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GAF Poll: Would you pay $300 for a PSP?

Drinky Crow said:
Not until I get some confirmation on hardware reliability and battery life.

That said, at $300, it's still a vastly better deal than the sub-N64 DS. You're getting hardware with performance that's an order of magnitude superior for only 2x the price.

I guess you dont have a GBA then..........but that's hardly surprising......


How many of you NOs take public transport? This is a portable machine, which means it's meant to be used on the go. Do you have a GBA, and do you play it at home or away? In Japan and Europe, there's a large segment of society that spends 1-2 hours per day, at least, on public transport.

I wonder if we're going to see some sort of a divide in PSP adoption between North America and Europe/Japan based on mode of transportation.

If I didn't take the train for a couple hours a day, my Yes of earlier would probably be a No. But I do, and looking into the dead eyes of people who hate their lives is motivation enough to spend some cash on a good escape.


I want a pure gaming machine, not a multi-media device. I already have a 40 gig jukebox (video playing/recording, mp3, digicam, etc). :p
Plus, if you factor in the software, media, memory sticks, etc...
Answer: No

Ranger X

I'm do lazy to do it. Can someone compile all the answer so far? Aren't we at something like 95% of no?

Things are going well Sony, don't despair! lol
Rorschach said:
I want a pure gaming machine, not a multi-media device.

See, I'd love a portable gaming system that serves as a viable multimedia device. PSP doesn't seem to fit the bill, though, for a number of reasons.

With the DS, I feel comfortable buying the system even if there are only a couple of games that really interest me, because I can play GBA games on the system as well. There's no way I'm carrying two gaming systems around, so that is an important feature to me. The PSP, in contrast, offers some dubious multimedia potential as fallback in case the software isn't immediately up to par. When you add in the price difference, the DS seems like a much safer bet.


Yes, if it has games that I'd really like to play.

No if it doesn't. Having to buy memory sticks, extra umd discs/umd burner, and whatever else to get basic functionality out of it's non-gaming functions kills it for me.



And because of the battery life, hell the fuck no. The only reason I even have a GBASP was because I mananged to get one used for $28.

$300? For a portable? With the manufacturing history of PSOne and PS2 and PSX?




Unconfirmed Member
The idea of Lumines is tempting, of course. If Minna No Golf & Ridge Racer turn out good, then I'll be hard pressed not to buy one. Three must-have games for me is basically a sale. I bought an Xbox for JSRF, that was like $400 to play that game... and I will not do that again. So, show me three must haves, Sony, and I'll drop the cash.


No, when I can buy 6 brand new or at least 10 olde games with that much money. Considering the amount of time I play handhelds, GBA SP will last me 10+ years..


Wyzdom said:
I'm do lazy to do it. Can someone compile all the answer so far? Aren't we at something like 95% of no?

Things are going well Sony, don't despair! lol

I just went through and did it:

Yes - 34 (19.5%)
No - 140 (80.5%)
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