Black Republican
Chicago is still the talking point GOP brings up for efforts against banning assault weapons i see.
Really don't understand why you don't ban handguns in the US. We did it in the UK 20 years ago after a school shooting, haven't had a mass shooting since.
Do people still think that some miraculous bystander with a handgun has ever stopped an incident like this?
Considering coyotes have taken a neighborhood cat (the only thing they found was her chewed up paws), I'm not doing it out of love for vegetables.
The only one being obtuse here is you unless you think 50 bullets is not equivalent to 50 bullets. Either one will seriously maim or kill a human.
What a weak response. My neighborhood has a pack of coyotes that we hear and see pretty often. Yes cat's go missing. By your logic my entire neighborhood should have semi automatic rifles with a 30 round magazine. Let's do the math on that.
We have 25 houses. Each house has a semi-auto rifle and 2, 30 round magazine's.
That's 25 weapons and 1800 rounds of ammunition just to protect a cat. We would be shooting every single night. Get out of here with that BS.
People or my neighborhood understand when you live in a very rural area that you're going to lose animal's from time to time. It's called part of nature.
Chicago is still the talking point GOP brings up for efforts against banning assault weapons i see.
It has to be nation wide to have any effect at all.
Because it doesn't matter when you can go to the city or state that's close by.
I don't see why they can't understand that.
Bill O'Riley called for the same thing tonight on his show.
I guess you missed the response where I said I have little kids in my neighborhood and I don't want the coyotes getting ballsy. Or are you implying a 5 year old potentially getting mauled by a coyote as a part of nature as well?
Also, the biggest magazine I own for my rifle is 10 rounds. I don't need a 30 round mag to kill vermin.
I guess you missed the response where I said I have little kids in my neighborhood and I don't want the coyotes getting ballsy. Or are you implying a 5 year old potentially getting mauled by a coyote as a part of nature as well?
Also, the biggest magazine I own for my rifle is 10 rounds. I don't need a 30 round mag to kill vermin.
Coyotes are not going to maul your five year old. This is like saying your child might be carried off by a giant eagle, or consumed by a boa constrictor. People construct things to be afraid of, stuff that they rationalize could happen at any moment, and they use their manufactured fear to justify owning guns.
Meanwhile, other people are afraid of the real threat, which is the guns themselves.
I live in a rural area. We have coyotes and foxes and skunks with rabies and hunters who get separated from their ornery pitbulls. None of these things ever posed a serious threat to anybody in this area, but we all have to wear orange vests when we take out the trash to keep some drunk deer hunter from shooting us through the trees.
The threat isn't the things you're afraid might happen. The threat is the guns. You do not hear stories about 6,000 kids being attacked by "ballsy coyotes."
You are letting your imagination possess you. You are not alone on this. But the goal is to help people realize the fallacy of thinking guns somehow keep them safe, when they time and time again prove to do just the opposite. Responsible gun ownership starts with admitting what guns do and do not do and placing your fear on the right place. This is what we are striving for on a national level.
people cling to their guns over here.
also, even if you ban guns, how the hell are you going to retrieve all of them that are in the wild? cash 4 guns?
There are large portions of America that would rather see America burn in flames than have their guns taken away.
Indeed, it's fair to say that many relish that opportunity. The desire to level the playing field of society through the possession of weapons.
No amount of logic, reason, numbers will dissuade those people from manufacturing emotionally disingenious reasons for wanting to keep guns.
Fear and distrust of others drives their basic world view - literally seeing anything and everything as a threat.
It'd be difficult for me to live without a gun in that sort of head space as well.
Really don't understand why you don't ban handguns in the US. We did it in the UK 20 years ago after a school shooting, haven't had a mass shooting since.
Do people still think that some miraculous bystander with a handgun has ever stopped an incident like this?
I...I...I can't believe this
I...I...I can't believe this
I guess you missed the response where I said I have little kids in my neighborhood and I don't want the coyotes getting ballsy. Or are you implying a 5 year old potentially getting mauled by a coyote as a part of nature as well?
Also, the biggest magazine I own for my rifle is 10 rounds. I don't need a 30 round mag to kill vermin.
youre rationalizing a ridiculous fear to justify the gun
There need to be stricter gun laws across the board, not just AR-15s. As other people have said any kind of gun, not just the "scary looking ones", can be used as a deadly weapon and often are the ones involved in more accidents since they're more compact and easy to carry (and accidentally discharge).
I can only hope that Bill and Carlson have their hearts in the right place instead of disingenuously trying to steer the conversation toward incredibly specific gun types, because going on a huge "restrict AR-15s" crusade isn't going to change things in the long run.
Why do people want to make hunting easier? I thought it was a sport.
It's like lowering the basketball hoop by 3 feet, at a certain point it is no longer a sport. Likewise with hunting, using these overpowered guns and bows no longer makes hunting a sport.
The fact that she's okay with handguns shows to me how many take the law as a morality guide.
Guns will be banned within this generation or the next. And you'll see Americans change tune too.
CNN is wondering if she'll get axed soon.
Agreed though, you got shotguns and longbows for deer, why a damn rifle?
Why do people want to make hunting easier? I thought it was a sport.
It's like lowering the basketball hoop by 3 feet, at a certain point it is no longer a sport. Likewise with hunting, using these overpowered guns and bows no longer makes hunting a sport.
Otherwise I'm just sitting still for several hours waiting for a deer to walk in front of my gun.
It's actually the same thing for bow hunting.It's half the reason I stopped. It's incredibly boring.
I guess you missed the response where I said I have little kids in my neighborhood and I don't want the coyotes getting ballsy. Or are you implying a 5 year old potentially getting mauled by a coyote as a part of nature as well?
Also, the biggest magazine I own for my rifle is 10 rounds. I don't need a 30 round mag to kill vermin.
Everyone who buys guns, sells guns, glorifies guns is complicit in all this violence going down. Whenever the issue at hand is a killing device, you can't just hand wave it and say, "Oh but there are good people that use/own guns!" You must take responsibility.
An Assault Rifle ban is a start and it's not a bad start. We know 20x more people get killed by handguns, which are the true issue. But even if this ban saves 100 people... It's a start. And once we can start banning those weapons, hopefully down the line people will be more okay with putting on more strict regulations to handguns. You have to get your feet wet before you dip in.
Hope this also leads to universal background checks, ban on people on the no fly lists or with mental disabilities, and nation wide regulation.
An Assault Rifle ban is a start and it's not a bad start. We know 20x more people get killed by handguns, which are the true issue. But even if this ban saves 100 people... It's a start. And once we can start banning those weapons, hopefully down the line people will be more okay with putting on more strict regulations to handguns. You have to get your feet wet before you dip in.
Hope this also leads to universal background checks, ban on people on the no fly lists or with mental disabilities, and nation wide regulation.
If gaf had existed in the early 90s I bet this exact same post would have been made then.
Assault rifle ban is a terrible, pointless start, we already tried it once, remember? If we reinstate the assault weapon ban, nothing will change except that no one will be willing to discuss gun control for a few years. "We already gave you 'assault' weapons, what more do you want???"
It's as silly as thinking obamacare is a step toward single payer.
Unless the assault weapons ban requires pre-ban weapons to be surrendered and melted down, the only thing it will do is increase the value of the millions of these things that are already out there. If someone is insane enough to spend $1500 on a rifle with the intention of killing 50 people, what's to stop them from saving for a couple more months if that rifle suddenly costs $5000?
I guess you missed the response where I said I have little kids in my neighborhood and I don't want the coyotes getting ballsy. Or are you implying a 5 year old potentially getting mauled by a coyote as a part of nature as well?
Also, the biggest magazine I own for my rifle is 10 rounds. I don't need a 30 round mag to kill vermin.
Wow, someone on Fox News no less.
She is right, nobody needs a fucking AR-15 save military. Not to hunt with, not to protect your home with. Sorry.
Also can anyone explain how a magazine size ban would work to prevent an active shooter? My understanding is it's already possible to 3D print these gun parts and it will get even easier. If you're planning a terrorist attack then you have plenty of time to buy a 3D printer and download a magazine blueprint. Many active shooters build bombs in their home which is way more dangerous to themselves than 3D printing an illegally sized magazine.
Never really cared for her much, but can agree with her on this for sure. Good for her.
Seriously is no good reason someone needs an AR-15 or even a handgun for that matter. Shotguns and rifles are fine IMO though.
I disagree. Guns will not be banned in our lifetime. However, I do expect more strict gun laws such as;
1. Banning assault rifles
2. Universal background checks for firearms and ammo
3. Mandatory to own a gun safe if purchasing a firearm
4. Possibly making a requirement to take a gun safety class before purchasing a firearm
This may not seem like much to people who want to flat out ban firearms, but other countries have found success implementing these strategies. There are more firearms than people in the U.S. A ban would be nearly impossible imo.
There's nothing magical about assault weapons that makes them especially good for mass shootings (and most gun violence isn't mass shootings anyway). Someone could always just bring multiple handguns in a coat and reload.
There's nothing magical about assault weapons that makes them especially good for mass shootings (and most gun violence isn't mass shootings anyway). Someone could always just bring multiple handguns in a coat and reload.
Also can anyone explain how a magazine size ban would work to prevent an active shooter? My understanding is it's already possible to 3D print these gun parts and it will get even easier. If you're planning a terrorist attack then you have plenty of time to buy a 3D printer and download a magazine blueprint. Many active shooters build bombs in their home which is way more dangerous to themselves than 3D printing an illegally sized magazine.