Psychological Intellect
Still pissed at no Bran.
His post said Rhaegar was with Oberyn's sister (Elia) and he left her for another woman, Lyanna (Ned's sister). This is what Oberyn says to Tyrion in this episode, although he doesn't explicitly say Lyanna. We know that from season 1 discussions.Rhaegar wasn't with Ned's sister. She was betrothed to and loved Robert. Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark and she died somehow while being held captive.
The Mountain raped and killed Elia, which is Oberyn's sister. Lyanna is Ned's sister.
Obyern was talking about his sister, Elia, not Lyanna Stark.
I believe Oberyn was referring to his own sister, not Ned's.
This movie sounds kinda porny and now I'm incredibly interested.
Should I watch it?
It's more erotic than "porny". It's a somewhat westernized view of Indian sexuality. I think the film although filmed in India was eventually banned altogether.
It's not necessarily a good film, especially by Mira Nair standards, but you might like it.
Many here have binged/marathon-ed s1-3 in preparation. This show is very demanding and so you cannot watch it casually.Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.
. This show is very demanding and so you cannot watch it casually.
How did Janos Slynt get in a position of authority in the Night's watch?
I hate that piece of shit
Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.
His post said Rhaegar was with Oberyn's sister (Elia) and he left her for another woman, Lyanna (Ned's sister). This is what Oberyn says to Tyrion in this episode, although he doesn't explicitly say Lyanna. We know that from season 1 discussions.
How did Janos Slynt get in a position of authority in the Night's watch?
I hate that piece of shit
Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.
-fuck the king. Die already, Joffrey. It's got to happen sooner or later. Right? ... right?
-sad to see Ned's sword go.Of course it's too big for Tywin, though. Of course.
Really great premiere! Thoroughly enjoy Game of Thrones; the cast and characters are simply a joy to watch.
Watching the show feels right at home; especially as many actors from Rome are there, missed them! Sooo gooodWhy did Rome end
Is anyone in this thread on #teamjoffrey?
no idead whats going on and who half of the people are
One of his lines reminded me of something from Deadwood as well."A mans gotta have a code". Anyone else instantly think of Omar from the wire?
Off to a good start.
Do people not know how to use the internet or just blind to the many ways to access stuff without paying for it?
-fuck the king. Die already, Joffrey. It's got to happen sooner or later. Right? ... right?
Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.
no idead whats going on and who half of the people are
Don't think it is much a of a leap to assume Arya is going to turn pure evil.
So I just read that the original actor playing Daario left to be in the new transporter movie.
New guy was instantly better though.
It's not about being better, as opposed to developing a certain image of the character that sticks with you, even if it's just for a little while. He looks completely different from the guy introduced just last season. From blonde and clean shaven to somewhat Stark-esque with a beard and dark hair.
Yeah, I instantly liked him. Can't wait to see what else he does. Reign them lions the fuck in if only for a little bit.Episode 1 thoughts: Oberyn Martell owns.