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FRIDAY NIGHT [OT] - Official NeoGAF Weekend Kickoff


A month or 3 ago, with a combination of almost a liter of vodka and benzos I fell and hit the back of my head against a wall such that it knocked me out and lost a pint of blood and then some.

You'll be fine.

Then again... OUCH!

Maybe consult an alchemist to concoct a elixir out of mice balls and your own semen? Throw in some coffee flavored fancy chocolate and you're golden!

wayne dyer energy GIF
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Hold onto your panties
Sorry to hear friend.

You do you. Priorities and all. You're a good person so i hope the universe helps you out. In which way one can only see in retrospect.

Tough with that client because my employees had over 2-years tenure. The business was struggling without a doubt. Well, I'll be in LinkedIn today...that's for sure.


Means you've got a good memory and comedic timing

Thanks for explaining. I'm not that familiar with certain expressions ♡
sorry to disappoint everyone but i won't be taking part this weekend and probably not next weekend either.

but i have tonight :messenger_beermugs:

I hope you keep yourself in check enough as to see you return homie.

Take it easy and you'll be here in spirit! ♡


Had to fill in some assignments/questioners(?) for my PTSS therapy session tomorrow.

Good times...

Justin Timberlake Reaction GIF

At least had a pretty darn good leg session early morning even though i really didn't feel like it. Creatine is sure making itself known.
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Thanks for explaining. I'm not that familiar with certain expressions ♡

I hope you keep yourself in check enough as to see you return homie.

Take it easy and you'll be here in spirit! ♡
I can't promise anything :messenger_squinting_tongue: i might be able to post but a lot of my time this weekend is travelling for work shit which is quite unusual but i need to go down to london. what free time i get i'll spend exploring as i've actually never been there before. don't know when i'll have down time to post stupid shit online lol. next week isn't as bad but what i can i say...i'm in demand :messenger_fire: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Damn. How many hours?

And good idea. Chill. Explore. And enjoy.
about 8 hours.

got most of saturday morning/afternoon to myself. got a ticket to the british museum. might visit Abbey Road too :D i'll do as much as i can but i am back in august for 4 days so will have more time to explore then. i've got tickets booked for the Harry Potter tour :D and will be going to Oxford as well.


Sounds amazing AND worth the 8 hours!!!

Hope you'll have a blast.

And pictures are always welcome if possible ofcourse!

If you happen to run into BeardMeetsFood say Hi on my behalf if possible!

(Had to ask hehe)


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
The company i sold my soul to is drowning in work and so i was very lucky to win another saturday at my workbench.


And while i wait for the honor to wake up at 5 AM in the morning, i will treat myself to a bottle of ice cold local wheat beer and some delightful music.


Oh yeah and Gravity Circuit got released yesterday. Already downloaded it and can't wait to fire it up.

Happy friday everyone!
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