Chase Carey confirms that he wants to get rid of the Concorde Agreement.
"Our goal is to create much more of a long-term partnership, not a partnership that sort of has a point in time that you go out and renegotiate the next eight-year partnership, that there's a continuum."
Carey said that always having a looming deadline for the next agreement creates problems as the various parties fight to get the best deal for themselves, which causes uncertainty and makes longer-term planning difficult.
"What I'd like to have is everybody's priority being continually looking three years down the road, not looking at a specific point in time.
"I think they all welcome getting there, but we've got to drive it."
"It's a sport that historically was a little bit every man for himself, and how do you game each other and the like, and that leads to one plus one is one and a half.
"If you could pull together and figure out what is the right path forward for everybody, you make one plus one is three.
"That's our goal, to change the culture of this sport, which has had some very unique aspects to it, and create a new culture.
"And I feel good about it so far, there's a real welcomeness to wanting to do that.
"There's no question changing a culture that's been embedded for that long will take some time, but I think it's a transforming opportunity to really build a longer term, healthier relationship that benefits us both."