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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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No show has ever had a rise as big as this series as far as I can remember.. at any time.

Breaking Bad might have something to say about that. It's first season saw 1.4 million viewers, season 2 at 1.7m. The fourth season finale drew 1.9 million.

By the time the show got to its final season 5, the midseason finale had 2.98 million viewers. The first episode of the final 8 had 5.9 million viewers. As the final season went on, it kept breaking its own record at 6.4m, then the penultimate episode at 6.6m. The final episode had 10.3 million viewers.

So in the span of 9 episodes (the midseason finale to the final episode) it shot from 2.98 million to 10.3 million.

Funky Papa

Caitlyn's sister and her crazy son are bound to be dead by the end of this season

Yup. It'll take some bonafide divine intervention to save those two.

Littlefinger should be ordering his most robust wenches to dig a couple of holes, because there's no way they are making it.


I can't find the post now, but someone mentioned that Kahl Drogo was a mad man for dumping the iron of Dany's brother's head. The reason that happened is because they were in some sacred place, or it was a sacred day/celebration where bloodshed was forbidden. So to get around this and kill the sunnofabitch Kahl dumped iron on his head to kill him bloodlessly.

People also forget that Viserys threatened Dany's baby.


I mean he was there to kill any Winterfell heirs so I don't understand why he wouldn't have just slit Brans throat, killed the witnesses and blamed it on the Crasters Watch. I don't think his purpose was to capture Bran if I remember right...?

He's after both Stark boys. He was no doubt going to interrogate Bran about Rickon's whereabouts.


Jon totes lost, even before Karl played dirty. There was this point were Karl stabs Jon in the body and totally had an opening to stab him in the throat if he so desired, but instead Karl kept on blabbing about honor because of reasons.




Karl just fookin stab him you bellend


Breaking Bad might have something to say about that. It's first season saw 1.4 million viewers, season 2 at 1.7m. The fourth season finale drew 1.9 million.

By the time the show got to its final season 5, the midseason finale had 2.98 million viewers. The first episode of the final 8 had 5.9 million viewers. As the final season went on, it kept breaking its own record at 6.4m, then the penultimate episode at 6.6m. The final episode had 10.3 million viewers.

So in the span of 9 episodes (the midseason finale to the final episode) it shot from 2.98 million to 10.3 million.
Game of thrones is also on hbo. The audience is limited.


Game of thrones is also on hbo. The audience is limited.

It's still an impressive rise in viewership by any measure, regardless of the specific numbers. It more than quadrupled its numbers from the s4 finale to the s5 finale, something equal to, or perhaps more impressive, than GoT's rise in ratings. Which is what I was replying to.

Also, you guys keep saying Jon lost that duel. But he's alive and Karl's dead. Seems to me Jon won, even if he was getting his ass beat for a bit. If Jon "lost" when Karl spit in his eyes and tripped him, than surely Karl lost when he didn't pay enough attention to his surroundings and then got distracted by the girl, leaving him open to the killing blow.
It was indoors though, Jon has a longsword while Karl has daggers.

Remember what Oberyn said to that Lannister soldier at the brothel in the first episode of the season right after impaling his wrist with a dagger? "Longsword is a bad option in close quarters".
Jon should've taken the fight outside where he could handle the sword better.
And Karl wasn't just some common thug, he was the top paid killer in Gin Alley, a fookin legend
Still, Jon trained under Ser Rodrik and he should have known that he cannot fight in that house. It brought back memories of know-nothing-jon-snuu.
Breaking Bad might have something to say about that. It's first season saw 1.4 million viewers, season 2 at 1.7m. The fourth season finale drew 1.9 million.

By the time the show got to its final season 5, the midseason finale had 2.98 million viewers. The first episode of the final 8 had 5.9 million viewers. As the final season went on, it kept breaking its own record at 6.4m, then the penultimate episode at 6.6m. The final episode had 10.3 million viewers.

So in the span of 9 episodes (the midseason finale to the final episode) it shot from 2.98 million to 10.3 million.
Yes for the second half of the final season only. As explained above, you take that out and BB is destroyed compared to Game of Thrones rise. I was talking about overall not just picking final episodes of a series which is the only point in time that BB beats it. Breaking Bad's final season average is 5.7 million viewers. Only if you take in account the second half of the final season which averages 8.04 million, does it beat this current season's of Game of Thrones. After the first 5 episodes, Game of Thrones is on a 6.73 million average for season 4.

season 1: 2.51 million
season 2: 3.79 million
season 3: 4.96 million
season 4: 6.73 million (after 5 episodes)


Yes for the second half of the final season only. As explained above, you take that out and BB is destroyed compared to Game of Thrones rise.

Well your original post was "no show has had a rise as big as this series" so it's kind of hard to qualify exactly what that means. Technically, a nearly 9 million rise in numbers, or a quadrupling of viewers in the last season alone, is larger than the rise Game of Thrones has had, as GoT has never quadrupled its numbers from one season to the next.

GoT started from a larger number than BB did and has seen a steady rise in viewers throughout the whole series, becoming HBO's most watched show since the Sopranos. BB saw a surge in popularity in its final season, from a percentage standpoint, that I don't know any show has ever seen.

They are both impressive achievements, and I'd say BB easily has had "a rise as big as" GoT. Comparing the specific numbers from each show is kind of pointless. The percentage increase is impressive by any measure.
Well your original post was "no show has had a rise as big as this series" so it's kind of hard to qualify exactly what that means. Technically, a nearly 9 million rise in numbers, or a quadrupling of viewers in the last season alone, is larger than the rise Game of Thrones has had, as GoT has never quadrupled its numbers from one season to the next.

GoT started from a larger number than BB did and has seen a steady rise in viewers throughout the whole series, becoming HBO's most watched show since the Sopranos. BB saw a surge in popularity in its final season, from a percentage standpoint, that I don't know any show has ever seen.

They are both impressive achievements, and I'd say BB easily has had "a rise as big as" GoT. Comparing the specific numbers from each show is kind of pointless. The percentage increase is impressive by any measure.
Well it rose a substancial amount only on the final 5th season. It took the first half of season 5 to hit overall a million on average from season 1, while Game of Thrones did it by the second season. So yes second half of season 5 finale is higher rise than GoT but overall it's not comparable because GoT is far more impressive.


Her learning about the effectiveness of armor was entertaining, as was the Hound's "you little shit" reaction once he realized she just tried to stick him. His restraint in not ending her on the spot was an interesting change of character.

He needs her alive in order to get paid.


Well it rose a substancial amount only on the final 5th season. It took the first half of season 5 to hit overall a million on average from season 1, while Game of Thrones did it by the second season. So yes second half of season 5 finale is higher rise than GoT but overall it's not comparable because GoT is far more impressive.

Again, comparing the raw numbers from show to show is like comparing apples to oranges. I was simply referring to your initial statement of "a rise as big as." That's all. The GoT numbers are certainly impressive and only a good thing for fans of the show.
Again, comparing the raw numbers from show to show is like comparing apples to oranges. I was simply referring to your initial statement of "a rise as big as." That's all. The GoT numbers are certainly impressive and only a good thing for fans of the show.
The rise as was based off overall seasons rather than singular episodes. We clearly see that statements from two different lenses.
The Hound is my new favorite character by far. His dialogues is aces.
Arya is a close second. I wish they would spend more time on Arya and Hound. Best part of the show, currently.


The Hound is my new favorite character by far. His dialogues is aces.
Arya is a close second. I wish they would spend more time on Arya and Hound. Best part of the show, currently.

Same here, I started liking the hound after he left Joffrey but since he's been with Arya I've started to like him even more. Which is kinda funny since I disliked him in S1 and most of S2, I knew he had some redeeming qualities since he saved Loras from The Mountain in S1 and was the only Kingsguard who was nice to Sansa and even saved her from a mob when everyone else abandoned her but as long as he was Joff's bodyguard I disliked him :p
I think he can possess Hodor because he has a "simple mind".
I wonder if he can possess actual giants since Hodor only has giant blood in him but isn't an actual giant.

I think it's just because hodor is simple. As for the comparison with Crook I think he's more advanced because the way people reacted when he first silenced Hodor in season 3 was sheer shock. That shit clearly aint normal

I did forget about the giant blood angle, actually, that would explain it as well (though, yeah, it's probably just because Hodor is, well, Hodor).

That neck snap was gnarly as fuck.
The only weak scene of the episode was Locke sneaking away with Bran lol. It made no sense for him to do it without killing everyone else first. Or maybe he was afraid Bran would scream for help?
Nah, that was my thought at first, but as someone earlier pointed out he was likely taking him to another location to interrogate Bran about Rickon (although it would have made sense for him to say something about it in the room they were tied up in). Since based on the information Theon/Reek gave he would expect to find both the Stark boys together. It would be a bad move to just kill one and then be like "well, guess I'll just sniff around until I find a kid that looks highborn"

EDIT: oh wait, I think I misread your post to be questioning why he didn't kill Bran right away. Yeah, there's no good reason for him not to quickly kill Bran's companions since if the rest of the Nights watch found them, they could say a Crow with a beard came and took Bran. There's no reason to think Bran wouldn't scream for help whether his friends were unharmed or not. I would have said killing them and knocking Bran out would have been the smartest move, but not if he thinks there a chance Rickon would be nearby and wanted to get that info sooner than later.


erotic butter maelstrom
The only weak scene of the episode was Locke sneaking away with Bran lol. It made no sense for him to do it without killing everyone else first. Or maybe he was afraid Bran would scream for help?

They were locked up, and he needed to get in and out fast so I'm not sure if butchering everyone would have been necessary. I can accept it, shrug.
Daenarys really is a shit ruler.

March into a city, liberate the slaves and then disappear. How about you stick around and stabilise the places you fuck up?

Now those other two cities are going to rise up against her. What an idiot.

P.S. I am now going to assume that Littlefinger getting King's Landing into serious debt with the Iron Bank of Braavos was all a part of his plan.


Unconfirmed Member
Daenarys really is a shit ruler.

March into a city, liberate the slaves and then disappear. How about you stick around and stabilise the places you fuck up?

Now those other two cities are going to rise up against her. What an idiot.

I asked the question in here a couple of weeks ago about what happens to those cities after Dany leaves, so I'm glad they're actually addressing it, even if it's keeping her from Westeros.
They were locked up, and he needed to get in and out fast so I'm not sure if butchering everyone would have been necessary. I can accept it, shrug.
I guess. But the captives could have possibly told Jon Snow about the abduction and Jon Snow sure as shit would have pursued Locke come hell or high water. I think it was sloppily handled a bit.
I asked the question in here a couple of weeks ago about what happens to those cities after Dany leaves, so I'm glad they're actually addressing it, even if it's keeping her from Westeros.
At the end of the episode she says she's going to do what a ruler should do, but the thing about that is that she's going to have to keep her army in Meereen which means it won't be suppressing any uprisings in the other two cities.

Astapor may not have any Unsullied left but the slave masters know every little detail about their training which means (assuming they can get an army of their own) they'll know every trick the Unsullied will throw at them.


Daenarys really is a shit ruler.

March into a city, liberate the slaves and then disappear. How about you stick around and stabilise the places you fuck up?

Now those other two cities are going to rise up against her. What an idiot.

P.S. I am now going to assume that Littlefinger getting King's Landing into serious debt with the Iron Bank of Braavos was all a part of his plan.
Liberator not ruler.

Two different things.


Don't forget that the first half of that scene was focused on boats. Things could actually move faster now that she has a better means of travel. Is Meereen near water though? Realistically though, I think things will more or less stay at the same pace; boats speed her up, ruling slows her down. They ought to average one another out.

Just fly on a dragon, god damn. I want to see her return to Valyeria to the south and learn how to tame dragons.
Liberator not ruler.

Two different things.

What does she think she's going to do in Westeros? They don't have a slave culture to the same extent as Essos so they're not exactly craving for liberation.

The daughter of the mad king comes in and firebombs everyone with her dragons and she expects them to love her? Nah.


No Scrubs
What does she think she's going to do in Westeros? They don't have a slave culture to the same extent as Essos so they're not exactly craving for liberation.

The daughter of the mad king comes in and firebombs everyone with her dragons and she expects them to love her? Nah.

The current king is probably going to be a good one, far better than they've had in a while. They'll be begging for her when Little Finger takes over though.
The only weak scene of the episode was Locke sneaking away with Bran lol. It made no sense for him to do it without killing everyone else first. Or maybe he was afraid Bran would scream for help?

Slipping away during the chaos of a fight is absolutely the smart thing to do.
Don't forget that the first half of that scene was focused on boats. Things could actually move faster now that she has a better means of travel. Is Meereen near water though? Realistically though, I think things will more or less stay at the same pace; boats speed her up, ruling slows her down. They ought to average one another out.

Just fly on a dragon, god damn. I want to see her return to Valyeria to the south and learn how to tame dragons.
Yes Mereen is on the coast of Slaver's Bay. But I doubt she can sail to Westeros from the bay.


Slipping away during the chaos of a fight is absolutely the smart thing to do.

And carry Bran hundred's of miles back to the dreadfort on his back? And have Jon after him when Hodor and co. tell him what happened to Bran like 10 minutes later? The whole scene just felt really dumb imo, Bolton never even specified he wanted the kids alive.
The only weak scene of the episode was Locke sneaking away with Bran lol. It made no sense for him to do it without killing everyone else first. Or maybe he was afraid Bran would scream for help?
It was the smart move to get him away so he can ask about Rickon, but I agree it made no sense he didn't kill the other 3 people.
Daenarys really is a shit ruler.

March into a city, liberate the slaves and then disappear. How about you stick around and stabilise the places you fuck up?

Now those other two cities are going to rise up against her. What an idiot.

P.S. I am now going to assume that Littlefinger getting King's Landing into serious debt with the Iron Bank of Braavos was all a part of his plan.

She did leave new rulers in place but she is young, naïve and idealistic and doesn't consider that people are shitty in general.
She seems to find a God-complex though, understandable but it's making her less likable in my eyes. I will rule like a queen. When she said that, I just imagined her with fake glasses while holding a Starbucks for some reason.. yes I'm generalizing to ridiculous levels.

She needs to fail at something to be brought down a level or two. Still like her character mind you, but that's what I'm feeling at the moment. #neoblogs


My thought is that Locke told everyone to not to go to the barn or whatever the hostages were in, and while he was in there he made them be quiet so not to bring attention. If he started hacking them up, they all would have alerted the others.


And carry Bran hundred's of miles back to the dreadfort on his back? And have Jon after him when Hodor and co. tell him what happened to Bran like 10 minutes later? The whole scene just felt really dumb imo, Bolton never even specified he wanted the kids alive.

You really think Locke couldn't have got himself a horse?

And he wanted both Stark boys dead. Both.


If Locke killed them in the barn and everyone found their bodies, then Locke's lie about the hounds wouldn't make any sense.

Then again he could have killed Bran first then carried him. Either way Hodor fucked his shit up.


Modesty becomes a woman
If Locke killed them in the barn and everyone found their bodies, then Locke's lie about the hounds wouldn't make any sense.

Then again he could have killed Bran first then carried him. Either way Hodor fucked his shit up.

Lockes lie already didn't make sense, Jon Edd and Grenn we're all there at Crasters before, he doesn't have dogs. The Nights Watch didn't bring dogs with them, and if they did they wouldn't have survived after the white walker attack.

Everyones just nitpicking, it's a dumb set of events to have an excuse for a battle, that's all.
I'm surprised there's no talk of her flat out manipulating her aunt. Remember Littlefinger telling her something along the lines of everyone is a liar in King's Landing, and she's the worst of them all. Her aunt said she would know if she lied the way she held her and completely ate up the lies of Littlefinger supposedly bullying her. Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere really...

To me, this looked like Sansa's first real step to start playing the game. Funny thing is that Arya has had some of the best physical mentors in the world with her brothers & father teaching her how to fight using an arrow and a sword, then one of the best swordsmen from Bravos learning water dancing style, watching Jaqen in assassination, The Hound and even what looked to be the best archer from the Brotherhood without banners teaching her how to shoot arrows better and faster. Then you have Sansa from the gullible idiot through most of the 1st season, getting a lesson of the game through Joffrey by the end of it, then basically watching the biggest manipulators in the world all around her at King's Landing. Cersei giving her some tips initially on how to handle the shit she takes, Littlefinger has been trying to teach her since he met her by the looks of things, and if she has any sense she learned enough from Olenna and Margerie and how manipulating the latter is especially. Obviously Arya is far sharper, but you have got to think at this point, Sansa will begin to get better through the use of manipulation and tricks while Arya moreso on a physical level, even though the girl is incredibly observant and manipulative herself.
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