lol brehs I went to the dollar store today to pick up some soap and snacks, walked in the door behind a pawg; she wasn't all that but was wearing some tight black yoga pants and a hoodie: ie the ultimate DTF costume. I'm minding my business just getting my items when I see some brolic Deebo looking black dude eying me. I play it cool and go down the snack aisle to get my favorite bacon cheddar chips, then he walks by the aisle staring at me, like he's sizing me up; not in an aggressive manner, moreso like he's playing a game or something.
Finally I get my items and head to the check out counter, and I see the pawg is in line; she turns around for a second and smiles at me, I give her a black man nod. Naturally I head to her line when the Deebo dude comes out of nowhere and cuts in front, so he can stand behind her. Then this corny motherfucker starts doing leg stretches, trying to make her turn around and look at him. He starts cracking his knuckles and neck and she turns around and gives him a rather neutral unimpressed look. I couldn't see his face but I could see his soul slowly depart from his body.
I'm not going to fight or try to impress some random chick at the fucking dollar store breh. fuckouttahere