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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Rhaegar wasn't with Ned's sister. She was betrothed to and loved Robert. Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark and she died somehow while being held captive.
His post said Rhaegar was with Oberyn's sister (Elia) and he left her for another woman, Lyanna (Ned's sister). This is what Oberyn says to Tyrion in this episode, although he doesn't explicitly say Lyanna. We know that from season 1 discussions.


This movie sounds kinda porny and now I'm incredibly interested.

Should I watch it?

It's more erotic than "porny". It's a somewhat westernized view of Indian sexuality. I think the film although filmed in India was eventually banned altogether.

It's not necessarily a good film, especially by Mira Nair standards, but you might like it.
It's more erotic than "porny". It's a somewhat westernized view of Indian sexuality. I think the film although filmed in India was eventually banned altogether.

It's not necessarily a good film, especially by Mira Nair standards, but you might like it.

Erotic is better than porny. Hope it's on netflix...


Fantastic premier, still gonna wait till the whole season is done so i could marathon it. Waiting was painful in S3.


Hound is such a badass. The whole time Hound was fighting those men I was expecting Arya to join in somehow but nope, she was just watching. At least near the end she finally did something, I'm sure this is just the beginning for her though.

I also loved how Oberyn doesn't give a fuck and just taunts any Lannister he sees :D

And it's starting to seem like Jamie is beginning to hate his own family... they all seem to be dicks towards him in this episode at least. Dude was being held captive for who knows how long, got his hand cut off and was humiliated, comes home and everyone gives him shit for that, wtf.


Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.

Have you watched any of the previous seasons? If you have and paid attention there shouldn't be much confusion. There's always the Game of Thrones TV Series Wiki where you'll find all the characters, houses and locations of the TV series (no book spoilers there) if you're lost and have no idea of what or whom people are talking about.
Really it's not that hard to follow the story. I have read only the first book and about half of the second one but I know exactly what's going on. It just requires you to concentrate while watching and remember a some names.


His post said Rhaegar was with Oberyn's sister (Elia) and he left her for another woman, Lyanna (Ned's sister). This is what Oberyn says to Tyrion in this episode, although he doesn't explicitly say Lyanna. We know that from season 1 discussions.

How? If Lyanna's kidnapping was a front for an affair, or part of some obession Rhaegar had with her that wasn't in anyway alluded to in S1--atleast not that I can remember. Unless I'm mistaken we're given no reason to see her as anything other than a prisoner of the Targaryens.


Yaaaaaasssss more GoT!

Some thoughts:
-Love this Oberyn guy. Anyone who hates Lannisters is cool by me. Can't wait for the episode where he walks around King's Landing casually slaughtering every Lannister except Tyrion. Right?
-New Daario is aight. Didn't like the pretty-boy version that much, so I'm not super sad he's gone.
-sad to see Ned's sword go. :( Of course it's too big for Tywin, though. Of course.
-that fat knight dude Sansa saved giving her the necklace has to come back and bite her somehow, right? That's got to somehow tie into the scene of old-lady Tyrell rejecting all the necklaces for the wedding. Maybe Sansa will wear her necklace at the wedding and look better than Margary and Joffrey will be pissed. Or something. Maybe the necklace will get jacked by old-lady Tyrell.
-Shae in trouuuuuble.
-Brienne and Jaime are the awesomest. More scenes with them pls.
-Awesomest except for Aya and The Hound, of course! Aya checking off that list. Love it. Let's just make the show the Aya/Hound hour. They can ride around kicking ass in the name of being awesome.
-oh yeah, and it was nice to see Jon Snoo being less dumb and more assertive. Keep doing that, bro.
-just as happy not to see anything of Theon Greyjoy. Sure, he's a dick (er...), but he's suffered enough already.
-fuck the king. Die already, Joffrey. It's got to happen sooner or later. Right? ... right?


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Really great premiere! Thoroughly enjoy Game of Thrones; the cast and characters are simply a joy to watch.

Watching the show feels right at home; especially as many actors from Rome are there, missed them! Sooo goood
Why did Rome end :(
Man, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know how people keep track of what in god's name is happening in this show.

HBO's page for the show was helpful from day one. Don't have to worry about spoilers and the houses were broken down by the families and characters we've seen so far. Same with the map of locations that were and have been visited.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
no idead whats going on and who half of the people are


-fuck the king. Die already, Joffrey. It's got to happen sooner or later. Right? ... right?



-sad to see Ned's sword go. :( Of course it's too big for Tywin, though. Of course.

I never caught on to the significance of that sword. I always interpreted the use of a greatsword-esque blade during the beheading of the Night's Watch guy back in episode 1, along with Ned's own beheading, as being something specific to executions. I had no idea the same sword was being used in both scenes, or that it was special.

And I assumed the sword melted down this episode was Robb's, considering the timing of it all. Now that I know it was an important heirloom of House Stark, that scene takes on an even greater significance.


Seriously, it just hit me how messed up Tywin's marriage plans are.
He wants his daughter to be his grandson's sister.


It's nice to see they showed Arya and the Hound (a true Disney movie) at the very end of the show as the hooks so to speak. It gives me a good feeling that they know so many people want to see that storyline the most. Hell, each season should end with another Arya murder scene instead of the typical "Look at me! I'm freeing slaves while my dragons fly!" scenes.

It also gives me good hope that what I said a year ago about this series. Martin isn't out to destroy everyone we love and deny us justice, but to show us justice can take time and might come from an unexpected source because not everything works out like it should. Revenge isn't guaranteed and each time a person gets knocked down, they rise a better and stronger person for it (in Arya's case, maybe not so much better but...better for the viewers? lol) taking all of their tough experiences and using it in the future to make a difference, whether it's good or bad. As much as I wanted Robb to behead Joffrey, the pay-off will be much better after losing all hope and having to wait a while before we get what we all want. I think Tyrion is obviously destined for great things as well. Everyone in his life doesn't give him an ounce of credit, but he's shown to have a lot of great leadership skills and an actual heart, so he can surpass all expectations his family has of him and be something irreplaceable to the world.

Maybe I'm looking for comparisons to my own life, but either way, the show is amazing regardless. Probably the most visually striking show I've ever watched and definitely the best fictional universe I've had the pleasure of losing myself into.

Back to the Game of Thrones mod for Mount and Blade because fuck what I said above, I'm helping the North take down the Lannisters RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Really great premiere! Thoroughly enjoy Game of Thrones; the cast and characters are simply a joy to watch.

Watching the show feels right at home; especially as many actors from Rome are there, missed them! Sooo goood
Why did Rome end :(
Production costs. It was a little before its time unfortunately. =/


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
My memory fails me but who is the blond guy (working for little finger) at the beginning while displaying the female prostitutes? I know previously a woman had that role and was killed by the king, but where does he come from?

Edit: Thanks Subitai! That's a shame. One of my favorite series. It saddened me greatly when they announced that Season 2 would be the last of its kind :(


So I just read that the original actor playing Daario left to be in the new transporter movie.


Why? It seems like such a boneheaded move, unless he was getting a major payday.


no idead whats going on and who half of the people are

I don't get this though. Aside from maybe 1-2 characters, everyone was someone of prominence from the past 3 seasons.

I can understand the Daario recast being confusing seeing as how he's gone from looking like a blonde Fabio to a bastard son of Ned Stark. I don't deny the shows are demanding but if you're a huge fan, it's not hard to follow at all. Usually, I also like to rewatch past seasons before the new season starts. HBO even had a few previews before the episode aired for me, and they showed a lot of key scenes.
I feel like everyone is secretly plotting to end Joffrey's life, but the question is who will succeed first. I could even imagine Tywin plotting something (which isn't saying much, really), although I can't imagine his own mother getting involved. Hopefully they blow him up during his wedding ceremony or something. I unfortunately can't see Arya being the one to do it, even though that would be more fitting. Maybe Sansa will do something this time. Red Wedding 2.0?
"A mans gotta have a code". Anyone else instantly think of Omar from the wire?

Off to a good start.
One of his lines reminded me of something from Deadwood as well.


That last scene brought The Hound up a few notches in my personal ranking of best characters. So much badassery. I really, really hope Arya and him stay together for a while because they're one of the best pairings yet. I could watch an entire episode of just the two of them.


Do people not know how to use the internet or just blind to the many ways to access stuff without paying for it?

Who said I haven't been watching the show through other means already? I want HBO because of the convenience it offers, along with HBO Go.


-fuck the king. Die already, Joffrey. It's got to happen sooner or later. Right? ... right?

Yeah Joffrey's death feels inevitable, but I actually like that he continues to live for so long. It will make his death that much sweeter when it finally does happen. Of course, if he makes it to the end of the series without ever dying, I'll punch a hole in my TV.

On Demand



New guy was instantly better though.

It's not about being better, as opposed to developing a certain image of the character that sticks with you, even if it's just for a little while. He looks completely different from the guy introduced just last season. From blonde and clean shaven to somewhat Stark-esque with a beard and dark hair.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It's not about being better, as opposed to developing a certain image of the character that sticks with you, even if it's just for a little while. He looks completely different from the guy introduced just last season. From blonde and clean shaven to somewhat Stark-esque with a beard and dark hair.

That's true, but this time I didn't instantly hate his face....so bonus points. The people I watched this with agreed. The one issue we all had though was that he did look a lot like Jaime when he approached her on the cliff...it was a medium shot though.


Hopefully we'll all get used to the new Daario as the season progresses. I think he's a better fit for the role but we'll see.

Also, what a great episode to start the season.

I think George R.R. Martin wrote the next episode, which should be interesting.
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