Ray Wonder
Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Up to 86 now
Why are people concentrating on the one average review (since when is a '7' average anyway?) when there are about 30 very good to great reviews posted in the op?
Titanfall is at 86, and Velocity 2X is also at 86. FH2 could easily end up at 86 or 87 though.
I think the same.Polygon is hilarious. They were so wrong with Forza Horizon (original), and then have to stick with the lower score for FH2 because they can't admit when they are shills.
Towerfall is also at 87, Super Mario 3D World is at 93, Mario Kart 8, Shovel knight, and Pikmin 3 are all above 87.
These averages are all so close (with the exception of SM3DW) that they are statistically the same, though. It's a pointless distinction to make given the standard error of the averages.
Towerfall is also at 87, Super Mario 3D World is at 93, Mario Kart 8, Shovel knight, and Pikmin 3 are all above 87.
These averages are all so close (with the exception of SM3DW) that they are statistically the same, though. It's a pointless distinction to make given the standard error of the averages.
SM3DW and Towerfall are 2013 games, and when i said nextgen platforms i was referring to PS4 and Xbone (i don't want to hurt feelings with this, i love my WiiU).
SM3DW and Towerfall are 2013 games, and when i said nextgen platforms i was referring to PS4 and Xbone (i don't want to hurt feelings with this, i love my WiiU).
Well, that's a fuckton of restrictions. You might as well add another one and say Velocity doesn't count because it also came out on the Vita
Anyways, Forza!
Newsflash, Wii U is indeed a next gen console![]()
Is this the highest reviewed original game (based on metacritic) on nextgen platforms this year?
Confused? What are you saying are they shills for Microsoft so they try to cover it up with docking points from Horizon or are they shills for something else?Polygon is hilarious. They were so wrong with Forza Horizon (original), and then have to stick with the lower score for FH2 because they can't admit when they are shills.
3D World is at 93
polygon has a review of nfs rivals, a similar but inferior in many ways game, and their marks on it are ...8.5
there is simply no consistency.
you can say whatever you like, you can think whatever you want, doesnt change a single thing about what we said here.
and its not about whether it matters or not (it doesnt). its about calling something when you see it. that's its worth. nothing more.
NFS Rivals was reviewed by a different person though.
Here is what needs to always be stated with Polygon reviews. The reviewer plays the game and writes the text for the review, then they sit down with a small group of editors and other staff, including Reviews Editor Arthur Gies, and they collaboratively assess a score based on the written text.
So even though Gies didn't write the NFS review, he was a part of the group/staff that assigned the score...
Always keep that in mind when trying to compare Polygon review scores....The actual number given in a review is a collaborative process, based on the written text.....It should, on paper, give their review scores more consistency, but that's obviously not always the case.....
I really need console rentals to be a thing...
He asked for this year, but yes 3D World is the highest rated original next-gen game so far (deservedly so).
Holy shit, is this real? Sounds like an absolutely awful way of assigning scores, it means it could miss what the person who actually played the game wanted to score it.
No Gamespot review so far? I know they always take a little longer, but review copies have gone out earlier for this.
Gamespot recently fired a bunch of people so I guess they're swamped.
No idea, but that doesn't sound sustainable. Hope they're not in too deep trouble since I really like The Point and Reality Check.
The Gies-fixation here is really weird.
So a guy we know and most guys on here aren't exactly fans of gave it only an "ok" score with somewhat irrational reasoning.
Same guy loved Forza 5, praised the crashing Drivatars, liked the slow credit earnings and was mostly ok with microtransactions.... nobody complained about his 9/10 for Forza 5 back then or did anyone here??
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and want to believe that he whole heartedly loved Forza 5 while not getting the same connection to Horizon 2 and gave it a 2 point lower score even though he couldn't quite put his finger on why in his review.
One last thing: I wish all reviewers of sim-cade'ish racers would try games with both, a controller AND a wheel, and give us differentiating opinions on car handling, feel, difficulty etc. It's a way more game-transforming factor than whether a game is being played on xbox or playstation - a thing most reviewers have time and writing space for.
The Gies-fixation here is really weird.
So a guy we know and most guys on here aren't exactly fans of gave it only an "ok" score with somewhat irrational reasoning.
Same guy loved Forza 5, praised the crashing Drivatars, liked the slow credit earnings and was mostly ok with microtransactions.... nobody complained about his 9/10 for Forza 5 back then or did anyone here??
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and want to believe that he whole heartedly loved Forza 5 while not getting the same connection to Horizon 2 and gave it a 2 point lower score even though he couldn't quite put his finger on why in his review.
Same here. They didn't carry Neo Geo though. At least noy where i lived.They used to be. Hollywood Video and Blockbuster used to rent systems in the area I live.
I couldn't agree more. Those are some gorgeous screenshots in that review.That is one beautiful review: http://www.stanceworks.com/2014/09/stanceworks-reviews-forza-horizon-2-for-the-xbox-one/