If you had seen my post history you would know I’m happy for these games to come to PlayStation it means more players, some seem triggered thinking this won’t do huge numbers on PlayStation. It will. It’s done 40 million globally already, it’s the largest racing game in the world.
Yes, I think this will benefit MS a lot in the end. These games are, with all due respect, locked to a failed system.
I think even Halo has a chance to properly come back. The first thing is, and thats the hard part, they need to create a good game first. But release it on PS5 simultanously, hell perhaps let Sony do the marketing can bring in some serious day one numbers and player counts. Bank on nostalgia, like MW 2019 did. I think it has a chance.
PlayStation owners choose PlayStation because of Gran Turismo.
If they wanted Forza they’d have gotten an Xbox already,
It’ll do well on PS5, but don’t expect anything earth shattering.
I think it will do fine. FH5 is an old game by now, so its better to judge it when a new one comes out. But GT isn't anything like the Forza Horizon series. PS doesn't have such a game, unless you count the Wish version of it, The Crew. Regardless, I think FH5 will do well on PS5, its still a very big game actually.
If a new Forza Motorsport is good, then it might do well on Playstation too. Forza does have GT beaten in some areas.