I disagree on HnC, it's a great project that showed a lot of promise. Catchy hooks without being poppy, great samples in the production, and a nice balance between anthems and darker street shit.
peterb0y: I'll need receipts of me ever saying I liked a Slaughterhouse project.
But that's why when two of us form like Voltron you know it's real. HRD likes all types of weird bandcamp shit, Esch would have cosigned St. Anger if Hov was on the vocals, yall know I'd fuck with boy bands if they sang over dirty ass drums...we all can't be trusted rolling dolo. Put us together and no one does it better
I disagree on HnC, it's a great project that showed a lot of promise. Catchy hooks without being poppy, great samples in the production, and a nice balance between anthems and darker street shit.
eh, ya could be right. but I believe Q when he says, "all the college students loving Q". that's a big enough demographic to not go wood. on the other hand, only college students in co-ops loving Soul. and that demographic is significantly smaller.
and Jay Rock delivers us with GKMC Pt. 2
Has Stalley done any numbers?lol hater, Q could make dough on his own. Would Stalley do Stalley numbers if he wasn't with MMG?
Has Stalley done any numbers?
who the fuck is Stalley?
I disagree on HnC, it's a great project that showed a lot of promise. Catchy hooks without being poppy, great samples in the production, and a nice balance between anthems and darker street shit.
If you're arguing Q has a bigger mass appeal than Soul, that's pretty much fact.
In terms of quality, I don't see how being more mainstream affects that.
Esch is on some next level hater shit. Soul more interesting than Q? HnC is a C+? C'mon fam.
I'd rather take Q's perspective on him trying to stay slightly below water through hardship than Soul's struggles to out-Lupe all the bad things about Lupe any day of the week. Even stylistically, Q brings much more to the table and we haven't seen the great, technical wordplay from Soul since Longterm Mentality and flashes of it on Control System.
I'm just being honest. If I was hating, I'd use more :troll: invective, it's just how I feel. Soul is more interesting than Q because he's a left field life perspective rapper from the tinfoil community who actually has a decent ear for melodies, beats and a chorus. It doesn't show often but it's there. Most of the rap in that lane is sonically pretty bad and not catchy on any level. Soul isn't the best song writer, but for his lane he's pretty fucking good. If conspiracy theory rappers are like sluggers, Soul is Stanley Ketchel or George Foreman. He also *had* a decent flow.
Q on the other hand is a swag/druggie rapper; which is a super saturated lane and has been since ~2010. He has to be a lot better of a writer to stand out in his pack, yet his hook and catchy factor isn't seeing A$AP Rocky level and he's lyrically quite average in his verses. Dude doesn't have consistently dope punchlines (which is like the most essential thing for a swag emcee), and consistently writes tracks that are too long for his own good. Dude should really never go over 4 minutes. I'll give him this; he has some charisma, a decent ear for beats (not great) and a decent hook game? Otherwise?
Interscope largely left Q and his team to their own devices w/ Oxymoron and Soul isn't even signed to Interscope. I think Interscope will invest a lot more effort into Q's next project now that he's proven himself at the market. You can even see it now with the Studio single push.
As for Soul? Well he might be up shits creek creatively unless he gets some inspiration soon. I can't see Interscope signing and putting resources into him.
Wow, can't hate on that. Very realistic approach. As I was reading your Q writeup I was going to respond "but yeah no one has that Q charisma". And then got to your last sentence. You hit the nail on the head. The only thing I might say in Q's favor of becoming a mainstream success without TDE is that while the swag/druggie rap genre is super saturated, it's because it sells. I think an average swag/druggie rapper like Q could outsell even the top "left field life perspective rapper from the tinfoil community who actually has a decent ear for melodies" rapper if you'd want to put Soul in that category.
I don't really know what I'm saying because I stan them both. I prefer Setback and HnC to Oxy though, and everything pre These Days from Soul. Was #TDEFamAppreciationWeek the last time all four dropped a good song at the same time (just song in Jay Rock's case)?
Riff Raff > Q
Who knows, he might fuck around and drop a "Get By" on us!
I really disagree with so many points here. Pretty much everything you mentioned about Soul being unique to his subgenre was and is still done better by Lupe. Content? Less thought provoking, more fluffy and comes across as "just believe it's some smart shit" whenever he is asked about it. Sonically? Lupe has had way more hits than Soul, and way more catchy songs (almost offensive to say he has a better sense of melody than Lupe too). No question about that especially considering the breadth of Lupe's catalog and how fast Soul has gotten flabbier & sicker. Flow? Lupe. Soul has a bit more palatable of a voice, but that's as much as I'd give him. Why should I listen to Ab-Soul again? Let's not forget his big brother Kendrick is also in this same niche, and while he's stylistically different, he presents probably the most essential part to Soul's style, the content, much better, and from more thought provoking perspectives.I'm just being honest. If I was hating, I'd use more :troll: invective, it's just how I feel. Soul is more interesting than Q because he's a left field life perspective rapper from the tinfoil community who actually has a decent ear for melodies, beats and a chorus. It doesn't show often but it's there. Most of the rap in that lane is sonically pretty bad (K-Rino, Canibus, Immortal Technique, Lupe Fiasco) and not catchy on any level. Soul isn't the best song writer, but for his lane he's pretty fucking good. If conspiracy theory rappers are like sluggers, Soul is Stanley Ketchel or George Foreman. He also *had* a decent flow.
Q on the other hand is a swag/druggie rapper; which is a super saturated lane and has been since ~2010. He has to be a lot better of a writer to stand out in his pack, yet his hook and catchy factor isn't seeing A$AP Rocky level and he's lyrically quite average in his verses. Dude doesn't have consistently dope punchlines (which is like the most essential thing for a swag emcee), and consistently writes tracks that are too long for his own good. Dude should really never go over 4 minutes. I'll give him this; he has some charisma, a decent ear for beats (not great) and a decent hook game? Otherwise?
Not trolling.
I disagree on HnC, it's a great project that showed a lot of promise. Catchy hooks without being poppy, great samples in the production, and a nice balance between anthems and darker street shit.
Agree with Q's lane being saturated and that's why he'll never blow up, but the unique component is the gangster rap part of it. That's why he gets notice in the first place, you have all of these outlets really feeling like he's bringing gangster rap back and mixing the old stuff we lost in the mid-00s with a bit of the new melody-focused rap.I also don't think you need punchlines to stand out, flow is way more important in this lane than punchlines nowadays (punchlines haven't been important in a decade) and Q's style is pretty adaptive.
You can't really point to someone Q is like the same way you can with Soul, and I think the novelty (and quality, but that's much more subjective) of the music reflects that quite apparently.
Interesting argument but Soul hasn't put out anything better than The Cool, Food & Liquor, Rip The Jacker, The Psychic World of Walter Reed, Revolutionary Vol 2, and a host of other conspiracy or smart dumb nicca rap...
I'm just being honest. If I was hating, I'd use more :troll: invective, it's just how I feel. Soul is more interesting than Q because he's a left field life perspective rapper from the tinfoil community who actually has a decent ear for melodies, beats and a chorus. It doesn't show often but it's there. Most of the rap in that lane is sonically pretty bad (K-Rino, Canibus, Immortal Technique, Lupe Fiasco) and not catchy on any level. Soul isn't the best song writer, but for his lane he's pretty fucking good. If conspiracy theory rappers are like sluggers, Soul is Stanley Ketchel or George Foreman. He also *had* a decent flow.
Q on the other hand is a swag/druggie rapper; which is a super saturated lane and has been since ~2010. He has to be a lot better of a writer to stand out in his pack, yet his hook and catchy factor isn't seeing A$AP Rocky level and he's lyrically quite average in his verses. Dude doesn't have consistently dope punchlines (which is like the most essential thing for a swag emcee), and consistently writes tracks that are too long for his own good. Dude should really never go over 4 minutes. I'll give him this; he has some charisma, a decent ear for beats (not great) and a decent hook game? Otherwise?
Not trolling.
What you're saying is fair, but really discounts how unbelievably fucking awful Soul is at anything approaching metaphor, simile, analogy, alliteration, word emphasis, pronunciation, just general communication. Soul is bad at speaking out loud. Broadly, that's probably the most important thing for a rapper, and he's fucking terrible at it. Always has been. His flow is also as garbage as it is inconsistent. You can literally hear dude stop and smirk when he hits those corny ass punchlines.
I understand that there's value in being able to construct a song, but I'm going to give Q a nod here regardless of lane, regardless of technical ability, and regardless of scarcity of product, because I don't want to cauterize my ears every time he opens his mouth.
What you're saying is fair, but really discounts how unbelievably fucking awful Soul is at anything approaching metaphor, simile, analogy, alliteration, word emphasis, pronunciation, just general communication. Soul is bad at speaking out loud. Broadly, that's probably the most important thing for a rapper, and he's fucking terrible at it. Always has been. His flow is also as garbage as it is inconsistent. You can literally hear dude stop and smirk when he hits those corny ass punchlines.
You aren't the only one. I really can't fuck with him.holy shit
best new poster
Edit: I wish I was able to enjoy Lupe Fiasco. Feels like I missed out on something. I literally can't listen to him. Something about his delivery or overall artistic tone is just abhorrent to me. I can't really put it into words.
What you're saying is fair, but really discounts how unbelievably fucking awful Soul is at anything approaching metaphor, simile, analogy, alliteration, word emphasis, pronunciation, just general communication. Soul is bad at speaking out loud. Broadly, that's probably the most important thing for a rapper, and he's fucking terrible at it. Always has been. His flow is also as garbage as it is inconsistent. You can literally hear dude stop and smirk when he hits those corny ass punchlines.
The real talent is gonna be the guys who can put out multiple good recordsWhat I'm kind of noticing with the type of flow that Soul is using is that it almost sounds like a battle rapper. He's heavily emphasizing the punch lines when they don't really sound all to good over the pace of the songs. I could almost imagine Soul's battle rap verse at the end just being placed over a decent beat then him calling it a track.
Still like the album tho, doesn't touch Control System.
I feel with this whole new generation of rappers, is that when they finally sorta make it, the hunger and drive dies out. It's like a lot of the newer guys were in their primes before they even blew up, then after they starting eating.. their music just went![]()
I feel with this whole new generation of rappers, is that when they finally sorta make it, the hunger and drive dies out. It's like a lot of the newer guys were in their primes before they even blew up, then after they starting eating.. their music just went![]()
I feel with this whole new generation of rappers, is that when they finally sorta make it, the hunger and drive dies out. It's like a lot of the newer guys were in their primes before they even blew up, then after they starting eating.. their music just went![]()
Ab-Soul is still a talented rapper. I want to know why These Days is not getting the same push as GKMC and Oxymoron.
Did TDE even focus on These Days either?Everyone go right now and play Control System. Right when you hear that intro, you know that album is going to be a focused, cohesive project.
Now everyone is going to shit on Ab-Soul, which isn't fair. Kendrick is a mixture of Jay Rock, Q, and Ab-Soul who can craft amazing songs. Kendrick songwriting ability is what stands him apart from the rest of TDE.
Q is talented too. He has the most charisma in the group. It has been evident since HnC and his features. He isn't going to have trouble carving out a segment in the mainstream.
Jay Rock will be fine once his album drops.
Ab-Soul needs TDE to be 100% focus on him like they did for Kendrick. Control System should have been Soul album debut. Then I am pissed off that Ab-Soul could never release Unit 6 with JMSN. It would have kept his momentum going after the release of Control System.
Fuck all these labels man. Ab-Soul is still dope. Hopefully his next project is more focused and cohesive like Control System.