That is an obscene pass.
Fabio Capello: "I tried to sign Messi on loan for Juventus"
Out of context this is pretty amusing. Was Marrotta around at that time? I'm guessing not.
So we had Henry, but fucked up, and could've had C. Ronaldo (Salas refused to move to Portugal and the deal fell through) and Messi.
Sell the club.
I remember newspapers reporting we were in for Ronaldo and Gerrard back in 2006, before it happened. What could have beenSo we had Henry, but fucked up, and could've had C. Ronaldo (Salas refused to move to Portugal and the deal fell through) and Messi.
Sell the club.
What would have happened to Messi's development under Capello though?
Did you ever even try playing Henry as a striker?
At least Juve got Vidal lol.
Fuck Strootman.
If we're signing a cm from Roma then it has to be Pjanic.
Fuck Strootman.
If we're signing a cm from Roma then it has to be Pjanic.
Fuck Strootman.
If we're signing a cm from Roma then it has to be Pjanic.
Fuck Strootman.
If we're signing a cm from Roma then it has to be Pjanic.
Just saw Hellboy 2 again. What an awesome movie.
Is Hellboy 3 gonna be made?
Fuck Strootman.
If we're signing a cm from Roma then it has to be Pjanic.
Pjanic? Hah i hope so, yet another player who is shit at any defensive work for United.
Another advanced playmaker type who doesn't have an ounce of ball winning skills is exactly what you need.
Isn't Ron Perlman like FootballFan old now?
If we're gonna be shit defensively then we may as well have a bit of style about it.
Clegg pls be sensible
I'm actually the opposite, French Revolution is actually more exciting to me (the history is fascinating) than that Pirate stuff. As fun as sailing ships may be, it's not what I play that series for. Unity will probably be the first one I play since Revelations (which was just dull).
I mean that's fair enough, but for me the French Revolution is the coldplay of possible historical settings
Overplayed, over analysed and nowhere near as interesting as folk make out. It's really bland history.
I mean that's fair enough, but for me the French Revolution is the coldplay of possible historical settings
Overplayed, over analysed and nowhere near as interesting as folk make out. It's really bland history.
History is always interesting imo m8.
In b4 "ff you were there "
YOu snitching?
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
Surgery was a success. They pushed the nose back in to place without needing to do any cutting or re-breaking and they hoovered up my polyps too. The feels of breathing properly again once I'm fully healed will be glorious.
Then I received the news I was expecting but still dreading - my grandfather died earlier today.
Mixed emotions this day has been.
If we're gonna be shit defensively then we may as well have a bit of style about it.