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GAF Poll: Would you pay $300 for a PSP?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony

Prognosis: 2/3 (or more) people in this thread buys PSP at the day one, just because GAFfers are too edgy to be out of the loop with something as cool as PSP.


Console Market Analyst
$300? No.

$200, yeah. If they resolve the battery issue.



Marconelly said:

Prognosis: 2/3 (or more) people in this thread buys PSP at the day one, just because GAFfers are too edgy to be out of the loop with something as cool as PSP.

I don't think the PSP will be able to turn on that many people to the point of shelling out $300 at launch with the battery life the way it is. I think it will take a price drop for the PSP to do decent sales.


pcostabel said:
Yes, especially if it offers some kind of internet browsing capability. Better yet, if there is a kit for homebrew software much like the Linux kit (although as a developer I'll probably get a devkit anyway).

bs translator begins..

"as soon as i get download my roms straight to the DS!"



I'll get one eventually, though.

edit: pretty much everyone who has said 'yes' is (undeniably) a sony fanboy. just sayin'


I was sold on PSP from about day one, wish it was a lower price, but yes I'm buying @ launch for $300+.

Musashi Wins!

It's going to have to be internet capable out of the box. As in browser capabilities. If it can do that along with any of the crappy launch games I'll buy it at launch. I haven't kept up with things well enough to know if that's the case yet. Basically, even without a stylus, etc. will it have basic PDA functionality. That along with gaming is my concern, as I'm more interested in the PSP than the DS as a gaming platform as well. Still for that much money, I want multiple features.




olimario said:
I don't think the PSP will be able to turn on that many people to the point of shelling out $300 at launch with the battery life the way it is. I think it will take a price drop for the PSP to do decent sales.

We don't know if it's going to cost $300 (although it wouldn't surprise me) and we don't have confirmation of battery life.


Tag of Excellence
At this point in time, absolutely not.

Nothing has been demonstrated by Sony to show that this product is worth that amount, especially when compared to the competition.

Too many question marks and unknowns. The price might be way too high (anything above $200 makes it hard to swallow), the battery might be too low (anything under 4 makes it hard to swallow), and there's hasn't been any demonstrations that show it has an impeccable and long lasting lineup of games (of course TGS will fix that).

These might prove to be common fears and shown to be completely false but I await Sony's answers in this uphill battle they're facing.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I don't think the PSP will be able to turn on that many people to the point of shelling out $300 at launch with the battery life the way it is.
OK, so what is the battery life? The only solid info of any kind I've found is that IGN has played one of the close-to-final prototype units for about an hour, and the battery meter hasn't moved from it's top state (battery meter has three notches, apparently).

edit: pretty much everyone who has said 'yes' is (undeniably) a sony fanboy. just sayin'
Um, yeah, undeniably. By the same logic, most of the people who said 'no' are (undeniably) scared Nintendo fans. Generalizations are fun!


yeah I would buy it

For one I like buying things when first released (when interested in said item of course). I like the newness of owning something just released.

Second..big whoop..like I'm gonna wait a year for a whopping $50 price drop? I'm not hurting on money that bad...


I will not buy a PSP
I will no buy it, no sir'ee
I will not buy it for 100 bucks (x3)
When a NDS costs 150


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Hell no... $150 is the most I'd pay for a PSP...

I'm interested in more software for the PSP, but I prefer the price and the hardware capabilities of the DS, so I'll be more apt to pick up a DS this Xmas.


nope, not too big on portable gaming. might buy it a few years down the line for novelty's sake, and by then some games i would be interested in should be available.


Tag of Excellence
kpop100 said:
Second..big whoop..like I'm gonna wait a year for a whopping $50 price drop? I'm not hurting on money that bad...
That's true, if the system does turn out to be popular then waiting a year for a mere $50 pricedrop would be rather silly.

The most worrisome question mark for me is the price of the games. I really don't want to see portable gaming prices be raised that dramatically (this includes the DS game prices as well).
No, regardless of price. I'll wait for the first revision of the hardware so it doesn't break like every v1.0 Sony product. I also wouldn't pay more than $200 anyway, so that's another no.


TekunoRobby said:
That's true, if the system does turn out to be popular then waiting a year for a mere $50 pricedrop would be rather silly.

The most worrisome question mark for me is the price of the games. I really don't want to see portable gaming prices be raised that dramatically (this includes the DS game prices as well).

Exactly IAWTP...

No one seems to be worried about the software price of the games for either PSP or DS, which has much more impact than hardware price.


No, I just can't do it. As great as it looks, and with all the great support it's getting, the price is just too steep for a handheld. I'll be waiting for the inevitable price-drop. Me = DS now, PSP later...maybe.


I'm interested but $300 is a bit too steep. So, No.

I would like to see more information on the UMD media and how much movies will cost. And Battery Life will also be important. I think it needs to be around $200..


The PSP looks incredibley cool, has a lot of power, and Ridge Racer looks fun as hell, but I can't justify $300 for a handheld. But if it's $200, I'll most likely get one.


I could not, would not on a train
I could not, would not on a plane
For one, price is too steep for me
For two, let's just say 'battery'
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