Lol a at moose mentioning bulletproof wallets without amending that you need the og secret version. Cmon son. The album cut itself is mostly a disappointment
Yeah, this is funny. Good for him though, Pharrell seems like a nice guy and he's definitely influential.
Yeah, this is funny. Good for him though, Pharrell seems like a nice guy and he's definitely influential.
i doubt there isn't anyone in this thread that wouldn't catch feels if they were interviewed by Oprah.
You can keep any new Guilty Simpson music to yourself.
I haven't willingly listened to him since I bought that horrible album he did with Madlib. One flow, one note trash rapper. He's good in bursts, like on Russian Roulette. But that's about it.
I haven't willingly listened to him since I bought that horrible album he did with Madlib. One flow, one note trash rapper. He's good in bursts, like on Russian Roulette. But that's about it.
Facts only. The internet hype amongst rym type dudes for black milk, guilty, fat ray shit was so nuts in the 00s. Remember that Random Axe album in 2011? Nope, neither does anyone else.
I chuckle every time i scroll past the Black Milk albums in my itunes
Black Milk's last album is clearly his best, if he keeps getting better, i cant be mad.
I used to listen to Wu obsessively, especially that first run of RZA-produced solo albums. If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Ironman. Outside of that first run, Fishscale was my shit. But these days I just don't listen to that stuff anymore. Maybe I just burned myself out on it.
went back started listening to "krit wuz here" again. his best body of work by far.
went back started listening to "krit wuz here" again. his best body of work by far.
I used to listen to Wu obsessively, especially that first run of RZA-produced solo albums. If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Ironman. Outside of that first run, Fishscale was my shit. But these days I just don't listen to that stuff anymore. Maybe I just burned myself out on it.
went back started listening to "krit wuz here" again. his best body of work by far.
[]producedbyharald 2 points 6 minutes ago
In one mic you said "Jesus died at age 33, there's 33 shots From twin Glocks, there's sixteen apiece, that's 32 Which means one of my guns was holding 17 27 hit your crew, 6 went into you" what exactly do you mean by that? I understand the math
[]TheRealNASVerified4 points 3 minutes ago
whistling noise
Me too, but I guess I just branched out a lot. Liquid Swords is still the best hip hop album ever though, and I'll always be eternally grateful for them getting me into 90s rap and other shit. They all made classics, but sometimes when I look at the Wu I think that there was more potential there that wasn't accessed, like most of them gave up after one or two albums creatively and they fell apart as a unit.
went back started listening to "krit wuz here" again. his best body of work by far.
I dont think the problem is quantity like that. Its quality. The Wu is interesting because of their internal history in this respect. Its like they remained and became more insular (letting weed carriers rap and produce heavy) but at the same time went through huge infighting. So they're like... Working together and hating each other more and more. Its not good for the music fam.Yep 100% true, they should have had kept the ball rolling plugging out albums for a solid 10 year run. Should've had like double the discography we have now... I think ODB's death fucked things up bad
Can It all Be So Simple is one of my favorites, so much swagI'm still not all that familiar with the Wu's discography myself. The first album I listened to was Liquid Swords about 2 years ago. I didn't dig it at first but gave it another shot a few months later and started loving it. Still my favorite of three Wu-Tang albums I've listened to (The others being Enter the Wu-Tang and OB4CL).
I don't like OB4CL all that much though. It's too long and I actually dislike the production on some of the songs (Can it be All to Simple (remix or the original) and Rainy Dayz most notably). My least favorite song on LS is Cold World because of the singing and I think it's the same reason here.
Glaciers of Ice, Verbal Intercourse, Guillotine and Ice Cream are all awesome tracks.
I don't understand why Ironman is so behind OB4CL, and I don't think I ever will.
Lol a at moose mentioning bulletproof wallets without amending that you need the og secret version. Cmon son. The album cut itself is mostly a disappointment
Top Tier:
Liquid Swords
Supreme Clientele
Enter the 36
2nd Tier:
Wu Tang Forever
Return to the 36 Chambers
Bulletproof Wallets
Uncontrolled Substance
3rd Tier:
Birth of a Prince
Beneath the Surface
Thats all im willing to list off the dome.
You are crazy. It's a great album for the most part
Lol a at moose mentioning bulletproof wallets without amending that you need the og secret version. Cmon son. The album cut itself is mostly a disappointment
In what world is wu tang forever 2nd tier
Earth. Its a good album not not quite a classic.In what world is wu tang forever 2nd tier
Name a hip hop double album that is more consistent than Wu Tang Forever. I dare you.
diplomatic immunity
diplomatic immunity
Nelly - Sweat/SuitName a hip hop double album that is more consistent than Wu Tang Forever. I dare you.