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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I know we've done this last season, but thus far how would everyone rank the fighters in the show? Top 5.

5.) Ser Loras Tyrell - I guess he's the younger, Tyrell version of Jaime Lannister? I thought about knocking him off the list after he lost to Brienne of Tarth in the tournament, but I believe he held back and would have killed her in real combat.
4.) Daario Naharis - last episode convinced me to put him on this list
3.) Ser Barristan Selmy - According to the last episode, he's killed more men than anyone, his age is an issue
2.) The Hound (Ser Sandor Clegane) - his only weakness is fire.
1.) The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane) - does he have any weaknesses?
Just slightly above average here.
Well you guys are on the high side then. Global average for a woman is 5'4" I believe.

Add to that acting is a profession not typically filled with tall people and Sophie shares a lot of scenes with Peter and Sibel (looks like she is listed at around 5'4").

Obviously it's possible Sophie's height listed on the webs is not current/accurate.
I know we've done this last season, but thus far how would everyone rank the fighters in the show? Top 5.

5.) Ser Loras Tyrell - I guess he's the younger, Tyrell version of Jaime Lannister? I thought about knocking him off the list after he lost to Brienne of Tarth in the tournament, but I believe he held back and would have killed her in real combat.
4.) Daario Naharis - last episode convinced me to put him on this list
3.) Ser Barristan Selmy - According to the last episode, he's killed more men than anyone, his age is an issue
2.) The Hound (Ser Sandor Clegane) - his only weakness is fire.
1.) The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane) - does he have any weaknesses?

I assume you're talking about living and able swordsmen, not best of all time. The Mountain's weakness is that he's probably not very cunning. I could see Daario or Barristan besting him in single combat.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I know we've done this last season, but thus far how would everyone rank the fighters in the show? Top 5.

5.) Ser Loras Tyrell - I guess he's the younger, Tyrell version of Jaime Lannister? I thought about knocking him off the list after he lost to Brienne of Tarth in the tournament, but I believe he held back and would have killed her in real combat.
4.) Daario Naharis - last episode convinced me to put him on this list
3.) Ser Barristan Selmy - According to the last episode, he's killed more men than anyone, his age is an issue
2.) The Hound (Ser Sandor Clegane) - his only weakness is fire.
1.) The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane) - does he have any weaknesses?

Why would Loras hold back? He was fighting what he thought was a man in front of his lover. He would have gone all out to impress people given he comes across quite arrogant in the show anyway


Not sure how the rules work. It's not a spoiler after the show aired right? I'm going to discuss parts of Eps 1-3.

Phew, just found this thread and skimmed 5000+ posts in two days. All caught up.
I wanted to find a place where I could discuss theories with people who hasn’t read the books.

Here are my thoughts on who killed Joffrey. I read most of the guesses in this thread.

Nice breakdown. Many valid points but I disagree with your conclusion. I feel like Sansa's involvement would have been revealed in the same breath as Littlefinger. She clearly had no idea what was going on, though, and wouldn't feign ignorance to the guy pulling the strings.

People with confirmed involvement.

1. Littlefinger - Architect?
2. Ser Dontos - Delivery(poison to Sansa, Sansa to Littlefinger.
3. ????? - Killer

I'm not ruling out the possibility of there being someone above Baelish, but for now I'll assume he is the man behind the curtain. The most obvious co-conspirator, for me, remains Olenna. We see her remove the jewel from Sansa's necklace, and we see Margaery lay Joffrey's the cup within spitting distance of where she's standing--nevermind her clever grandstanding, "Idiots help your king!!". I'd also point to the way in which she dangled Tywin's precarious post-war position over his head before the wedding. The crown is dependent on Tyrell support, a fact Tywin relays to Oberyn in the most recent episode. This all but guarantees Margaery's hand will be given over to Tommen. She now weds a king she'll easily be able to influence instead of one who would have tormented her. Win/Win for the Tyrells. Also remember that Littlefinger was the one who facilitated the Lannister-Tyrell allegiance, for which he was given Harrenhal, so there's an established working relationship between him and High Garden, i.e., Olenna.


I assume you're talking about living and able swordsmen, not best of all time. The Mountain's weakness is that he's probably not very cunning. I could see Daario or Barristan besting him in single combat.

I really want to see the new Mountain wrecking some shit. Dude looks massive.
Why would Loras hold back? He was fighting what he thought was a man in front of his lover. He would have gone all out to impress people given he comes across quite arrogant in the show anyway

I could see how his arrogance allowed him to underestimate his opponent. And why would he have needed to impress Renly when he already had him, especially at the expense of an opponent whom Ser Loras knew couldn't steal Renly's interest?


Brienne doesn't get enough credit.

She fought Loras - and won
She fought Jaime - and won
She fought those three Stark men single-handedly in front of Jaime - and won
I know we've done this last season, but thus far how would everyone rank the fighters in the show? Top 5.

5.) Ser Loras Tyrell - I guess he's the younger, Tyrell version of Jaime Lannister? I thought about knocking him off the list after he lost to Brienne of Tarth in the tournament, but I believe he held back and would have killed her in real combat.
4.) Daario Naharis - last episode convinced me to put him on this list
3.) Ser Barristan Selmy - According to the last episode, he's killed more men than anyone, his age is an issue
2.) The Hound (Ser Sandor Clegane) - his only weakness is fire.
1.) The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane) - does he have any weaknesses?

The Hound handles his bro pretty well in Season 1. I think The Mountain likely wins his battles due to sheer power and size, but then again we haven't really seen him in much standing combat. The Hound, on the other hand, has definitely proven himself on this show as being a pure badass that can not only manage one-on-one fights with skilled opponents (The Mountain, the Lord of Light Resurrection guy), but also groups of men.

Bronn is also worth a discussion. He seems deceptively skilled in the art of combat and killing.
My vote goes to Daario as the deadliest. I suppose he's a hit and run type. Slash and Dash. Would play like one of those speedy characters in a fighting game. Or Grey Fox from MGS... minus the insanity

He was still giving it his all. He didn't seem that weak to me.

Jaime was definitely OP before the Golden Hand patch nerfed him. But we didn't really get to see a full strength Jaime fight, just stories



You know what I liked most about that scene in last weeks episode. He started off threatening to take a chicken. Then, more intimidatingly, he changed his mind and said he was taking two. By the end of the conversation, he said "if any more words spill out of your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room".

The Hound was no longer talking about the feathered bird anymore.


People have this concept that Jaime (in his prime) was the most skilled fighter in the show...but wasn't he pretty much neck-and-neck with Ned Stark in Season 1?


I have a feeling Jamie is secretly a bit of a chump with a sword, he just has a rep cos he killed a crazy king (by stabbing him in the back no less, not exactly skilful).


You can try just searching the tag got-cast on tumblr. I just found this gem doing that.

Yes that did it, thank you.
I just love cast pics for every shows (i know it's a little fangirlish but whatever)

Pedro Pascal just has the best smile ever, it puts you in such a good mood.
Same for Charles Dance, he looks like a grandpa on a vacation.
And the womens are probabily hotter outside of the show.
Sadly i didn't found any Stannis the Mannis pics, i bet he's so serious in irl too.

Oh, and when she's not doing any stupid face even Maisie can be pretty (not Clarke/Dormer/Headey levels but hey)


Motive : Spare her granddaughter from marrying Joffrey because he’s a monster.
This is a weak motive. Olenna is all about being a strong woman. It undermines the Tyrell’s goal of making Margaery the Queen. I don’t see any strong or clear movite.
Opportunity : Not much. Unless she did a free throw from her table, she was not close enough to the cup. She may have planned it, but I don’t see motive for her killing Joffrey.

Margaery puts the cup right in front of her grandmother. I think she had the most opportunity besides Sansa (but Joffrey drinks from the cup after Sansa handles it and doesn't have any issues, so my money's on Olenna). We really can't guess what her motivations may be.
Apparently some people in this very thread did. It boggles my mind really. A woman says "no" and "stop" repeatedly, struggles physically to break free, never once asserts (verbally or non-verbally) anything resembling consent... but it's still not rape? I'm starting to think these people wouldn't consider anything to be truly rape. If you can handwave all of that, you can handwave anything.

I never used to really believe in the whole "rape culture" thing. I mean I always understood the inherent problems of the he-said, she-said nature of it, but I never truly understood. I always thought that most people were well rounded and knew what rape was, and that ads trying to educate people about it were preaching to the converted. But now I feel stupid. When I hear people say that Cersei would've fought harder if she didn't want it, my heart sinks. Really depressing shit.

El Daniel

I have a feeling Jamie is secretly a bit of a chump with a sword, he just has a rep cos he killed a crazy king (by stabbing him in the back no less, not exactly skilful).

He killed 10 men before Robb's men could capture him at the end of season 1.

I could take some non-spoiler book quotes on Jaime but it's not the bookthread so I'll spare you that. But Jaime was pretty much the best swordsman in Westeros.


Just caught up on the latest episode and had to take a screen cap of this on HBOGO:

You're the most watched series on HBO FFS, put some effort in. "They won't notice the same extras in a flat line of people if we switch the order a little."


Put some effort in? It's probably the best looking show you're going to find, how can you say 'put some effort in'? They copy paste the unsullied formations too you know and the boats in Blackwater etc.


I never used to really believe in the whole "rape culture" thing. I mean I always understood the inherent problems of the he-said, she-said nature of it, but I never truly understood. I always thought that most people were well rounded and knew what rape was, and that ads trying to educate people about it were preaching to the converted. But now I feel stupid. When I hear people say that Cersei would've fought harder if she didn't want it, my heart sinks. Really depressing shit.

Hmm. It's a tricky question, because obviously as a general argument, "if she wasn't fighting back with everything she had she secretly wanted it" is stupid, fucked up, and liable to lead you to wrong conclusions. On the other hand, given everything we know about this character, someone saying "if Cersei didn't want it it would not have happened" might plausibly be saying something specific to the character rather than deliberately or accidentally invoking the broader, incorrect argument.

Even in the specific, the argument feels squicky. But I don't think we necessarily need to assume that someone making it would use the general argument.


Put some effort in? It's probably the best looking show you're going to find, how can you say 'put some effort in'? They copy paste the unsullied formations too you know and the boats in Blackwater etc.

No way?!

There weren't 8000+ soldiers on set?


Never watching this piece of shit show again


Put some effort in? It's probably the best looking show you're going to find, how can you say 'put some effort in'? They copy paste the unsullied formations too you know and the boats in Blackwater etc.

There's a pretty big difference between armored formations and civilians in a 5 second shot close enough for us to see duplicate faces. It's the overall quality of the show that makes moments like this upsetting for me. I know some people couldn't care less.


at the end of last season, Stannis was ready to go fight the white walkers up north. Now he's sitting around and not even acknowledging that. WTF happened?


at the end of last season, Stannis was ready to go fight the white walkers up north. Now he's sitting around and not even acknowledging that. WTF happened?

He can't fight whitewalkers without soldiers or gold.

Also, with Joffrey dead, Stannis probably believes he is the de facto king. I would. Therefore all he has to concern himself with is the defense of Westeros, rather than the War of FIve Kings, which is mostly over.
Margaery puts the cup right in front of her grandmother. I think she had the most opportunity besides Sansa (but Joffrey drinks from the cup after Sansa handles it and doesn't have any issues, so my money's on Olenna). We really can't guess what her motivations may be.

The tables are actually really far apart. From some angles it seems like they are right next to each other, but they are not.


at the end of last season, Stannis was ready to go fight the white walkers up north. Now he's sitting around and not even acknowledging that. WTF happened?

He specifically mentioned that he needs to keep pressing his claim to become king or it will be forgotten. Unless he becomes king and gets control of the country's armies, he won't be able to do jack shit against the threat in the north.


I noticed little finger brushed that necklace onto the fool's body. I'm sure they will find it and it will implicate Sansa. I doubt she will ever be back in kings landing, now.


Anyone been collecting the cute Pop! figures?

I want to make sure Sansa is my first one. I don't think they have one out of her yet though :(

Edit: Just found out there's a Sansa figure out soon :D

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