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GAFPOP |OT8| Don't Forget the self-clockiesT of 'em all_

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Mau ®

Late and confirmed fake.

Thanks for trying.


Mau ®

Ribs is perfect. Too perfect for radio imo.

I kinda thought Buzzcut Season was going to be the single. I'm not here for Tennis Court tbh.

Oh well... new music is coming sooner than expected anyway.


It must be hard to tell that Rihanna is supportive of many different types of people because she hasn't released a song explicitly centered around that.


It must be hard to tell that Rihanna is supportive of many different types of people because she hasn't released a song explicitly centered around that.

yes, because as we know, celebrities are always genuine and #truthfact w/ their shit, and never do or say anything for the sake of political correctness...


Even if that comment was real I'd still agree with Rih.

Gay people (or ANY group that has faced religious persecution) should be the last ones trying to pass that same religious judgement on others.

I'd have said the same damn thing. "You better hope I'm not goin to hell, because if I am you are too."


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I'm no Katy Perry fan, but "Dark Horse" is the first single of hers I've actually somewhat liked, especially following that godawful trash "Roar". I decided to check out the video for it on youtube........ a HOT MESS. What the hell did I just watch? I was expecting something kind of dark and sinister to go with the song, not this bubble-gum, cheesy, garish eye-vomit I was subjected to for over 3 minutes! The video has retro-actively ruined the song for me. Has this chick not matured at all since her first album? I suspect as she's what, 30 years old, that she's the female version of those frat-boys that never grow out of their college days?? Ugh


Even if that comment was real I'd still agree with Rih.

Gay people (or ANY group that has faced religious persecution) should be the last ones trying to pass that same religious judgement on others.

I'd have said the same damn thing. "You better hope I'm not goin to hell, because if I am you are too."

people that say gays are going to hell are just chicken shits, that don't even KNOW the bible. There is nothing in there that says homosexuality is a sin.

Even if that comment was real I'd still agree with Rih.

Gay people (or ANY group that has faced religious persecution) should be the last ones trying to pass that same religious judgement on others.

I'd have said the same damn thing. "You better hope I'm not goin to hell, because if I am you are too."
Yeah, I don't see how that comment (fake or real) could even remotely be seen as homophobic. Fake Rih isn't bashing the dude for being gay...she's bashing him for being a hypocrite.

In any case, Rihanna is basically unimpeachable. She stands for nothing - she's never tried to be a "role model for young girls," she's not really an overt advocate of any particular cause, and she's a total blank canvas for whatever hot new beat Jay-Z's handpicked for her to sing over.

You can't really assault the character of someone who never developed one.

people that say gays are going to hell are just chicken shits, that don't even KNOW the bible. There is nothing in there that says homosexuality is a sin.

Gurl you know that isn't true.


I'm no Katy Perry fan, but "Dark Horse" is the first single of hers I've actually somewhat liked, especially following that godawful trash "Roar". I decided to check out the video for it on youtube........ a HOT MESS. What the hell did I just watch? I was expecting something kind of dark and sinister to go with the song, not this bubble-gum, cheesy, garish eye-vomit I was subjected to for over 3 minutes! The video has retro-actively ruined the song for me. Has this chick not matured at all since her first album? I suspect as she's what, 30 years old, that she's the female version of those frat-boys that never grow out of their college days?? Ugh

she's a popstar, with likely very little creative control over her career, yet. So, when the label tells ha 'do what made you popular to begin with, again' it's not like she can balk.


people that say gays are going to hell are just chicken shits, that don't even KNOW the bible. There is nothing in there that says homosexuality is a sin.

Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Corinthians 6:9–10
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."


Try again.

Gays are evil and Mother Terihsa did not lie about the Gospel of The Lord.

Does she even speak the language?

I think not but she can try god dammit.

Sistren, please settle something for me. I've been listening to Janet Jackson while I workout lately and Feedback is one to my fave songs. But when she says "something heavy like a first day period"... is that actually what she's saying? Please tell me she's not actually referring to her menstrual cycle?


Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Corinthians 6:9–10
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."


Try again.

Gays are evil and Mother Terihsa did not lie about the Gospel of The Lord.


mmhmm, sis...
hi what the fuck

katy has had videos from all three of her albums that have been tongue-in-cheek. it's not some shtick or concept that made teenage dream so different from everything else she's done.

california gurls, last friday night, maybe wide awake -> light hearted, "cheesy", tongue-in-cheek ... that's 3/8 videos from teenage dream.

Just because Katy's music videos didn't suffer a sudden change in quality from one era to the next (ahem) and have instead remained consistently solid doesn't mean they're all the same. I'm happy that Katy's videos are still as good as they have been, instead of going, just a random example, from this to this in less than 2 years, and never quite recovering.

Not to mention that the song that's played in the music video you're criticizing is Katy's biggest departure from her usual sound.

just relax and breathe it's going to be okay. Mumei's here to help you change your username (Hot n Cold might be available) and changing your avatar is just a few clicks away (PM me if you have problems)

I'm not criticizing the sound, I'm criticizing the music video.

Since she departed from her usual sound, maybe she could have done something...different or interesting? I know she has to appease her audience of 11 year old girls, but that also comes with everyone else forgetting the video exists in a week. I'm sure the video will hit 200M+ because people want to listen to the song, not watch the video.

Gaga's decline is real, and I don't think anyone is arguing that. I hope G.U.Y. does well and she realizes DJWS is mediocre and she needs new producers. I hope the music video is great and she realizes she isn't a good director. One of the big differences between Gaga and Katy is Gaga's unwillingness to listen to other people who disagree with her ideas, and it's a damn shame.
sales and hits are a big difference too.

Also if I were to bandwagon stan someone, Katy wouldn't even be considered. I'll be with Gaga till the end, for better or worse.
I really feel that the lyrics are too strange for GUY to take off. She explains it and I suppose weird is her thing but "I Wanna Be That Guy" sung by a woman just seems too weird for the GP to me. Someone please answer my Janet question, it keeps me up at night.


Surely y'all know from Rob's screen captures that "That's not the usual Instagram font" is not a valid defense for why something could be faked. >_>


Azealia needs to have this stupid shit STOP happening to her because it's only giving her more dumb things for her to externalise all her problems onto rather than addressing the problem itself.
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