Interesting... Is there a sense that the next book will be the final one, or something? Otherwise, what're the chances GRRM will manage to finish up the series on time? It seems he's not one to rush things.
According to wikipedia the next book is book 6 and book 7 is also planned.
Two more books are left to be written.
Good to know. Finishing up one book and then going through another in the time it will take for the show to get to season 7 or 8 sounds feasible, but it seems we're catching up at a much, much faster rate than GRRM typically writes new material.
Suddenly I'm a little worried about the next book. Looking it up, the most recent one released only a couple months after the show began, right? Now that the show is as huge as it is, I can only imagine the spoiler rush the next book release will trigger.
From reading most TV threads on here it seems people are typing on the internet while watching the show.
I just find that too distracting now, Once a show starts I close my laptop. I know the shared communal thing is fun but it means you miss so much dialogue and detail.
From reading most TV threads on here it seems people are typing on the internet while watching the show.
I just find that too distracting now, Once a show starts I close my laptop. I know the shared communal thing is fun but it means you miss so much dialogue and detail.
He's not going to finish the series before the show is at it's final season.
There is going to be a time, and apparently it just happened last episode, where future elements of the books will be spoiled by the show.
He has already told the show runners how the series ends, so when the time comes where the show has no more source material they can still stay true to the planned endings.
From reading most TV threads on here it seems people are typing on the internet while watching the show.
I just find that too distracting now, Once a show starts I close my laptop. I know the shared communal thing is fun but it means you miss so much dialogue and detail.
A man after my own heart! That combines two of my favorite jokes:
1) ask 2 people with the same first name if they are related.
2) only refer to Karl Drogo as Karl Drogo.
You know there is going to be a tug of war between Tywin and Margarey.Yeah i hope he gets to rule for a while, but we know what end await good people (especially if they are kings) in this show :'(
I hope Tommy is a good king.
Never has sexual grooming been so arousing.
Did they try to make her look younger in that scene, makeup? She looks older elsewhere, maybe give the impression to the audience that the age gap wasn't too glaring, don't want to cause too much controversy.
Never has sexual grooming been so arousing.
Did they try to make her look younger in that scene, makeup? She looks older elsewhere, maybe give the impression to the audience that the age gap wasn't too glaring, don't want to cause too much controversy.
Did they try to make her look younger in that scene, makeup? She looks older elsewhere, maybe give the impression to the audience that the age gap wasn't too glaring, don't want to cause too much controversy.
Softer light and shadows is probably what makes her look really attractive
Shit, I don't think I'd be able to keep the eye contact.Props to young Tommen, he didn't run from the almost kiss. My 11-12 year old self would have suffered a massive coronary.
only to discover her Rose has already been planted. Cersei's scowl wiil scorch the not-earth.
Props to young Tommen, he didn't run from the almost kiss. My 11-12 year old self would have suffered a massive coronary.
If you are on Comcast and are watching on PC, I have had no issues streaming it live from Xfinity.just got hbo go and binge watched this over the last week, all caught up now.
Great show, and the opening song is amazing. Do the new episodes appear on Hbo Go right as it airs, "live"?
If you are on Comcast and are watching on PC, I have had no issues streaming it live from Xfinity.
I don't get why do you post in both book and unsullied threads.
Fortuitous timing for Tyrells that Tywin recently gave him the sex talk.
I wonder how long they took to get this shot, with the actress sitting there, staring at the cat, saying "come on, up, up" and the cat just staring at her like a little asshole, knowing he/she was burning up film stock. I love cats, but they suck when it comes to performing when they know you want them to perform.
Holy, I did not realize Locke was the guy who cut of Jamie's hand. Poor Jon Snow.
Holy, I did not realize Locke was the guy who cut of Jamie's hand. Poor Jon Snow.
I wonder how long they took to get this shot, with the actress sitting there, staring at the cat, saying "come on, up, up" and the cat just staring at her like a little asshole, knowing he/she was burning up film stock. I love cats, but they suck when it comes to performing when they know you want them to perform.
Holy, I did not realize Locke was the guy who cut of Jamie's hand. Poor Jon Snow.
Holy, I did not realize Locke was the guy who cut of Jamie's hand. Poor Jon Snow.
Holy, I did not realize Locke was the guy who cut of Jamie's hand. Poor Jon Snow.
My 11-12 year old self would have suffered a massive coronary.
Never has sexual grooming been so arousing.
Hopefully Jon fucks this guy up and reunites with Bran, in either order.
Honestly, I just want at least two 'Starks' to reunite. PLEASE!
It'd be neat if Brienne and Jon Snow crossed paths and she helped him fuck shit up at Craster's.
It'd be neat if Brienne and Jon Snow crossed paths and she helped him fuck shit up at Craster's.
Nope. Not even close.Do they know each other?
Not going to happen, there are 1000s of miles between them.
Did Jamie give away his sword or Joffrey's sword? If it was his own then where is the one that was gifted to Joffrey?
Didn't they make 2?
Yes: 1 given to Jamie, the other given to Joffrey as a wedding gift from Tywin... Jamie gave one away last ep.
I was just wondering if he gave his own away, or Joffrey's.
Yes.Aren't both Sansa and Arya headed in the same direction right now (The Vale of Arryn)?
The Stark daughters are headed in the same direction. Jon and Bran (not Rickon) are headed towards each other too.
I hope they don't get our hopes up and just kill all them at the same time if/when they meet. That would be sad.
Sometimes I think GRRM is using the Stark's to show us how a family falls and gets wiped out like the Targareyan's (although there are technically still two of them left).