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Football Thread |OT14| Only Wilbury's belly is smoother than BAAAYEEERNs season

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For what it's worth, I like laughing at Liverpool too!

I hate United more though.

You guys aren't seeing my point if you think it's just me getting angry because people are having a laugh at the club I support. It'd be unfair to restrict it to one club because Barca, Bayern, Juve, Chelsea and Arsenal all get shit. I've said my peace at this point and I'm not going to bring it up anymore.


This is probably not going to be popular, but it has to be said.

I just can't believe that the Liverpool fans are not more pissed off about the relative poor performance of their team over the life of the premier league and especially over the past 5 or so years.

Quite frankly, your team has been shit, your club has been run badly, you have been led up the garden path about the prospect of your team improving so many times that you should all be landscape gardeners, and on top of it all, you complain when someone points out these simple facts to you.

No other group of fans is as delusional as you lot. Take the criticism, stand proud and say " You know what, fuck it, we're shit and we're proud of it".

I think you would all get a lot more sympathy from fans of other teams if you all did that instead of constantly playing the victim card all the time.


What the fuck is so unbelievable and weird about that quote? He's clearly talking about the years ahead, and like most managers is being positive about his team instead of saying what you'd really like here in Manchester United OT: "we're shit and we're gonna be shit for a few years at least, so who gives a fuck?"

Disgraceful, child like behavior from you lot.

Must be a cultural thing. I think if a coach said it (or something akin to it) here in the US it wouldn't be blinked at.


I don't think Rodgers uses the media well.

Having said that, I do think he's very cautious of the fact that he's stepped into a job after tumultuous seasons under Dalglish and Hodgson, so that has a lot to do with the optimism. Liverpool had a hard enough time winning home matches last season, no need to give the supporters any reason to turn on him and make that job even more difficult. (Plus, if the team isn't performing, then ultimately the person on the line will be the manager, not the players, and obviously he doesn't want to be fired.)

Still, I lol'd at some of his various comments over the course of this tie. I think his blind optimism can be a bit grating; you don't have a perfect away leg and lose 2-0, etc.


This is probably not going to be popular, but it has to be said.

I just can't believe that the Liverpool fans are not more pissed off about the relative poor performance of their team over the life of the premier league and especially over the past 5 or so years.

Quite frankly, your team has been shit, your club has been run badly, you have been led up the garden path about the prospect of your team improving so many times that you should all be landscape gardeners, and on top of it all, you complain when someone points out these simple facts to you.

No other group of fans is as delusional as you lot. Take the criticism, stand proud and say " You know what, fuck it, we're shit and we're proud of it".

I think you would all get a lot more sympathy from fans of other teams if you all did that instead of constantly playing the victim card all the time.

So basically what you're saying is that Liverpool are going to win the league next year?

Look, you can't all be part of the greatest football family in the world™. Stop projecting your jealousy on to the thread.



A married couple in Germany are taking legal action because they say they are being disturbed by a Borussia Dortmund flag flying in a neighbour's garden.

A spokesman for Arnsberg administrative court, Klaus Buter, declined to name the couple, in line with German privacy regulations. He said on Friday that the case will not be heard for a few months, "until summer at the earliest."

The local Der Westen newspaper identified the couple as Jutta and Walter H from the town of Hemer, about 16 miles south-east of Dortmund.

They said the sound of the black-and-yellow banner flapping prevents them from reading a book in peace. "I couldn't care less what is hanging there, it's a nuisance," Jutta H told the newspaper.

Her husband said the complaint had nothing to do with the team. He said he is a Duisburg fan but has not been to a game since the late 1970s. "This is only about the inconvenience," the 62-year-old man said.

A spokesman for Dortmund, Sascha Fligge, said the club stays out of disputes among neighbours.


In other gaming news my GF got an email from the company who is the lead creative agency on all Nintendo of Europes stuff.

Asking her to review a Nintendo 3DS XL and Style Boutique! Can't wait to have a go of the 3DS XL, but I know for a fact when it goes back I'll feel like crap, stuck with my OG 3DS.


In other gaming news my GF got an email from the company who is the lead creative agency on all Nintendo of Europes stuff.

Asking her to review a Nintendo 3DS XL and Style Boutique! Can't wait to have a go of the 3DS XL, but I know for a fact when it goes back I'll feel like crap, stuck with my OG 3DS.

Your GF is even getting more opportunity to PR than you :lol :lol

I need to get a 3DS or 3DS XL in time for Pokemon. Will just get whichever is cheapest come the time.


Ramos says he supports Barça when they play against foreigners. lol, Ramos. He's so eager to move to Catalunya.


Should take Sara Carbonero with him. Won't somebody shut her up? "Oh, Casillas am sadz, because reasonsz. I is his gfz, I know wat is best for him. BAD MOURINHO!".
It's a healthy attitude, heck, I support you Benfica cunts in europe, but yeah being a player and with the controversy that surrounds both teams, he really shouldn't be saying that. Oh and also yeah, fuck Carbonero, Mourinho probably didn't respond to her calls about some exclusive interview ages ago or something and she's mad about it and using her position as the Cptn's GF to stir some shit. She needs to stfu.

So fucking good.

Messi spiralling down to mediocrity confirmed.
I know that noone takes Footballfan's posts seriously, but I did some research and it really was candy haha



The DM says Bridge, Santa Cruz and K. Toure earn £15m annually. That'd work out to £1.25m a month or £312.5k per week. #basedhughes

Not sure if I believe that number but it seems feasible.


Can't believe Pistorius got bail.

Why shouldn't he? He is clearly not going to abscond as he is one of the most recognisable faces in South Africa.

The man is a murderous cunt, but he has a right to a fair trial and part of that is getting bail so he can prepare a defence.

The only reason to deny bail is if he was a flight risk, or likely to reoffend.


Why shouldn't he? He is clearly not going to abscond as he is one of the most recognisable faces in South Africa.

The man is a murderous cunt, but he has a right to a fair trial and part of that is getting bail so he can prepare a defence.

Well taking into consideration the woefully low bail and the fact that his defence hasn't really been strong up til now, letting him go away and come up with whatever shit helps him get off - and I'm relatively sure he'll get off - just seems a tad unsavoury to me.


Well taking into consideration the woefully low bail and the fact that his defence hasn't really been strong up til now, letting him go away and come up with whatever shit helps him get off - and I'm relatively sure he'll get off - just seems a tad unsavoury to me.

A bail or committal hearing is not about how strong his defence is, it is only about whether he has a case to answer and whether he is a flight risk.


A bail or committal hearing is not about how strong his defence is, it is only about whether he has a case to answer and whether he is a flight risk.

He should be answering the case better first time round. I'm not going to pretend I know all about the legal system, but regardless of whether you can keep him there or not, now he's got more time to go prepare whatever crock of wank will keep him out of prison.

Whole thing smacks of OJ all over again.


What the fuck is so unbelievable and weird about that quote? He's clearly talking about the years ahead, and like most managers is being positive about his team instead of saying what you'd really like here in Manchester United OT: "we're shit and we're gonna be shit for a few years at least, so who gives a fuck?"

Disgraceful, child like behavior from you lot.
It's literally pathetic and a sad indictment of a few of them. Nothing out of order with what Rodgers said, I'm very proud of the way our team and our fans behaved last night, and I'm positive about our future.
What the fuck is Arnie doing wearing shorts so much at his age
Playing football?


He should be answering the case better first time round. I'm not going to pretend I know all about the legal system, but regardless of whether you can keep him there or not, now he's got more time to go prepare whatever crock of wank will keep him out of prison.

Whole thing smacks of OJ all over again.

Well does it really matter? I mean his career is done, I figure for him that's almost as bad as going to prison is. I feel bad for his victims family, though.
He should be answering the case better first time round. I'm not going to pretend I know all about the legal system, but regardless of whether you can keep him there or not, now he's got more time to go prepare whatever crock of wank will keep him out of prison.

Whole thing smacks of OJ all over again.

Tbf it's called being innocent until being proven guilty. You can't expect people to stay imprisoned until they have been sentenced (which only comes after a full trial or confession) unless it is shown he is a flight risk, a threat to the public or is likely to interfere with the administration of justice.


I remember my jury service. Bloke on trial for running over someone with his motorbike.

The defence challenged me and I got sent home. Bit disappointed

What was it they didn't like about you?

probably the fact that you're a man u fan most likely


Let's celebrate:


no that's not his age, tomorrow Heynckes will participate in his 1000th league game as either manager or player.


Tbf it's called being innocent until being proven guilty. You can't expect people to stay imprisoned until they have been sentenced (which only comes after a full trial or confession) unless it is shown he is a flight risk, a threat to the public or is likely to interfere with the administration of justice.

but i want him to


Tbf it's called being innocent until being proven guilty. You can't expect people to stay imprisoned until they have been sentenced (which only comes after a full trial or confession) unless it is shown he is a flight risk, a threat to the public or is likely to interfere with the administration of justice.

South Africa seems fuckin mental though.

I remember a student last semester went a little bit crazy at a tutor, when we were reading Coetzee, saying that she had no right to talk about the place, no idea what she was talking about etc.

I mean, conventional uppity first-year tantrum, but there does seem to be a phenomenal social distance to apprehend about what's going on there.

What was it they didn't like about you?

Beard. Green shirt. Spark of manic eagerness in me eyes, innit.


Let's celebrate:


no that's not his age, tomorrow Heynckes will participate in his 1000th league game as either manager or player.

He looks like a randy old doctor who prescribes anal as medicine. Let us all toast Jupp.

Mancini laying smack down on Arsene:

But I'm not Arsène Wenger. We're different. I want to win.

I may have taken this quote out of context.

Also confirms interest in Cavani, Falcao, Suarez and Neymar, but dances around the subject and speaks flirtatiously of them being difficult to buy.


Gold Member
lol fenerbahce fans managed to parachute flares into the stadium last night despite the game being played in an empty stadium.


Also confirms interest in Cavani, Falcao, Suarez and Neymar, but dances around the subject and speaks flirtatiously of them being difficult to buy.

Suarez wouldn't be that tricky.

80% of Liverpool fans have agonisingly convinced themselves that he's more or less too good for them anyway.

Brodgers wouldn't take that much of a hit if he went.

And he'd have coins to throw at a refurbished defence and a proper goalkeeper.


South Africa seems fuckin mental though.

I remember a student last semester went a little bit crazy at a tutor, when we were reading Coetzee, saying that she had no right to talk about the place, no idea what she was talking about etc.

I mean, conventional uppity first-year tantrum, but there does seem to be a phenomenal social distance to apprehend about what's going on there.

Beard. Green shirt. Spark of manic eagerness in me eyes, innit.

I've met quite a few south Africans... none that I've ever liked though.
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