I did. here it is below.
And then your follow up:
But the problem is, I don't buy your reasoning. You said "Way to go". When you use that phrase it's implying that someone has done something foolish, or is an idiot. As in "Way to go asshole, look what you you just did" And you made it clear who you blamed. "Way to go SPL". It's pretty clear that either you made the post in haste, without thinking it through or you didn't understand the full context of why there is now no old firm fixture. If I'm capable of misreading it, then so are most posters. I'm just ensuring that no-one in this thread who might know very little about Scottish football will come away with the impression that the SPL are to blame. Something that Rangers fans would very much like the world to believe. (I'm not calling you a Rangers fan, I would never want to tar someone with that particular brush).