man, put in challenges and make sure they didn't get too much time on the ball. He was a non entity when we had possession. He's good at bursting forward with the ball but don't ask him to play a controlled, possession based game from midfield. He's useless at that.

I hate seeing Jones being put in that role. It's basically saying we aren't good enough to play like we usually do so we'll be really defensive. The attack suffers as a result.
I thought that Zlatan book was just the old one? Seems like he has at least told it all before. I like this bit

Jose Mourinho is a big star. He’d been my manager at Inter. He’s nice. The first time he met my partner Helena, he whispered to her: ‘Helena, you have only one mission: feed Zlatan, let him sleep, keep him happy.’ That guy says whatever he wants. I like him. He’s the leader of his army. But he cares, too. He would text me all the time at Inter, wondering how I was doing. He’s the exact opposite of Pep Guardiola.

If Mourinho lights up a room, Guardiola draws the curtains. I guessed that Guardiola was trying to match up to him.

Mourinho would become a guy I was basically willing to die for.

Already during the 2008 European Championship I was told that Mourinho, my new manager at Inter Milan, was going to phone me, and I thought: ‘Has something happened?’

He just wanted to say: ‘It’ll be nice to work together, looking forward to meeting you’ — nothing remarkable, but he was speaking in Italian. I didn’t get it. Mourinho had never coached an Italian club. But he spoke the language better than me! He’d learned the language in three weeks, I couldn’t keep up. We switched to English, and then I could sense it: this guy cares. After the match against Spain I got a text message.

‘Well played,’ he wrote, and then gave me some advice and I stopped in my tracks. I’d never had that before. A text message from the coach! I’d been playing with the Swedish squad, which was nothing to do with him. Still, he got involved. I felt appreciated.

Sure, I understood he was sending those texts for a reason. He wanted my loyalty, but I liked him straight away. He works twice as hard as all the rest. Lives and breathes football 24/7. I’ve never met a manager with that kind of knowledge about the opposing sides. It was everything, right down to the third-choice goalkeeper’s shoe size.

It was a while before I met him. He’s elegant, he’s confident, but I was surprised. He looked small next to the players but I sensed it immediately: there was this vibe around him.

He got people to toe the line, and he went up to guys who thought they were untouchable and let them have it. He stood there, only coming up to their shoulder, and didn’t try to suck up to them. He got straight to the point: ‘From now on, you do it like this.’ Can you imagine! And everybody started to listen. They strained to take in every shade of meaning in what he was saying. Not that they were frightened of him. He was no Fabio Capello, who was a demon manager.

Mourinho created personal ties with the players with his text messages and his knowledge of our situations with wives and children, and he didn’t shout.

He built us up before matches. It was like theatre, a psychological game. He might show videos where we’d played badly and say: ‘So miserable! Hopeless! Those guys can’t be you. They must be your brothers, your inferior selves,’ and we nodded. We were ashamed.

‘I don’t want to see you like that today,’ he would continue. ‘No way,’ we thought. ‘Go out there like hungry lions,’ he added.

‘In the first battle you’ll be like this . . . ’ He pounded his fist against the palm of his open hand. ‘And in the second battle . . . ’

He gave the flip chart a kick and sent it flying across the room, and the adrenaline pumped inside us, and we went out like rabid animals. I felt increasingly that this guy gives everything for the team, so I want to give everything for him. People were willing to kill for him.

There was one thing that really bothered me: no matter what I did, there was never any hint of a smile.

I was doing totally amazing things, but Mourinho had a face like a wet weekend. One time we were playing Bologna and I scored a goal that was absolutely insane. It was later voted goal of the year. Mourinho stood there stony-faced.

What the hell is it with that man? I thought. If he doesn’t react to a thing like that, what does get him going? One way or another, I was going to make that man cheer. It happened, but only once we had won three titles and I was top goalscorer.

Mourinho, the man with the face of stone, the man who never batted an eyelid, had woken up. He was like a madman. He was cheering like a schoolboy, jumping up and down, and I smiled: ‘So I got you going, after all. But it took some doing.’


I thought that Zlatan book was just the old one? Seems like he has at least told it all before. I like this bit

From his biography it sounds like Zlatan is the kind of man who only appreciates people who suck his dick. If you blame him for doing something wrong he will kick you and break your neck.

Like a child. No maturity. No diplomacy.


Klopp commenting on Ozil.
"I do not care which player will play against us in the UEFA Champions League," Klopp said.

"But Mesut is a football grenade. No one really knows why he was sold. Maybe Real Madrid needed the money?"

Klopp added: "Real Madrid chairman Florentino Perez wanted to have Gareth Bale, of course, and he paid 100million Euros.

"Florentino Perez once even bought Hochtief (the German construction company). Maybe he just doesn't know in the mornings what he is about to do with his money when the evening comes."

"In the future all of this will be yours".
From his biography it sounds like Zlatan is the kind of man who only appreciates people who suck his dick. If you blame him for doing something wrong he will kick you and break your neck.

Like a child. No maturity. No diplomacy.

You must not have read that post you just quoted. He pretty clearly says Mou often did exactly that, with even getting the team to watch themselves playing terribly.

Zlatan is obviously a child though.


il capo silenzioso
Everyone should read Pirlo's autobiography. It's coming out in English very soon.

It's fucking HILARIOUS.


You must not have read that post you just quoted. He pretty clearly says Mou often did exactly that, with even getting the team to watch themselves playing terribly.

Zlatan is obviously a child though.

I did read that but that was more of a group exercise and he was not being singled out. I meant if you took him to one side and said you screwed up, he would knock your head off your shoulders. Atleast it seems like that.


Why do GAME have some stupid automated woman giving me a ton of options? Just put me through to someone in the store ffs.


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Btw goddamn it guys is there any way I could watch Serie A on tv in Japan? sigh fml
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