eek5 said:
It depends how far away the valley is. I've driven in mountain roads above valleys before and I've seen lighting just like this.
I live in the mountains, that's why I fail to see anything wrong with the colours here. On an average day (especially at dawn and nightfall) you have the weirdest saturation mixes on different locales. After a rainfall sometimes you see the valley below drenched in sunlight, while your area is still dark as hell.
Iknos said:
The sunlight should "bleach" the road and cars and everything. People say hey turn down the saturation...well thats what sunlight does because it bleaches colors out.
Look again at where the shadows come from. This part is supposed to be darker than the valley below. It might look strange from this angle, or for people who've never been to the mountains, but it looks about right from the lightning.
saladine1 said:
If that's the case then no problem. Would wait even longer for that.
Sure, we are tense and frustrated but rightly so imo. The longer you wait between reveals and such, the quicker the negativity sets in which is not good for anybody especially in a place like this.
Would just like some closure that's all...
I understand, and that's why I try to avoid official threads for games that I await as good as possible. The usual dynamics of nerds getting excited about an upcoming game is unhealthy as it only creates surreal expectations (in both the game and marketing flow)
I personally hope they decide to add weather and different light conditions on future DLC tracks. Having that would only increase the challenge and longevity of the game for me. Nothing like trying to survive aqua planing on a mountain road^^