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GAF Poll: Would you pay $300 for a PSP?

Not until I get some confirmation on hardware reliability and battery life.

That said, at $300, it's still a vastly better deal than the sub-N64 DS. You're getting hardware with performance that's an order of magnitude superior for only 2x the price.


Dinky Crow is actually right in one way, the hardware power of PSP is an order of magnitiude better than DS, and two orders of magnitude better than GBA.

however, PSP lacks the other capabilities of DS. so that has to be concidered too.

if PSP is gonna be $300 at launch, I will prolly wait until Sony comes out with a revision of PSP with better battery life and a lower price.


rollin' in the gutter
Drinky Crow said:
Not until I get some confirmation on hardware reliability and battery life.

That said, at $300, it's still a vastly better deal than the sub-N64 DS. You're getting hardware with performance that's an order of magnitude superior for only 2x the price.

:lol What will you do if nintendo never leaves the hardware business in your lifetime?


No... but really, it's more like "I'd like not to but I might fall for that price, because I am a nut."

Although I'm very excited about this product, but 300 is overpriced for hand-held game, no matter what kind of functions it would have.

Probably 150 would be more feasible price, and if I can wait, I will try to.

Wail, gnash my teeth, and all that?

Seriously, though, if it even had Dreamcast level performance, I wouldn't be bitching. That said, Nintendo STILL hasn't demonstrated that the second screen or the touch screen is worth the extra cost.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Honestly, no. I wouldn't pay more than $150 for a portable PSOne no matter how good the LCD was. If the PSP actually showed some indication of being as powerful as a lot of devs have shot their mouth of about, I'd go to $200.


Drinky Crow said:
Wail, gnash my teeth, and all that?

Seriously, though, if it even had Dreamcast level performance, I wouldn't be bitching. That said, Nintendo STILL hasn't demonstrated that the second screen or the touch screen is worth the extra cost.

Well they might be saving some info for October still.
Drinky Crow said:
Wail, gnash my teeth, and all that?

Seriously, though, if it even had Dreamcast level performance, I wouldn't be bitching. That said, Nintendo STILL hasn't demonstrated that the second screen or the touch screen is worth the extra cost.

do you LIKE anything? I think Nintendo's tech demos for the submarine + the mario baby game shows that the ds will have concepts that will make it worth while.



Too freaking expensive. $200 bucks. They make money off royalties so I expect them to subsidise a bit; plus I reckon the PSP will become a white elephant / heart breaker rather quickly (any scratches = FUCKK..... $300 buck toy scratched!!!) I'd rather spend it on a next gen console and yes; that includes Xenon


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wipeout364 said:
unlikely, but I would be more likely to spend 300 on this than 150 for DS.

agreed. if i was to buy a portable, it would be the psp. i like the tech
Hmm. Well, of course I wouldn't. However, I WOULD buy a PSP based on the following:

A) Lots of good software. I seriously doubt there will be no problem here, although from what I've seen thus far I'm not too impressed.

B) The price. I would love to pay $150 for it, but might go as far as $200...

C)...but it has to be a durable machine. If this thing is gonna break as soon as I take it out of the box, there's no chance I'd invest $200, let alone $100 in it. Sony doesn't have a good track record for this kind of thing, so I'll wait and see how many get returned within the first month.

D) Battery life, naturally. 3 hours won't cut it. 6 hours is good. I'll take 6.

E) Comfort. The SP is so damn great because it fits snugly in your pocket, without fail. The PSP looks small enough, but it's not a clam-shell design like the SP. I'll have to hold one to find out for myself.

Overall, a nice alternative to Nintendo's GameBoy library. If Sony can dedicate themselves to supporting the PSP for at least 5-6 years, then its a good investment.
I dunno; what PS2 ports are you talking about? Metal Gear Acid? Ridge Racer? Darkstalkers? Princess Crown? Makai Wars? Those are the games *I'm* interested in, and they aren't on any PS2 list I've seen.

I don't have money to burn, if I did it could be a different case.

DS at $150 is extremely tempting though, the software will be the deciding factor I guess.


Scary Euro Man
Hell, I'd be in two minds about buying a PS3 at that price, but for a handheld it's just ridiculous. Besides, my GBA SP is fine for the journey to and from work - there are more than enough good games for it. I could still be playing some of the great GBA games that are out now by the time PSP hits the bargain buckets.



I would if I had the money, but I don't. $300 is way too much. Even $250 would be too much. Then you'd have to get a game or two driving the price up about $40-$100. No way.


NO. I wont even consider it. I am not paying $300 for a portable, because it can play UMD discs and movies. WHOOPDY DOOOO!!!!

Battery life as explained by Kaz Hirai at E3, "well its 10hrs for games, but 6 for music, and 3 for movies, but you have to divide that by .45 for crossing time zones, and the analog buttons, well that makes the battery life 2.5hrs"


Yusaku said:
Well, it's a good thing it launched at $99 then, huh?
Did it? Good to know. I assumed it must have launched at a more expensive price since I didn't pick one up for over a year.


Tag of Excellence
According to Drinky logic why not just have a $600 portable that's on the level of PS3/Xbox2 tech with twice the screen size! That's vastly more superior and you're getting a better deal since it's a disgustingly larger magnitude of power for only 4x the price ! Woohoo!

Fuck I don't even think that's theoretically possible at that pricepoint. It be, $1,000 and much larger than the PSP with a battery life of a half hour.

EDIT: I kid I kid, the point made wasn't half bad.


That's just too much... although I won't rule out the possibility that I'd still buy it even at that price as the games look gorgeous and I actually have a cash flow now. I'm picking up a DS first though, I know that much.


hyperbolically metafictive
if sengoku cannon turns out well (which it probably won't) i bet i'll end up importing one like an idiot. honestly just the thought of portable, high resolution, 16:9, totally uncompromised psikyo shmupping has me reaching for my poor beleaguered credit card. there are a half dozen other psp games i'm interested in, but sengoku cannon is the first announcement to really inspire lust.


Isamu would pay anything for a new Ridge Racer game.

So, a resounding FUCK yes for me.

Ranger X

I'm not interested in the other features. 300 buck (read 460 for us Canadians) it's too much. Sorry.
199 US (249 Can) with a 6 hours or more batterie life i would be in.
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