No I'm saying the tier lock and the loot crate's are not necessarily solely connected as some are trying to portray.
I think the tier levels were put in place and could or should have been put in place even without loot crate's is my point.
I think it was added as another layer of creating a feeling of accomplishment for increasing your gaming credits and XP. loot crate's are just another feature or way to access some of those Rewards. Not the sole way.
Edit,,, Dan I hope I don't have too but if I am wrong I will.
absolutely solely connected to lootcrates. This is without question.
Let's use an analogy. Imagine you like to drive from point A to point B. The trip takes you 30 minutes on the highway.
Then one day, a there's a toll setup. At the toll booth is a slot machine. Now your options are 1) take an alternate route, or 2) play the slot for a chance at acces to the highway again.
You, klocker, appreciate this toll because you like being forced to take the alternate routes. Sure, it adds an hour to your trip, but you actually enjoy the sights you see on the way, and you have time to spare.
Others, however, really liked their quick drive on the highway, and realize that before the toll was built, they could have taken the alternate routes anytime they pleased. Being forced doesn't improve their drive- it just adds an annoyance and cost them time/money
Is it possible that highway planners simply REALLY wanted drivers to experience these alternate routes and that was the motivation for the changes? Sure. But is that realistic? Not at all.
If that were so, They could have taken any number of steps to make the alternate routes more appealing (building destinations along this route that are as/more attractive than point B, for example). And they could have done so WITHOUT putting a slot machine on the highway. This would increase the number of people who WILLFULLY CHOOSE to go the long way. If it wasn't about the money, and was instead about simply wanting drivers to go a different route, they could have simply shut the highway down and forced everyone to the back roads.