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Frozen Synapse |OT| The Thinking Man's Shooter


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ferrio said:

Yeah, well.. I had to ask!

Quoted for more answers:
Quick poll though: 2 games for each match in the K.O. round are a definite.

How about in the group phase? 1 or 2 matches with the others?

I thought about going with 1 but if you lose that might be just due a shitty setup so it isnt quite representative, which is why I am leaning more for 2, even in the group phase.


Toma said:
I'll post the tournament information tonight or tomorrow, but basically the best 2 of each group get to the K.O round.

In the group phase you'll get 3 points for each win, and 1 point for each draw, and then the K.O. round is well.. self explanatory.

Quick poll though: 2 games for each match in the K.O. round are a definite.

How about in the group phase? 1 or 2 matches with the others?

I thought about going with 1 but if you lose that might be just due a shitty setup so it isnt quite representative, which is why I am leaning more for 2, even in the group phase.

2 evens out some randomness in set up. So I'm going with 2.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Welcome, Gentlemen for the second round. I tweaked a few of the rules, so you may want to read up on whats going to happen even though you may have already participated in the first tourney.

Also, please all make an account on UK1, so that everyone knows where they can challenge you even if you are offline.

1. First off: Rules

Game Mode: generic Dark Extermination, with no settings changed
Since its the most common mode being played, and the one easily practiced.

Tournament mode during group phase: Everyone plays exactly 2 matches with everyone in his group
1 game may be luck (especially with positioned soldiers) so 2 even out the randomness a little. In case two or more people share the same position, it depends on the soldiers killed/lost soldiers ratio. So take care of your soldiers while whipping as much ass as you can, since only the first 2 of every group will advance to the K.O. phase.

Tournament mode after group phase: Elimination, Best 2 out of 3
Reason is the same as the above. If you manage to make 3 matches without a winner, make matches until you finally get one.

Playing your games: Take your time to THINK about what you are doing
But no one keeps you from starting all 8 games in your group at once, if you prefer.

Upcoming games after group phase: Example: 1st of group A will battle random 2nd from another group. I'll make the drawing after the group phase.
After that, during K.O. phase of the tournament, this applies:
The Winner of Match 1 and Match 2 will have the next match (and so on). I used http://www.random.org/lists/ to randomize our names. If you know your opponent for the next match already while others still need to play their previous match, you can go ahead and challenge him if he is fine with it.

Server: UK1
For simplicities sake so that we find each other easily and so that people know where to find you to challenge you even if you are offline. However, you are of course free to change the server if one of you cant log into the server you initially wanted to play on.

Time: You got 3 days to respond to a match with your first move and 1 day for each move.
Naturally, if it takes too long, the one not corresponding will get eliminated. It also helps to talk to the other one when you want to start a match (read your PM's!), so that you dont necessarily need 8 days to play a game that takes 20-30 minutes of concentration.

Youtube: Upload your tournament matches! Easy rule of thumb: The one who wins uploads, except he asks the other one to do so.
This is perfect for spectators and we'd love to see you all play. Create yourself a youtube account if you dont have one or take the one I created for this game. Ask me via pm if you want the login.

This table: Bookmark this post(or at least the google doc), it might come in handy for the links provided below
I will update THIS post ONLY and all the others I might post in the thread are only refreshers to remind people that the tournament has started, which wont get updated after posting.

This table²: Check your stats on the tourney table!
I'll try to be as truthful as I can be while entering all your numbers, but of course there might be a mistake or two that might slip in. Please point it out to me via PM if that happened and I'll correct it.

2. Links

Click this line for a list of gameplay hints.

Click this line for a list of all the participants, including link to their GAF account for PM's.

Click this line for the almighty Google Doc, which will document our heros and all of our failures.

A few explanations about the layout, though. An example for the layout:

Every cell below the "vs" cells represents one game, which hopefully will be filled out with a youtube video. For example, in this case, seequint already played 4 different matches. He finds his matches by following the row behind his name and in the column under "vs 1" because he is "1" in this group. I wont change the ranking, so he will stay constantly "1".

The killed/lost soldiers statistics is for all the games the player has played, meaning in all 4 games so far seequint killed 12 and lost 8 soldiers.

As already mentioned before, if you happen to have the same amount of points as another player in your group, its up to the kill/lost ratio. In this case, seequints "kill/loss" ratio would be +4 (kills minus losses)

3. Trouble Shooting:

In case of 3 draws, make new matches until someone wins.

If you accidentally already have an ongoing match with someone from your group, this one doesnt count towards the tournament. Only matches who were made after I posted this post do count.

If you cannot continue a match due to technical (server?) reasons, talk to your match partner and decide whether you want to wait or simply make a new match (which by rule nullifies the old one, even if it works a day later)



So I take it we got the go ahead to start getting this mess in? Good luck everyone.

For those in my group, my Steam ID and Frozen Synapse in game ID is the same as here... Send me a friend invite in game and I'll add you so we can make this easier to coordinate.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
RyanDG said:
So I take it we got the go ahead to start getting this mess in? Good luck everyone.

For those in my group, my Steam ID and Frozen Synapse in game ID is the same as here... Send me a friend invite in game and I'll add you so we can make this easier to coordinate.

Yup, good luck everyone!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
TheExecutive said:
Group F is mine!

Oh and I am still having an impossible time uploading to you tube. if anyone has any suggestions I am taking them :)

It doesnt seem to be possible for some players, if you AND your opponent cant upload your videos, shoot me a pm and I'll upload them for you. Of course you need to specify which ones.

Ultimoo said:
Does the game keep track of soldiers lost/killed besides youtube videos?

Nope, youtube videos is the way to go. As above, notify me in case you AND your opponent cant upload. Or if you dont have an account simply use the one I set up for GAF.


I'm scared. Good luck everyone! Get ready, Group G...

Just noticed that my FS ID and neogaf name are different. For those in group G: My FS ID is koonal. Sorry about that!


So we play two matches with each other person in our group?

Should there be more vs boxes in the spreadsheet or are we putting two games in each box?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Nishastra said:
So we play two matches with each other person in our group?

Should there be more vs boxes in the spreadsheet or are we putting two games in each box?

Thats what the explanation below the picture in the tourney post is explaining :)

But its basically like this:

You'll make 8 games in your group. Behind your name, there are 4 empty space that represent one game against each opponent, your first 4 matches.

Also you are player 3 in your group, so all the games that are below "vs 3" in your group will be the other 4 matches you play.

It was the only way to set that up in this document because I couldnt hyperlink anything else than a complete link.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The last thing I am missing is a post regarding hints and tips for playing FS.

I'd appreciate if you could throw some hints my way how to play this game, what to avoid, what to watch out for etc. as I am probably forgetting something. I'll update it later.

That would probably be helpful to many of the beginners.
Official hint thread in their forums

And tips from the top of my head:

[U][B]1.SIMULATE all kinds of tactics you can come up for your and your opponents team. [/B][/U]

  The easiest way to win is to find out which options your opponent has, and what you could 
  do to counter the top most likely ones.

  Easy examples:

     Aim rockets and grenades where they cover more than one space where an 
     opponent is likely hiding.

     If you position your soldiers to cover areas, try to figure out which areas your 
     opponent cant access, you dont need to cover these. But make sure you are covering 
     every entrance/way where he might get through.

[U][B]2.Make sure to have the cover advantage.[/B][/U]

  Rules for cover advantage:

     Most important: Hide behind cover. If your mg is walking towards a cover and you get to shoot
     behind cover at another mg who is uncovered, you'll win. Also, normal walls dont give cover.

     Next most important: Aim when you might contact another soldier. If your mg is aiming
     while walking and catching a running mg of the opponent, your soldier will win.

     The highest cover advantage: A soldier, standing still behind cover. If you want to secure
     an area, this is how you want your soldier to do it. It does NOT matter whether he is crouching
     or standing, but be reminded that changing from a crouching to a standing stance or vice
     versa will give you a cover disadvantage.

     Cover advantage importance:

[U][B]3.Use your units to their full potential.[/B][/U]

  Every unit has a different set of strengths and weeknesses. Learn to use them to your

     Most efficient on securing a long range view, out of "rush range" of any shotgunner. 
     As soon as you enemy saw your mg, try changing positions, so that he wont be able 
     to outmaneuver you.

     Those guys are very efficient inside a building. On close range, they only
     have to fear another shotgunner. They can practically storm onto a camping mg if 
     positioned correctly. If you are up against one, try to stay out of immediate death
     range. Use the simulation to check how far you need to stay away.

     Only hits walls and cover, to hit cover the rocketeer needs to be ducked. Also he is 
     very slow, so dont position him to far away from cover in case he is getting into the
     view of an enemy soldier. Also:never shoot a rocket if it doesnt hit in the same turn it  
     has been shot.

     Can be aimed into open space. Use the walls to change the direction of the projectile. 
     This will lead to suprising results more often than not. Can shoot over cover, while 
     ducked, so he cant be seen or shot. Also: never shoot a grenade if it doesnt hit in the 
     same turn it has been thrown.

[U][B]4.Learn to peek.[/B][/U]
  The biggest advantage you can have is to know where the opponents soldiers are.It is 
  way easier to counter enemy measure if you know where they are coming from. There 
  are basically two important types of "peeking".

     When walking a longer way, change your aiming direction from time time to time, so    
     that your soldier is able to cover more view.

     Set your soldier to "continue on sight", move him out of cover for a short moment, let 
     him peek into the direction you are interested in and run back.

[B][U]5.Mislead your enemy.[/U][/B]

  This game is a LOT about deception, here are a few tricks I can think of right now.
     Dont aim all the time:
     Aiming gives you a cover advantage, but it also slows you down. Often, there are 
     certain areas where you dont even need to aim if the enemy is farther away. If your 
     enemy saw you once and thinks you are aiming all the time, it also makes your 
     movement harder to predict.

     Duck below behind cover:
     If you walk around a building, try to duck behind "windows", and run the rest. That way
     you can move relatively fast and most enemies think you didnt walk that way because 
     they didnt see you through the window.

     Send a soldier to "peek", and attack with another:
     If you move out a soldier to peek, and move him back fast enough, nobody will be 
     able to harm him, even though enemy soldiers might start targetting your soldier.
     During this time, you can move forward another soldier, targetting the soldier that is 
     targetting your peeking soldier. While your peeking soldier is moving back to cover 
     safely, your soldier already has the advantage over the enemy.

[B][U]6.Learn to ignore.[/U][/B]
  While sitting behind cover, your enemy might do what I just described. Sometimes there 
  is a very easy counter measure: the "ignore" function.
  For example:

     Your MG is hiding behind cover and your opponent has a shotgunner and another mg   
     waiting on the other side of the map, he might send the shotgunner to peek, and then 
     the mg right afterwards to aim at your mg, while yours is still aiming and the 
     shotgunner to take you out before you can aim at your opponents MG. If the shotty is
     too far away anyway, just ignore him so that he cant distract your mg.

Geez, that took longer than expected to type up.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Nishastra said:
Okay. That's a bit weird, but I don't suppose I really have to worry about it :p

I just have to shoot people!

Yeah, the very stupid limited integration of hyperlinking didnt do me any favours, but whatever. I am sure it'll work out. And now I am off to bed! Finally!

See ya all tomorrow :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
TheExecutive said:
898 and Jigsama dont exist in FS... is that their GAF name?

They might not have an account on UK1 yet, which is why I ask everyone to make one.

Jigsama is Morphis on GAF and 898 is 898 on GAF, he didnt tell us his ingame name yet, might be the same, throw him a PM or something.

I'll update the participants lists with their correct ingame name and link to their GAF accounts tomorrow/the day after.

Dont stress yourself out too much right now. I suspect the group phase will keep us busy for about 2 weeks.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
CzarTim said:
In Group G: Dooles is neither a player name in game nor a username on GAF. Send me a shout.

Zomo on Gaf, probably no account on UK1 yet either.


So for the right part of the spreadsheet, where you put youtube videos, only one youtube video for each match is being put up? because there isn't enough room to put both youtube matches you have against someone, unless I'm missing something. D:


I added Flayer and n0b from Group C on my friends on UK1 server (others don't exist yet). Someone drop me a PM or just send a game when you want to play.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ultimoo said:
So for the right part of the spreadsheet, where you put youtube videos, only one youtube video for each match is being put up? because there isn't enough room to put both youtube matches you have against someone, unless I'm missing something. D:

Toma said:
Thats what the explanation below the picture in the tourney post is explaining :)

But its basically like this:

You'll make 8 games in your group. Behind your name, there are 4 empty space that represent one game against each opponent, your first 4 matches.

Also you are player 3 in your group, so all the games that are below "vs 3" in your group will be the other 4 matches you play.

It was the only way to set that up in this document because I couldnt hyperlink anything else than a complete link.

I think, I might be explaining that more than once. No offense :) Simply probably wasnt the most intuitive idea I had this day. But shouldnt matter much to you anyway since you dont need to update it, but this will be the place where you'll find your replays.


Ultimoo said:
So for the right part of the spreadsheet, where you put youtube videos, only one youtube video for each match is being put up? because there isn't enough room to put both youtube matches you have against someone, unless I'm missing something. D:
Let's say you're listed as number one, and me number five.

Our fist match is listed on your row under the column "versus five" and the second match is listed on my row under "versus one."


Ultimoo said:
So for the right part of the spreadsheet, where you put youtube videos, only one youtube video for each match is being put up? because there isn't enough room to put both youtube matches you have against someone, unless I'm missing something. D:
You're looking at it the same way I did :p

Basically, for our purposes, Player 1 vs Player 2 is not the same thing as Player 2 vs Player 1.


CzarTim said:
Let's say you're listed as number one, and me number five.

Our fist match is listed on your row under the column "verses five" and the second match is listed on my row under "versus one."

Yeah okay, I read Toma's explanation a couple of times and that's what I thought it was but I wasn't too sure.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ultimoo said:
Yeah okay, I read Toma's explanation a couple of times and that's what I thought it was but I wasn't too sure.

Sorry guys. Please feel free to write up something better, so that it sounds more understandable if you are up for it.

Also no offense, I am taking any help :)

And DAMN IT. Somewhere down the line, a few guys got copied multiple times into my list and are now in 2 groups.
Argh, correcting that now.


mr_appleby is now only in Group F
Label is now only in Group I
The_Executive is now only in Group F


I played my first multiplayer match tonight...and won! It's hard for me to say definitively since I'm still incredibly new to the game, but I feel like my win was largely because of favorable positioning for me to start the game. Still though, I was able to play competently enough to not screw it up. Here's the replay:


The in-game functionality with Youtube is awesome.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Toma said:
Geez, that took longer than expected to type up.

Or you could just link to this, that I posted pages ago and Pylon should put in the OP. ;) ;)

That said: I'm fucking TERRIBLE at the game, andpeople I see don't die but it's the other way around despite the fact I have the view first. It's so annoying. And I absolutely hate the multiplayer mode because as soon as the round starts for me, I'm losing two people or more due to RPG's or two lucky spawning machine gunners with long view ranges while three or four of my team are in one room. Infuriating to not have a chance to get proper cover and line of sights set up before the shooting starts. :|


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
TheSeks said:
Or you could just link to this, that I posted pages ago and Pylon should put in the OP. ;) ;)

That said: I'm fucking TERRIBLE at the game, andpeople I see don't die but it's the other way around despite the fact I have the view first. It's so annoying. And I absolutely hate the multiplayer mode because as soon as the round starts for me, I'm losing two people or more due to RPG's or two lucky spawning machine gunners with long view ranges while three or four of my team are in one room. Infuriating to not have a chance to get proper cover and line of sights set up before the shooting starts. :|

Yeah, well... that is an... option.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I just updated the participants list to link to all our Gaf accounts. Look there if you want to write a pm, should make things easier if username/gaf name arent the same.

CzarTim said:
In Group G: Dooles is neither a player name in game nor a username on GAF. Send me a shout.

And while looking through all posts again, I saw that Dooles mentioned somewhere that his name changed at some point. He is actually "Doolez". I updated everything accordingly.

gregor7777 said:
I appreciated it. :)

Well, then it had at least one good effect :)

And now REALLY off to bed...


Group H consists of:


I added Moose and Deraldin on UK1, but wasn't able to find Finjitzu yet. I'll challenge each of the ones I can to the first games.

Good luck to all!

Edit: and here are captures of the starts.


Unconfirmed Member
Palmer_v1 said:
Edit: and here are captures of the starts.

I'd just like to say that the amount of second guessing I'm doing is ridiculous and we haven't ever gotten through a single turn yet.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Deraldin said:
I'd just like to say that the amount of second guessing I'm doing is ridiculous and we haven't ever gotten through a single turn yet.

Well, your grenader is going to bite the dust no matter what you do. Oh, wait that isn't you as green is it? Well, greens grenade is fucked if you guess the grenade throw of 3 correctly.
I'd assume throwing it through the door and hoping it bounces just right into the one door that the green grenade could take to safety to get away from your machine gun that can lock down the hall to the right of him.
However, I'd call a kamikaze attack since that grenader is pretty fucked otherwise and take out one dude with a lucky toss.

Then again most of my tactics suck in multiplayer and that's why I'm 1-3 level 2. :/

Anyway: Got past mission 3-1 in singleplayer. Lucked out and caught the AI in a long hallway. I still say the random nature of the game makes it less "skill" and more "luck" for the most part and that really irks me given Pylon's advertisement as this being a "thinking mans shooter." You still have to think to get correct mindreads, sure. But there has been times where advantages (to me) have been disadvantages because the one person I'd make bite it turns around and makes me bite it. Annoying, and I'm not the only one to notice this as someone on the Mode 7 forums has stated it.

But yeah, the spawns in general have been pretty crap for me because you either have everyone spread out with little advantage against the enemy that has long sights. Have crap units (user made to have you purposely disadvantaged?), like one game where I had three shotguns, against three RPG's, one machine gun. Or crap spawns, again.

Annoying. :|


TheSeks said:
Well, your grenader is going to bite the dust no matter what you do. Oh, wait that isn't you as green is it? Well, greens grenade is fucked if you guess the grenade throw of 3 correctly.

Honestly, I don't think that grenadier is in danger at all compared to some of the other units, though if that's a tournament game I don't want to help him too much.


Unconfirmed Member
TheSeks said:
Well, your grenader is going to bite the dust no matter what you do. Oh, wait that isn't you as green is it? Well, greens grenade is fucked if you guess the grenade throw of 3 correctly.
I'd assume throwing it through the door and hoping it bounces just right into the one door that the green grenade could take to safety to get away from your machine gun that can lock down the hall to the right of him.
However, I'd call a kamikaze attack since that grenader is pretty fucked otherwise and take out one dude with a lucky toss.

Then again most of my tactics suck in multiplayer and that's why I'm 1-3 level 2. :/

I'm the red guys in that image.

Not sure just how much I want to share while the game is on going, but I can tell you that no one died on the first turn and that I predicted the movement correctly for everyone except the shotgunner. Now that three of his units are ghosts, this is where my game goes downhill and my guys start dying horrible painful deaths. :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Deraldin said:
I'm the red guys in that image.

Not sure just how much I want to share while the game is on going, but I can tell you that no one died on the first turn and that I predicted the movement correctly for everyone except the shotgunner. Now that three of his units are ghosts, this is where my game goes downhill and my guys start dying horrible painful deaths. :/

Oh, right. I forgot this is a tournament. You guys shouldn't screencap since I'll blurt out what I think. >_>

Yeah, that happens to me as well. It's why I hate the Dark Mode, because instead of total darkness, you have a first turn "guess and see if you take out many of the enemy," turns and then it fucks me over because I'm going by "last seen" instead of trying to mind-read/stealth.


Unconfirmed Member
TheSeks said:
Oh, right. I forgot this is a tournament. You guys shouldn't screencap since I'll blurt out what I think. >_>

Yeah, that happens to me as well. It's why I hate the Dark Mode, because instead of total darkness, you have a first turn "guess and see if you take out many of the enemy," turns and then it fucks me over because I'm going by "last seen" instead of trying to mind-read/stealth.

Can't say that I planned on showing off the board for any more turns. Too much information sharing. That shotgunner is going to be the death of me though. I can just feel it. :/
Just started my games with Deraldin and Palmer_v1... shit is tense. Especially the game with Deraldin, dudes scattered everywhere and there's 2 rocket guys, a grenade guy and gunner. First turn should be interesting...


TheExecutive said:
898 and Jigsama dont exist in FS... is that their GAF name?

Sorry about that. I thought I registered in the right server but I guess I registered to the Grand/Texas? server.
I tried to register a new account to the UK1 server with no luck "The server returned an error: the CD key is invalid or used."

Anybody want to help out? The info on the official site/forums aren't very helpful.
So I tried to:
click advanced - change the server to 28021 - test sever - message responds correctly- click use this server - Message pops up, server has changed, register
click on create account - enter info - enter key from steam - click register - error "The server returned an error: the CD key is invalid or used."
What am I missing?


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I just started playing tonight. Good stuff.

I can't really figure out how to best utilize the grenade guys though. What am I missing? The other three seem so much better.


GuiltybyAssociation said:
I just started playing tonight. Good stuff.

I can't really figure out how to best utilize the grenade guys though. What am I missing? The other three seem so much better.

Hm. Two things maybe:

You can bounce grenades off walls.
You can shoot them over light cover while ducking/standing.

Grenades are a prediction game, more so than every other class really. They're good for forcing other people into going a direction you want them to, say, with a machine gun waiting.
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