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GAF Poll: Would you pay $300 for a PSP?


Ok, ASSUMING that the PSP launched at $300 (no difference from $299.99, let's not get anal), how many of you would pick it up at that price? Keep it simple here with a Yes or No. And lets try to keep the discussions to a minimal.

And don't give crap answers like "Yes, if I had the money" because that means NO. If you don't have the money, it obviously is a NO. I'm talking about you actually paying $300 for the PSP.

Yes or No?

I'll start the ball rolling:



$300? It'd have to have the best game in the history of video games at launch for me to shell out that much for a portable.

I'll wait for the first price drop.


Still Tagged Accordingly
no good can come of this... and besides, there's already a thread in which this topic is being discussed.

Kon Tiki

No. That is $386.762 CAD. Not to say that I would not own one, I do own all three consoles despite not buying one at launch.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

Reason: Once you get some games, you'll be closer to $400. Not to mention there doesn't seem to be any compelling content at the moment.
Yes, but I'm an idiot and I do stuff like buy multiple consoles just to play imports. And I collect arcade games. Not exactly your average consumer.

The really sucky thing is, it'll probably cost more like $400 to import a Japanese one when they first come out.


Gold Member
Yes, especially if it offers some kind of internet browsing capability. Better yet, if there is a kit for homebrew software much like the Linux kit (although as a developer I'll probably get a devkit anyway).

I bought an Xbox (Japanese) at launch for $400 because I really, really wanted to play Jet Set Radio Future. Too late did I learn: NO ONE GAME IS WORTH BUYING A SYSTEM FOR.


I won't pay $150 US for a DS, so there is no way I'll pay $300 for a PSP. I don't use portables enough to warrent that kind of cost.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm all on the DS, but won't pay for it. Makes the perfect Xmas gift IMO.


Deku Tree said:
It depends on the games, but probably no. I'd rather just hold out and hope that Sony releases a PSP player for my TV.

Judging from the list of current games... they have, it's called a PS2.
JackFrost2012 said:

I bought an Xbox (Japanese) at launch for $400 because I really, really wanted to play Jet Set Radio Future. Too late did I learn: NO ONE GAME IS WORTH BUYING A SYSTEM FOR.

Not even TECHNIC CUTE?? C'monnnnn...

I did practically the same thing with JSRF, though not quite as early as you. It's still by far my favorite and most-played game on the console, years later. :\


Depends on the launch titles. But most likely yes.

Definately picking it up IF it doesn't have country lock, but we know that's not possible. :D
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