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From Tupac to Rosa Parks: KY county clerk Kim Davis says "Only God can judge me now"

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The backlash against her jailing is the most petulant bunch of children I've seen for quite some time.

This woman is doing nothing with regards to religion. Her job is handing out a legal license for marriage, not actually marrying anyone under the purview of any church. Any and all appeals to "morals" are null and void, as this is simply a legal matter. That she chooses to disobey the law means she goes to jail, that's it. Literally any argument against this is objectively wrong.

Fuckabee plans to visit her in jail. What an opportunistic cunt he is.

Miserable politician doing whatever he can to continue circling the drain instead of just going in already.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
There was a rally held outside the jail she's in: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...tucky-clerk-isnt-breaking-law-defying-n422376

The interviews in the video at the link are hilarious.


Michael Anthony Peroutka (born 1952) is a Maryland lawyer, the founder of the Institute on the Constitution. He once held a position in the United States Department of Health and Human Services and was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004.

Peroutka emphasizes the Bible and believes that America has a Christian heritage that should be reflected in governance. He opposes abortion without exception. He opposes a Federal Marriage Amendment, believing that civil government (federal/state/local) does not have jurisdiction over marriage.[12] He advocates for free market capitalism. He supports the right to keep and bear arms and strongly opposes the war in Iraq, calling it ungodly, immoral, and unconstitutional.[13] He supports the right to homeschool and believes the federal government should not regulate or fund education.
In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[14] In 2006, he voted in favor of disaffiliating the Independent American Party of Nevada from the Constitution Party due to their allowance for abortion in certain circumstances.[15] In 2012, the Montgomery Advertiser reported that he was the single-biggest donor to Roy Moore's 2012 campaign for the Alabama Supreme Court, having contributed $50,000 of the total $78,000 received by Moore until December 31, 2011.[16]

He appeared on the White Nationalist[5] radio show, The Political Cesspool to promote his campaign, describing it as a "Christian/Constitutionalist radio program" and "a great blessing to our cause"

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[17][18] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[19] In 2012, a video of Peroutka showed asking a group to stand for the national anthem, then leading them in Dixie. [20][21] In September 9, 2013, he stated, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."[22][23] In October 2014, during his campaign for County Council, Peroutka announced that he had resigned from the board of directors of the League of the South and was no longer a member after having discovered statements made by members that were "contrary to [his] beliefs".[20]

If you don't know what Dixie is, it's a blackface minstrel. Really really racist.

In May 2014, Peroutka, acting on behalf of the Elizabeth Streb Peroutka foundation, a small family charity he and his brother Stephen established and named after their mother, donated a collection of dinosaur fossils to the Creation Museum,[29] a 70,000-square-foot museum in Petersburg, Kentucky that promotes a Young Earth creationist explanation of the origins of the universe based on Biblical literalism.
"The Supreme Court cannot and did not make a law. They only made a ruling on a law. Congress makes the laws."-Mike Huckabee



Rapid Response Threadmaker
I don't often want bad things to happen to people, but Huckabee is really trying my patience in that endeavor.


There should be educational videos shown in schools kind of like this one but for religion.

"Say I'm a Christian. Am I allowed to impose my personal beliefs on other people through the power of my office?"


"Ok, but say the laws I took an oath to uphold contradict my religious beliefs. How about then?"



by the way, on cultural relativism

I'm a linguist. I have to examine cultures and the languages they speak, around the world, and I do so impartially.

So, by this, I can stoicly analyze people calling fags, I can deal with cultures that treat women as property, and even look at the propaganda used by the Soviet Union to indoctrinate their citizens.

That's cultural relativism. That all cultures are actual cultures, and can be studied and examined. Social science works on this premise.

But that does not mean that I have to approve of any of that as a human being. This stoic impartial relativism is useful to me as a scientist, but it is not useful to me as a way of getting the world that I want for myself and for others. It's sheer nonsense otherwise. The techniques and attitudes of impartial research and sociopolitcal advocacy are different, and don't confuse the two.
There was a rally held outside the jail she's in: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...tucky-clerk-isnt-breaking-law-defying-n422376

The interviews in the video at the link are hilarious.

If only more Christians were like the pastor from the Presbyterian church. He doesn't say he supports SSM, but he does say he doesn't support using government office to enforce personal religious belief. He definitely seems more Christ-like than Kim Davis or that evangelical preacher.


"The Supreme Court cannot and did not make a law. They only made a ruling on a law. Congress makes the laws."-Mike Huckabee

What does that even mean from a practical standpoint?

Obviously the Supreme Court didn't write the law. It's not like Scalia wrote a passage where it states that California's three strikes law is not in violation of this eighth amendment (cruel and unusual punishment). And that changes what?

And "leave it to the states" is such a brain dead argument when we are talking about such fundamental issues that come with marriage. People who make the comparison between Kim Davis and Rosa Parks fail to understand that Davis would be the person yelling "this woman needs to accept the existing situation" thus refusing to grant the same right to others that she herself enjoys.
No. I would imagine that would be a violation of her rights. And I'm fully aware of the irony in protecting her rights when she wants to strip others of theirs. But it's an example of being the better person/people.
Allowing her visitors is not an example of being the better person/people, it's an example of following the law, judicial precedent, and established incarceration procedures.
If only more Christians were like the pastor from the Presbyterian church. He doesn't say he supports SSM, but he does say he doesn't support using government office to enforce personal religious belief. He definitely seems more Christ-like than Kim Davis or that evangelical preacher.

Presbyterians are Calvinists. They really don't get too hung up on what non-Christians are doing, unlike evangelicals.
No. I would imagine that would be a violation of her rights. And I'm fully aware of the irony in protecting her rights when she wants to strip others of theirs. But it's an example of being the better person/people.

Has nothing to do with being the better person broski, it's called the law.



Anita Fuentes and her screwball husband are weighing in on this(Remember the persecution complex couple after gay marriage was legalized?). How the guy became a pastor is beyond me. Forget about what he's preaching, he seems to have the speaking skills of a 5 year old. Anyway the gist is because the judge is Roman Catholic, it's their fault. lol



LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept 7 (Reuters) - Lawyers for jailed Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis said on Monday they had asked an appellate court to force Governor Steve Beshear to let her refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses based on her religious convictions.

The lawyers sought emergency relief from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, asking it to grant Davis an exemption from the "governor's mandate that all county clerks issue marriage licenses," the non-profit legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel, which represents Davis, said in a news release.

"The governor's refusal to take elementary steps to protect religious liberties has now landed Kim Davis in jail," Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver said.

The lawyers sought the injunction on the fifth day that Davis, 49, was in jail for contempt of court after defying U.S. District Judge David Bunning's orders to issue licenses to same-sex couples because as an Apostolic Christian she opposes gay marriage.

"As a prisoner of her conscience, Davis continues to request a simple accommodation and exemption from Governor Beshear, who is overseeing Kentucky marriage policy," said the emergency request for an injunction.

Outside Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, where Davis was being held, about 150 supporters gathered, local media reported. On Tuesday, Republican president hopeful Mike Huckabee was expected to hold a rally in support of Davis outside the jail.

A group of about 30 demonstrators descended on Bunning's neighborhood in a Cincinnati suburb in northern Kentucky to pass out fliers in support of Davis, said Lieutenant Casey Kilgore of the Fort Thomas Police Department.

"(We're) encouraging all the neighbors to pray for David Bunning to let Kim Davis go," protest organizer Cal Zastrow said.

Take the fucking L, woman. You are not some damn Rosa Parks of bigots.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister

Take the fucking L, woman. You are not some damn Rosa Parks of bigots.

The lawyers sought emergency relief from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, asking it to grant Davis an exemption from the "governor's mandate that all county clerks issue marriage licenses," the non-profit legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel, which represents Davis, said in a news release.

"The governor's refusal to take elementary steps to protect religious liberties has now landed Kim Davis in jail," Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver said.

Well, it's not like that is going to work, since it is not the "governor's mandate" that says that, it is the statute - so the governor can't just undo it.

Besides, it is inconsistent with the general argument - they're asking an unelected court to overrule Kentucky statute? Thought that was their whole problem in the first place.


CNN is reporting that 5 local schools will close so as not to cause traffic problems for Mike Huckabee's visit to Davis.

Fucking hell.

The legal battle over the Kentucky clerk who's sitting behind bars for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses enters the political arena Tuesday as GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee visits Kim Davis in jail.

Afterward, he'll lead an "#ImWithKim Liberty Rally" outside the Carter County Detention Center.

CNN is reporting that 5 local schools will close so as not to cause traffic problems for Mike Huckabee's visit to Davis.

Fucking hell.

Is Huckabee visiting really that big of a deal? I kind of pictured him showing up to the jail with little fanfare besides what he set up himself.


Ugh, I really dislike this Huckabee guy, just rubs me the wrong way with stuff that he says.

But the man has a book titled God, Guns, Grits and Gravy. That right there has me shaking my head.


5 schools is 1000 kids? Those are some tiny ass schools.

grayson is tiny. kentucky schools are very spread out and infrastructure in this area is particularly bad. the city is very rural and many people live below the poverty line so there is no reliable means of transport. it's very hard to even make the fight to integrate the schools into bigger ones.


don't all US candidates for presidency have a Secret Service detail?

Thankfully not.
Which candidates for President does the Secret Service protect?

In regard to presidential campaign, the Secret Service is authorized by law (18 United States Code § 3056) to protect:

Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election. As defined in statute, the term "major presidential and vice presidential candidates" means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee.
The Secret Service provides protection for major candidates, unless declined.

The Secret Service has no role in determining who is to be considered a major candidate. The Secretary of the Homeland Security determines who qualifies as a major candidate and when such protection should commence under the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056. This determination is made in consultation with an advisory committee comprised of the following individuals:

  • Speaker of the House
  • House Minority Whip
  • Senate Majority Leader
  • Senate Minority Leader
  • One additional member chosen by the committee
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