Man, getting old sucks.
Man, getting old sucks.
Saw this on imgur.
The legs and cleavage don't hurt but the face is the best part of the second pic.
Man, getting old sucks.
If anything, I think she looks a lot sexier. It's like she's forbidden fruit or something.
How do the wildlings and white walkers co-exist? Any mention about this because despite living in the same area I can't recall hearing any of the wildlings talk about the white walkers.
How do the wildlings and white walkers co-exist? Any mention about this because despite living in the same area I can't recall hearing any of the wildlings talk about the white walkers.
yeah, dried fruit
Fuck aging.
They should have used the superior picture.
This. Jesus she was a fox in her youth
What the hell is taking the Whitewalkers and the Wildlings so long to invade? Where is Mance Raydar (sp?)????
It's answered like a few post above yours.I was wondering this as well.
So the Whitewalkers and Wildlings are on the same side then?
You're not a Stark. Their house is built on morality and honour.
She promised to give the necklace "one last day in the sun".
So what does the slogan "All Men Must Die" mean?
Grandma Tyrell looks similar to her granddaughter. Coincidence?
Grandma Tyrell looks similar to her granddaughter. Coincidence?
Now I want a skull mug of my own. Jealous.
Can anyone explain the reason for this shot? It was so bizarre.
In the previous scene, Jaime tells Brienne that he has another surprise for her. Cut to this dude's face, because he's the surprise, and his dumb face is funny.
Do we know the relationship between Joer and Jorah?
Sorry, poor wording.Jeor's his father.
Edit: Was...
Yeah, but does Jorah care about his father's death? Will he want to retaliate at all when he finds out about his murder?
Can anyone explain the reason for this shot? It was so bizarre.
Jon Snow -> Ghost
Bran -> Summer
Robb -> Grey Wind
Sansa -> Lady
Arya -> Nymeria
Rickon -> Shaggydog
RIP Summer and Lady
I'm afraid Ghost is next.
Wait how did Jon's wolf end up at Craster's?
Wait how did Jon's wolf end up at Craster's?[/Q