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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Didn't they send Jon to fight Karl because they thought he would lose?

I didn't think valierian steel was magic, it was just something indicating royalty. Like when Karl notices bran's leather shirt is high quality, he knows he is not a commoner.

yes, they know that john will take over the keeper's watch soon enough, so the current commanders want to get rid of him. thankfully the other way around will happen.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Didn't they send Jon to fight Karl because they thought he would lose?

I didn't think valierian steel was magic, it was just something indicating royalty. Like when Karl notices bran's leather shirt is high quality, he knows he is not a commoner.

yeah slynt sent him with the expectation that he'd die. They wern't betting on so many rangers going with him though I think

Valyrian steel isn't magic just exceptionally strong so it would best other swords


You guys have to remember that Dany is the daughter of the mad king and is just as nuts as him and her brother. Remember how she tried to kill herself in a giant bonfire because the guy who raped her a lot until she learned to like it by staring at her dragon eggs while he did it died? Remember that when she didn't die she just took a bunch of people into the desert because, well, she thought it was a good idea? Remember how she tried to keep Khal Rapeo alive with voodoo from a lady that hated him because she figured that since she was voodoo lady's savior, everything was all even? Remember when she had her brother killed because he was very pushy about taking back Westeros from the people who killed her entire family?

She ain't gonna be doing anything that makes any sense anytime soon, right now they call her pizza and she totally believes it and so she's got to pizza hard. And of course she's already fucked that up, so they probably all hate her now for abandoning them.
LOL, dude in the end she loved Khal Drago. It was an "arranged marriage" of course she wouldn't like him at first. She knew nothing about him.

Also, she didn't try to kill herself in the pyre. She was giving life to her dragon eggs.

The healer/witch gave life to Drogo by sacrificing Dany's baby. The baby came out deformed (had wings and shit) and they killed it. Dany sacrificed the healer/witch so that she could give life to her dragons eggs.

She knew the fire wouldn't harm her. Remember when she touched the scolding hot eggs? What about the scolding hot bath? She's a true dragon...her brother wasn't.


You guys have to remember that Dany is the daughter of the mad king and is just as nuts as him and her brother. Remember how she tried to kill herself in a giant bonfire because the guy who raped her a lot until she learned to like it by staring at her dragon eggs while he did it died? Remember that when she didn't die she just took a bunch of people into the desert because, well, she thought it was a good idea? Remember how she tried to keep Khal Rapeo alive with voodoo from a lady that hated him because she figured that since she was voodoo lady's savior, everything was all even? Remember when she had her brother killed because he was very pushy about taking back Westeros from the people who killed her entire family?

She ain't gonna be doing anything that makes any sense anytime soon, right now they call her pizza and she totally believes it and so she's got to pizza hard. And of course she's already fucked that up, so they probably all hate her now for abandoning them.

LOL. Spot on.


Why are people acting like Jon lost straight up? He fought Karl to a stand still despite being at major disadvantage in close quarters...then Karl spit in his eyes and tripped him.


Cause spitting and tripping is part of a fight to the death. He lost the fight, but was saved by a woman. Nothing wrong with that.

But he lost the fight.


I was kind of hoping Jon would beat his ass handily when he walked into Craster's by himself and shut the door behind him.

Poor hordor being made a killer.

For all the hell Robb catches for doing stupid shit by following his heart and his sense of justice, Dany has done the same things. The only difference is Robb died from his fuck ups and is considered an idiot, whereas dany got 3 dragons, 2 armies of badasses, and a continent of lands for trusting a damn witch doctor to treat her husband.

Glad the wolves are back.


you answered your own question

Cause spitting and tripping is part of a fight to the death. He lost the fight, but was saved by a woman. Nothing wrong with that.

But he lost the fight.

I didn't say he didn't lose. I said he didn't lose straight up. Jon fought with honor and fell victim to typical Stark naivety, sure. Still he beats Karl in 8/10 times in most scenarios. Probably 9/10.


I think he can possess Hodor because he has a "simple mind".
I wonder if he can possess actual giants since Hodor only has giant blood in him but isn't an actual giant.

Hodor doesn't have giant blood, that's just something they say because he's a big muthafucka.
I didn't say he didn't lose. I said he didn't lose straight up. Jon fought with honor and fell victim to typical Stark naivety, sure. Still he beats Karl in 8/10 times in most scenarios. Probably 9/10.

They fought once and the end result was that Karl was standing over him about to murder him. Anything else is just random made up conjecture.

Then again, if you want to get technical, Jon didn't lose at all because he's still standing and Karl is dead...


Karl had the upper hand for nearly the entire fight. I'd have liked this guy if he hadn't been a rapist and killed Mormont. The two dagger-fighting style was pretty neat


They fought once and the end result was that Karl was standing over him about to murder him. Anything else is just random made up conjecture.

Then again, if you want to get technical, Jon didn't lose at all because he's still standing and Karl is dead...

If you want to extremely technical The Hound was in the same position and survived. Who's to say Jon couldn't have pulled something out his ass last second?

By WWE rules Karl is the winner by DQ.
What makes Karl so great? What's his past?

Or is Jon a scrub.
He was apparently a pretty good hired assassin. A fookin legend as he himself put it. :S Jon lost to a very skilled fighter, in a tight match. Nothing wrong with that. Thankfully, he got saved and killed him. He was also fighting indoors with a large sword while Karl used knives, which gave him an advantage.


Turned out I totally forgot who Locke was, I was rooting for him till he wanted to get Brann for himself and only then remembered who he actually was. So many characters, I really need to pay more attention.

Karl's death was lovely, eat that you fookin rapist!


Really Really Exciting Member!
Turned out I totally forgot who Locke was, I was rooting for him till he wanted to get Brann for himself and only then remembered who he actually was. So many characters, I really need to pay more attention.

Karl's death was lovely, eat that you fookin rapist!

You really do :p, especially since we saw him in the first episode or two of this season plotting with the guy who killed Robb and the guy who tortured Theon to find the Stark boys. :lol
Sure, and loving Khal Drogo is perfectly sane. I mean, aren't we all looking for our own rampaging nomad sociopath?
You have to look at the whole situation though to be able to summarise their relationship, yes when we first met Drogo he was indeed a typical brute who raped, murdered and pillaged but Danny changed that.
Once he met her, and saw her willingness to try and be a better wife and be seen as his equal his whole attitude changed and as such many of his people were against his decisions because they saw him as weak/influenced by Danny.

Drogo was a good man, it's just that he was brought up in a horrible place where his actions were considered normal so for him to turn things around and be a better man for his wife is a pretty damn huge thing to consider.

Just reminds me of their scene in season 2, the family that will never be :(


You really do :p, especially since we saw him in the first episode or two of this season plotting with the guy who killed Robb and the guy who tortured Theon to find the Stark boys. :lol

I know!

But when he was introduced as ''a new Crow'' I remembered his face but could not place it, so I actually thought for a bit he was someone who wanted to help Jon Snow.


Before getting sent out, he'd made a point of telling everyone in the training yard that the Wildlings often fought with a 2-weapon style. He had Grenn come at him with 2 swords to demonstrate that they should focus on removing one of the Wildling's weapons as quickly as possible to not be at a disadvantage.

Right, but fighting someone in a training environment is different than fighting someone as skilled/aggressive as Karl.


Some hope for those spoiled. Studies have found that spoilers don't diminish the enjoyment of a story, and may even increase it.


It's why we watch Romeo & Juliet again, even though we know they are going to die by the end (hell, even Shakespeare tells you they'll die right at the beginning: "From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life").

Unfortunately for us spoiled, we can never know if we would have been better off not knowing about the Red and Purple Weddings, as we can only experience them once. I was spoiled for both, and while I knew it was coming, but I loved the tension and building dread of the Red Wedding, and the amazing writing of the whole of Joffrey's wedding feast. There were also parts that are different from the book that no one was expecting, which means no one can fully say what happens in the TV series.
Yeah, no. Those studies can burn in a fire, spoilers DO ruin my enjoyment of a show, and that's a fact.


You guys have to remember that Dany is the daughter of the mad king and is just as nuts as him and her brother. Remember how she tried to kill herself in a giant bonfire because the guy who raped her a lot until she learned to like it by staring at her dragon eggs while he did it died? Remember that when she didn't die she just took a bunch of people into the desert because, well, she thought it was a good idea? Remember how she tried to keep Khal Rapeo alive with voodoo from a lady that hated him because she figured that since she was voodoo lady's savior, everything was all even? Remember when she had her brother killed because he was very pushy about taking back Westeros from the people who killed her entire family?

She ain't gonna be doing anything that makes any sense anytime soon, right now they call her pizza and she totally believes it and so she's got to pizza hard. And of course she's already fucked that up, so they probably all hate her now for abandoning them.

I laughed more than i thought.
You Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

And Khal Rapeo is the best nickname for Drogo ever.


erotic butter maelstrom
The fact that the fight was basically even under the most disadvantageous circumstances for Jon given his opponent's fighting style.

Agreed. I've played enough videogames to know that Jon's long sword would trump Karl's daggers in a more open arena, allowing him to work Karl from a distance. Karl's fighting style is very advantageous in close quarters.


Jon did well, but lost. If he knew that woman was there then you could accredit Jon to realizing his surroundings better than Karl did, but he didn't. The woman being there to save him was totally out of the blue; neither Jon nor Karl knew she was there. -1 for both fighters not being as observant, Ra's al Ghul would be disappointed.

-2 to Jon for not being a drunk man with valyrian steel. How can anyone say he won? Jon will, but that's not what happened.


I wonder what Locke had planned if he did sneak Bran and co. out of Crasters? He would have had to sneak them back through the Nights Watch and Castle Black and hope they don't scream out bloody murder or that Sam doesn't see or recognize them.


I wonder what Locke had planned if he did sneak Bran and co. out of Crasters? He would have had to sneak them back through the Nights Watch and Castle Black and hope they don't scream out bloody murder or that Sam doesn't see or recognize them.

Interesting question. First, he would only take Bran and maybe kill Hodor and the others. I guess he could return to the castle before the rest of the militia and pass Bran off as a prisoner or something. Locke is a clever guy, he would figure out a way south of the wall.
LOL, dude in the end she loved Khal Drago. It was an "arranged marriage" of course she wouldn't like him at first. She knew nothing about him.

Also, she didn't try to kill herself in the pyre. She was giving life to her dragon eggs.

The healer/witch gave life to Drogo by sacrificing Dany's baby. The baby came out deformed (had wings and shit) and they killed it. Dany sacrificed the healer/witch so that she could give life to her dragons eggs.

She knew the fire wouldn't harm her. Remember when she touched the scolding hot eggs? What about the scolding hot bath? She's a true dragon...her brother wasn't.

Yea, I agree. Most of that isn't really crazy. Drogo was pretty affectionate to her, all things considering. And to say her brother was "pushy" is laughable considering he was basically pimping her out and constantly threatening to kill her if she didn't follow orders.
I wonder what Locke had planned if he did sneak Bran and co. out of Crasters? He would have had to sneak them back through the Nights Watch and Castle Black and hope they don't scream out bloody murder or that Sam doesn't see or recognize them.

Maybe he was just taking Bran far enough away to kill him so that no one would find the body? Then go back and just cut the other's throats? Although his plan would have failed somewhat because Jon knows Hodor.

he's been responsible for the increasing ratings all along

Chaos is a ladder...to higher ratings.


I can't find the post now, but someone mentioned that Kahl Drogo was a mad man for dumping the iron of Dany's brother's head. The reason that happened is because they were in some sacred place, or it was a sacred day/celebration where bloodshed was forbidden. So to get around this and kill the sunnofabitch Kahl dumped iron on his head to kill him bloodlessly.
No show has ever had a rise as big as this series as far as I can remember.. at any time.

Wonder how much Littlefinger has to do with this


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I'm also in the camp that finds Arya & Hound scenes boring. They don't accomplish anything, and the banter between them has gotten stale.

Her learning about the effectiveness of armor was entertaining, as was the Hound's "you little shit" reaction once he realized she just tried to stick him. His restraint in not ending her on the spot was an interesting change of character.

And her son is fucking nuts - like a polite version of Joffrey almost
I'm surprised "uncle" Littlefinger didn't cuff his ears after he threw that silver bird down that goddamn hole. "I spent 50 gold pieces on that, you little goof!"

Can someone explain how little finger is the uncle to the boob sucking kid? I'm not getting the family connection.
When you get older and start banging chicks with little kids, the moms will introduce you to the kids as "Uncle".


Maybe he was just taking Bran far enough away to kill him so that no one would find the body? Then go back and just cut the other's throats? Although his plan would have failed somewhat because Jon knows Hodor.

I mean he was there to kill any Winterfell heirs so I don't understand why he wouldn't have just slit Brans throat, killed the witnesses and blamed it on the Crasters Watch. I don't think his purpose was to capture Bran if I remember right...?
Breaking Bad got pretty damn huge in the last season.
That's true but it took until the last season to hit super numbers. Until season 5 based on the most factual and non-reputable website in the world that can't be questioned Wikipedia, season 2, 3, & 4 had noticeably higher ratings but were mid to high in the 1 million + range. So still not much more than 1 million based on its first season. Season 5 first part 2 to nearly 3 million numbers. While the second part hit 4-6 million with the finale hitting a ridiculous 10 million +.

Game of Thrones started out with 2 million range and hitting 3 million with the finale. Season 2 went to 3 million range all episodes with the finale hitting 4 million. Season 3 hit 4 million for 5 episodes, 4 million for the other 5 episodes. Season 4 has hit 6 million in 4 episodes with the final 5th episode hitting 7 million.

It's ridiculous. As the other poster said, Littlfinger is unrivaled.
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