I don't mind cooking, but it can be really monotonous at times.
I made a shepherd's pie from scratch the other day and it took forever. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Try making pasta from scratch, takes about 2 hours all in all. Tasty though.
I don't mind cooking, but it can be really monotonous at times.
I made a shepherd's pie from scratch the other day and it took forever. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Obviously thats an extreme case, but I bet you could get more raw chicken for a cheap price and make your own teriyaki chicken with some side vegetables and have leftovers.
Hey man, I can drink beer and talk shit while I cook.
Getting friends and family involved in the cooking makes it a better experience overall because everyone eating has a sense of worth.
It's like 50p to buy a big bag of pasta from ASDA, RanddalfTry making pasta from scratch, takes about 2 hours all in all. Tasty though.
I'm up for some clubs if you guys don't mind another player?
Chicken...cheap? It's like £4 for two breasts in tesco. Best price I've found is £10 for 2kg at the local market
PC, PS3, 360?
nice supermacsYou don't get action like that at the Suparbowl
nice supermacs
I don't mind cooking, but it can be really monotonous at times.
I made a shepherd's pie from scratch the other day and it took forever. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Sucks their are only 2 Supermacs up here. I actually worked in supermacs one summerWhy have McDonalds when you can have a Supermacs?
PS3 of course #superiorconsole
It sucks making food because it takes forever to cook and clean up and then you finish eating in like 15 minutes. Just doesn't seem worth it.
Efficiency in the kitchen is key, almost nothing you cook will need to be watched over constantly.... You cooking meat or veg? Put it in the pan or oven and clean the cutting board and knives you just used....
Efficiency in the kitchen is key, almost nothing you cook will need to be watched over constantly.... You cooking meat or veg? Put it in the pan or oven and clean the cutting board and knives you just used....
Some FIFA 14 Pro Clubs stuff. Doesn't look that differentLooking forward to starting again!
Also a terrible FIFA 14 Tim Cahill Celebration video
Agbolanhor is my new hero
Even funnier is 13yr old girls sending gabby death threats.
Somehow nothing pisses me of more than having to hear about cricket when I'm starved of football. Just hearing the word cricket makes me angry
You'd think if you had that much money you'd get a decent haircut.
It's on PS3. Pm me your psn.I'm up for some clubs if you guys don't mind another player?
Even funnier is 13yr old girls sending gabby death threats.
I'm not up to date with the slang, I assume - given the description of fans - that One direction is a nickname for Liverpool? Either that or some teen band.
My gf saw my tweet telling one of them to grow the fuck up. All of a sudden I'm in the wrong.
Gf pls. Pls understand. Fanatic One direction fans are just utter, utter cunts who are not immune from a bit of bantz.
Oh. But it's ok for them to give death threats.
I don't think I have ever vomited from getting hit. The fuck is the matter with him?
I'm not up to date with the slang, I assume - given the description of fans - that One direction is a nickname for Liverpool? Either that or some teen band.
One direction is a nickname for Liverpool?
Your girlfriend is right.
I don't think I have ever vomited from getting hit. The fuck is the matter with him?
Soft shit innit
How do you type the Claire shoutCOME ON THE BANNER