saladine1 said:I would love for Forza to deliver a more 'race day' feel, a more motor racing atmosphere in the future.
I want to see pit crews, marshalls, tv crews,grid girls/crews, flags, strategy, intense racing,proper engine damage(overheating,blown turbos..etc).
I want to have a memorable experience where tough races, cars jostling for positions,bump n grind, immersion,more tracks, more starting cars,rain,night..etc becomes the norm.
The love of cars is a given and will continue on. But where do you draw the line when it comes to ogling the automobile?
How long can you sit there and admire the door or engine bay of a car before you tire of it and then demand a more expanded experience?
Forza as it stands now, has the basis of car love down pat. This has always been the fundamental aspect for Dan. For the future though, it's time to expand into other areas besides the admiration of cars alone and to try and deliver an intense racing experience incorporating the previous examples as well..
On your first point about more of "race day" is something I have been wanting since Forza 1. Alot of this would just be cosmetic, more banners, blimps/giant balloons etc. To me the tracks in Forza are too static.
And dont get me started on the pit stops. It has progressively gotten worse with each version of Forza. While Forza 1 had a decent Pit Stop and I emphasise just barely decent, each version after has gotten worse and worse. At this rate, I anticipate Forza 4 wont even have pit stops it has gotten so bad.