Man Utd are effective, but aren't particularly enjoyable to watch.
Man Utd are effective, but aren't particularly enjoyable to watch.
The Departed and NCFOM. Now these are worthy winners.
France - Nintendo's stronghold in Europe. Sold 120k WiiU in 2012.
The Departed was really good, but it felt like the Academy gave the Oscar to Scorsese just to say: "We're sorry we didn't give you one for Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, etc."
Really fucking good film though.
And I just re-watched Pineapple Express, hilarious film.
I had this idea once on how to promote technique and flair.
For every goal scored produced by one touch made by a X amount of players, the team would get 1 point. For instance,
Scholes, Kagawa, Cleverly, Rooney all have one touch and RVP scores from one of their passes = 1 point. This is on top of any result. That's 4 players passing to the goal scorer. When it involves 5 players = 2 points.
Wenger had a similar idea a few years back but he wanted to award an extra point depending on how many goals you scored in a match.
Meus is truly insane
Is that good? Context DC, context!
Well it's a shame he didn't get one before for all the mentioned classics. Same goes for Nolan, give this man his Oscar!
I had this idea once on how to promote technique and flair.
For every goal scored produced by one touch made by a X amount of players, the team would get 1 point. For instance,
Scholes, Kagawa, Cleverly, Rooney all have one touch and RVP scores from one of their passes = 1 point. This is on top of any result. That's 4 players passing to the goal scorer. When it involves 5 players = 2 points. We'd get some great football out of it
Wenger had a similar idea a few years back but he wanted to award an extra point depending on how many goals you scored in a match.
Nolan doesn't deserve one yet
QT deserves one more than him![]()
I had this idea once on how to promote technique and flair.
For every goal scored produced by one touch made by a X amount of players, the team would get 1 point. For instance,
Scholes, Kagawa, Cleverly, Rooney all have one touch and RVP scores from one of their passes = 1 point. This is on top of any result. That's 4 players passing to the goal scorer. When it involves 5 players = 2 points. We'd get some great football out of it
Wenger had a similar idea a few years back but he wanted to award an extra point depending on how many goals you scored in a match.
Meus is just trolling
Well considering what won the last years The Prestige, Inception and The Dark Knight are Oscar worthy movies.
And hey, QT gets his writing skills rewarded.
I don't think he is to be honest.
So in essence an entirely new sport?
The Departed was really good, but it felt like the Academy gave the Oscar to Scorsese just to say: "We're sorry we didn't give you one for Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, etc."
Really fucking good film though.
And I just re-watched Pineapple Express, hilarious film.
I think the problem is that Meus just doesn't like football. It's not what he wants it to be.
To be honest I don't think there is a homogeneous idea of what football is
Who cares, The Departed is his best movie anyway.
Sure there is. You score more goals, you win. That's football.
Interesting. What makes you say that considering the aim would still be to score in order to win games?
Matchday madness for NUFC supporters:
....I meant in how it should be played, not in what the aim should be
Just when you think Fry has taste he strikes again. Sthp!
Who cares, The Departed is his best movie anyway.
The Departed is his best movie PERIOD.
Interesting. What makes you say that considering the aim would still be to score in order to win games?
You'd lose all the dynamism and variety of football as it'd only reward a single play-style, out of the many that exist now. I don't see why you'd ever want to implement something that literally attempts to control how football teams go about scoring goals, unless you're purely speaking in the interest of your own team.
As for Swansea, they aren't the best footballing team in the league, no. They do play well and can be very entertaining. But that's all, really.
The joy of football is in the variation.
If you aren't trolling, Meus, which I'm pretty certain you are, go and watch La Liga.
I can't decide between Raging Bull and Goodfellas.
Who cares, The Departed is his best movie anyway.
The King of Comedy for me.
maybe not
you know the rest
I think some may have misunderstood. I didn't mean to suggest the only way you gain points is to play tika taka, but rather a certain type of football that involves technique and flair be incentivised with extra points. You would still see a varied game as teams try to first and foremost win their matches rather than attempt wonder goals. Considering that, would you change your opinion of the idea?
Man Utd are the best footballing side in the league. They can play strong, attacking football. They can sit deep and play counter attack football. They can do it all.
Frogson is a genius.
I do!
The King of Comedy for me.
I can't decide between Raging Bull and Goodfellas.
Taxi Driver 4 lyfe.
I think some may have misunderstood. I didn't mean to suggest the only way you gain points is to play tika taka, but rather a certain type of football that involves technique and flair be incentivised with extra points. You would still see a varied game as teams try to first and foremost win their matches rather than attempt wonder goals. Considering that, would you change your opinion of the idea?
I do!
Have I ever told you guys that you are quickly becoming my favourite posters?