Jazzy Network
Power saving seems to help. Can probably add about 30-60 minutes of SoT on a given day and an extra 3-4 hours during the day.
I'm getting one of these in June, at least I hope, and I'm trying to find a good program that plays/organizes music of various formats (mp3/flac/etc) that I can use to later transfer to my phone. I know you can do this with various programs like Winamp or Spotify, but I was just wondering what everyone else uses. Just something simple and quality. I like iTunes' UI for example but don't really care for it in other ways.
Looks like 5.1.1 is rolling out for the T-Mo Edge already. This bodes very well, shocked they're pushing it out so fast. Has guest mode, too.
How did you live with 1% draining every few minutes in standby?! I haven't disabled any of the Google stuff, and yet I've never seen the phone drain that quickly when not in use. (Though I did disable a bunch of other crap.) I mean, I'm currently 24% drained over the course of 7h 45m, and near an hour of that being screen on time.
I use Foobar, it can also convert flac's to mp3.
I had severe standby battery draining, I checked online for some fixes. I disabled good now cards and location/syncing and it's helped tremendously. I don't really use Google now and I'm ok with not having location and syncing on all the time. Until Samsung releases an update to solve some of the battery draining issues, this is the best we can do. Before I was losing like 1% every few mins on standby, now I've gone about 15mins and it's still at 100%.
There doesn't really seem to be a fix for the memory leak issue though, it's quite annoying and I hope it's patched quickly.
Edit: Almost an hour on standby and I only lost 1%. There we go, that seems right.
Yeah. The memory leak sucks. Best you can do for now is disable live wallpapers, and in developer options set all the animations to 0x to disable them. (Animations are the source of the memory leak)
For the location/sync issues, what did you turn off? Google Now is easy enough to turn off the cards, but for Location did you turn it off entirely? Location using what? GPS/Wifi/Mobile?
I like Foobar well enough, I may look into that. If I'm using my phone as my portable mp3 player, would it be simpler to only get mp3 files? I thought I read S6 played flac but I guess not. I know it's not really a big hassle to convert, but I'd rather keep it as simple as possible.
Wait the S6 doesn't read flac? Are you sure? I thought all Androids did, my M8 does.
I haven't bothered to check whether it does or not, but I don't see that as mattering much. Unless you're using high end headphones in a quiet area, you'd just be wasting space with FLAC. Well encoded MP3/M4As are good enough for any typical portable listening.
The S6 has a Wolfson DAC which makes it sound much better than any other Android handset and if you're using high end earphones/headphones then why not? The phone has enough space for flac files this way you don't have to go through the hassle of converting to mp3.
Rang Vodafone (UK) earlier today to chase up my orders. Turns out there's a 2-4 week back order in awaiting new stock...smh.
Take comfort in that fact - the best of anything will always prove popular. Good things come to he who waits.
I've had Samsungs since the S2. I went to look at the edge on release day - don't know why, but I just wasn't taken with it.
It's not that much of a massive upgrade is it? Plus no SD card slot. I couldn't really justify parting with £729 (I don't do contracts anymore, I prefer to just buy them outright rather than be locked in for 18/24 months) - saying that, I probably still would have bought one, because I was in that, 'I WANT THE NEW THING!' frame of mind. But the guy said the store had only been allocated 3 units and they'd all gone.
I really wanted a change from my S5 - so as an interim phone until the S6 is cheaper or something really cool comes out, I got a Sony Z3 for £479. Pretty much the exact same specs as the Galaxy S5 only with more RAM, better camera and minus the finger print scanner and the heart rate sensor (which I never used once the novelty wore off).
It's so much better than the Samsungs! Felt a bit wrong buying last year's phone - But don't regret it one bit! I'm actually more excited for the Z4 than anything else at the moment.
Although Sony are shit at advertising and hype so will probably cock it up, meaning I'll be back for the S7 or whatever!
Indeed. Phone must be selling very well either way.
We're getting to a point now where mobile releases have very little between them. They're essentially already pocket rockets that do everything under the sun. If they just improve night photography and battery life with the next Galaxy device, I'm not really sure what else people would even really need.
Thanks for this recommendation! Saw it in the Event thread and mine just came in yesterday; feels much better than the free case I got from Verizon. I normally go caseless but the camera protrusion... T_TI like the official clear cases from Samsung:
The S6 has a Wolfson DAC which makes it sound much better than any other Android handset and if you're using high end earphones/headphones then why not? The phone has enough space for flac files this way you don't have to go through the hassle of converting to mp3.
The camera on the S6 is actually much better than the Z3 IMO and the screen blows the Z3 screen away. The biggest edge the Z3 has is battery life + I think the build looks better aesthetically.
As for hassle aspect. Seriously, there is pretty much no hassle these days. Conversion is a matter of a few clicks and is stupidly fast. I just converted an album from FLAC to 320CBR MP3 in all of 15 seconds. You'll likely spend more time copying over the larger FLAC files than you will simply converting directly to the phone's storage.
not really.A lot of phones have this DAC I thought
Every year i buy the new galaxy S. I've been doing this since S2.
I was happy with my S5. Told everone this year would be different. S6 wasn't worth it.
Now i'm holding the S6 in my hand. I'm helpless...
My intention was to buy the edge version. I was in love when i saw the pictures. But with it actually in my hand, i didn't like it. The screen looks smaller because of the edges. And it was way more expensive than the regular one.
So i went with the standard S6. Got the gold variant. It looks like something between silver and gold actually. It looks like it's made of metal. I like it.
should have gotten the edge.
That's my issue with the Edge. I tried it out at the store and holy shit, the glare. There's glare on one, if not both, sides, and it's distracting and blocking text or other elements.
So I wound up going with the edge. Battery seemed to drain really quickly at first, did a factory reset and it seems to be a bit better, first 10% goes by really fast though. I have noticed that the phone seems to get pretty warm at times, even when doing stuff that isn't crazy taxing. Has anyone else seen this; is it common? Wondering if I should exchange it or not.
not really.
should have gotten the edge.
Upgrading from a Nexus 4 was thinking I was going to get a S6, then saw the Nexus 6. Stock android without having to mess around with ROMs or anything is quite appealing, plus it's £100+ cheaper.
I still can't get over how it doesn't have a comma on the main screen. Like seriously, nobody speaks English over there?Fucking keyboard is shit though LOL
If you want good big near-stock phone for cheap, go for 1+1.
I wouldn't. Shit company and whilst the hardware looks good on paper, it's had numerous issues. The latest being a large number of users having issues with the screen and ghost touches.
I still can't get over how it doesn't have a comma on the main screen. Like seriously, nobody speaks English over there?
I still can't get over how it doesn't have a comma on the main screen. Like seriously, nobody speaks English over there?
I wouldn't. Shit company and whilst the hardware looks good on paper, it's had numerous issues. The latest being a large number of users having issues with the screen and ghost touches.
should have gotten the edge.
Stopped at a Best Buy and saw a new color... it was like a mirror finish. I loved it.
But I can't find it online. Is it the "platinum gold" color? Is there another, different, regular gold? Platinum Gold looked amazing.