Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
Titan or Warlock?
Warlock looks better.
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
I've sent you a friend requestTitan
Wrecking ball. I got my first hate message last night. Titan + Fusion Rifle = ahahahahahaha
Bonucci went hard on him after yesterday's match well, saying that he needs to improve his character and so on. He's basically Conte's mouthpiece at this point in time, so, yeah. With Zaza and Immobile going good & El Shaa and Destro right behind them ... Gonna be hard for Balo.
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm in such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
Hummels: Bayern hat seit Jahren Probleme mit uns
Titan or Warlock?
Warlock looks better.
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm in such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
Reported to the FBI
You're going to kill someone on the road texting.
[quote="DBT85, post: 129302609"]Yurt pls.[/QUOTE]
g-guys...I can't be the only one ;_;
THERE WE GO! *high five*That's why I gave up on the Xperia Z
I'm over getting bad results with Juve, it'll be the norm from now on.We play on Saturday bae.
Gone Titan.Hunter bb.
I really want my Iron Banner cloak back.![]()
Gone Titan.
Games look amazing.
Texting while driving is so fucking dumb. Gotta be a complete idiot to do it.
honestly I'm never drunk when I drive please believe me.
spoken like a true noob. I can text anywhere, even while climbing a mountain. You gotta pick your moments
The only people who fundamentally disagree with the existence of FFP are fans of clubs who fail it
Take your medicine City, and understand that you've pretty much esaped the worst of it since you built most of your squad before it came into effect. Consider yourselves lucky that you weren't pulled up for your blatantly corrupt sponsorship deals as well
Fuck big phones. Can't text and drive with them and they kill my pinky ;_;
I'm in such a good mood today, that you just KNOW something fucking horrible is gonna happen tomorrow :lol
I disagree with ffp
but what a waste of a good head :lolGet road head, it's the lesser evil.
But I dont want you to die. I need you to live.
What the fuck is going on with his cheek
Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris 5m
Woodward turns to discussing new Man Unitd noodle sponsor
So how is Destiny?
Genuine question: what happened?
No, we won't, because he's a petulant child. Will Brendan fix that? We'll see I guess
Destro is shit just throwing that out there. Fuck Destro.
We're fucked on Sunday, juvebros. Chiellini and Barzagli both injured.
No time like the present to introduce that 4-3-3, Allegri. Otherwise we're looking at Di Natale vs. Ogbonna-Bonucci-Caceres and I can't even.
Just started. Have no idea what the blade dancer is lol.The Titan super is pretty boss.
dat golden gun tho
I was gonna upgrade to bladedancer, but I don't know if I want to anymore.