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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Yeah Joffrey's death feels inevitable, but I actually like that he continues to live for so long. It will make his death that much sweeter when it finally does happen. Of course, if he makes it to the end of the series without ever dying, I'll punch a hole in my TV.

It's a bit of a conundrum, really. On one hand, I really want him to outlive everyone on Westeros (what a giant FU to all would that be), just to see what he's going to do. On the other hand, I'd like to think that the final shot of the final season would be Arya with a bloody dagger in hand standing right next to Joffrey's carcass.


New guy was instantly better though.

It's not about being better, as opposed to developing a certain image of the character that sticks with you, even if it's just for a little while. He looks completely different from the guy introduced just last season. From blonde and clean shaven to somewhat Stark-esque with a beard and dark hair.

Exactly. I had to think for a sec if I missed something last year. I recognized the name, but when I saw the new guy, I was thrown through a loop. It was awkward, to say the least.


"First rule, stick'em with the pointy end."





I should also mention like I liked the wife moment with Shae and Sansa. Shae is still standing there and and Tyrion's eyes had to remind her make an exit. I'm sure that cat will be out of the bag on that one if the spy does give up the info on what she saw as an extramarital encounter.
Episode MVP:
Joffrey da GAWD

runner ups:
Oberyn Martell and Elia Sand
The Hound and Arya

Lifetime achievement award for garbage scenes:
So was Daenarys or however you spell it Oberyn's niece?
No I believe it's like this

Mad King
Rhaegar, Viserys, Daenerys. All Brothers and sisters

Rhaegar married the Princess of Dorne, Elia Martell. At some point he fell in love with Ned Stark's sister, who happened to be betrothed to Robert, and kidnapped her which started the war.

Now remember that the Lannisters betrayed the Targaryans right at the end, and it was the Lannisters who went about killing anybody with a blood connection to the Targaryans.

They have mentioned a few times in the series how Lannisters / the Mountain / Tywin killed the Targaryan babies. Might have even been Ned in the first series


Is it a good idea to make the OP look exactly like the UNMARKED SPOILERS thread? Seems like it can cause problems and make of people here weep more than Mrs. Stark at the red wedding.

I got spoiled because of that :( I read a couple of things before I realized I'm in the wrong thread.


It was in the recap, and he even told her who he was

He was the guy she saved by telling Joffrey to make him into a fool instead of killing him

I didn't get the recap since I watched it on demand.

Just seems like a pointless scene, but what do I know, I haven't read the books!
Who was the guy who gave Sansa the necklace? I don't remember him.

The drunk knight in the first episode of the second season. Joffrey ordered his kingsguard to make him drink to death because he showed up drunk for a duel, but Sansa made Joffrey change his mind into making the knight his buffoon instead, hence saving his life.

edit: what chuck norris said.


Hopefully Jon finds out that former commander of the city watch betrayed his father and then acts accordingly.


I didn't get the recap since I watched it on demand.

Just seems like a pointless scene, but what do I know, I haven't read the books!

There's definitely a point to it, especially in a show like this where there's so much going on that they have to cut scenes and storylines anyway. I'm sure it will play a part in the future and it also showed Sansa's compassion and how she would have been viewed as queen which very well might be a little foreshadowing as well.

You can bet your ass it's there for a reason though. If a scene seems pointless and boring now, it's to set up something for later.
I didn't get the recap since I watched it on demand.

Just seems like a pointless scene, but what do I know, I haven't read the books!
It's a reminder to Sansa that she has more power than she realizes. She feels totally hopeless at the moment, but I think she's gonna start exerting her position soon.


There's definitely a point to it, especially in a show like this where there's so much going on that they have to cut scenes and storylines anyway. I'm sure it will play a part in the future and it also showed Sansa's compassion and how she would have been viewed as queen which very well might be a little foreshadowing as well.

You can bet your ass it's there for a reason though. If a scene seems pointless and boring now, it's to set up something for later.

It's a reminder to Sansa that she has more power than she realizes. She feels totally hopeless at the moment, but I think she's gonna start exerting her position soon.

Good points!

One other thing I didn't particularly care for was the scene with Daario and Dany, just seemed like a huge tonal shift in their relationship from earlier in the series. Maybe it had to do with the new actor playing the role, I'm not sure, but it didn't feel "right".

Arya and the Hound were fantastic as usual though and I really liked how they handled Jon Snow's homecoming.


Good points!

One other thing I didn't particularly care for was the scene with Daario and Dany, just seemed like a huge tonal shift in their relationship from earlier in the series. Maybe it had to do with the new actor playing the role, I'm not sure, but it didn't feel "right".

Arya and the Hound were fantastic as usual though and I really liked how they handled Jon Snow's homecoming.

Yea, that scene I wasn't a fan of either and it really didn't help that it was a new actor in the role. We don't need no shitty romantic gestures in Game of Thrones! Well, unless it's a beheading for love...

It was awesome they ended on Arya and The Hound though. Gives me the impression they know which storylines people REALLY like.

There's so many different storylines and it's so hard to cover them all (like Theon's absence tonight), so that's why you definitely know that Sansa scene serves a purpose.


Feels so good to have this show back :)

Arya's revenge and the look on Polliver's face when he finally realized who she is was so damn satisfying after all these gut punches in previous seasons

Oberyn seems like a character who will cause a fuckton of trouble; enjoyed his introduction. Thenn seems pretty weird though; not sure if it's because of the actor and his make-up. BTW,
whose arm did they put above the fire? Robb's
? (just a question, no spoiler; didn't read the books)
Feels so good to have this show back :)

Arya's revenge and the look on Polliver's face when he finally realized who she is was so damn satisfying after all these gut punches in previous seasons

Oberyn seems like a character who will cause a fuckton of trouble; enjoyed his introduction. Thenn seems pretty weird though; not sure if it's because of the actor and his make-up. BTW,
whose arm did they put above the fire? Robb's
? (just a question, no spoiler; didn't read the books)
Yes some random wildings travelled a couple hundred miles to the Twins and got Robb Stark's arm to eat. What kind of question is that?


H: Needle? Of course you named your sword.

A: Lots of people name their swords.

H: Lots of cunts.

First thing that came into my mind was Joffrey in season 2 showing off his sword "Hearteater" to Sansa even though he never has and probably never will fight with it :p


Thenn seems pretty weird though; not sure if it's because of the actor and his make-up. BTW,
whose arm did they put above the fire? Robb's
? (just a question, no spoiler; didn't read the books)
He goes on about how well the Watch are eating at the wall and ends with "You really ought to try Crow". The Wildlings call the Night's Watch 'Crows' so the assumption is that it's part of a Night's Watchman.
Stayed up for this last night.

Good lord the script is good.

And Arya and The Hound are seriously the best screen duo since Principal Skinner and Superintendant Chalmers in that "steamed hams" sketch.

The way Arya directly quotes Polliver when
she kills him
was a bit melodramatic/heavy handed.
Shae acting irrational as fuck. She already knows Tyrion isn't into Sansa, she knows they didn't sleep together on their wedding night, she knows their wedding is just a political thing to stop her marrying someone with power, what is she going crazy over?


Shae acting irrational as fuck. She already knows Tyrion isn't into Sansa, she knows they didn't sleep together on their wedding night, she knows their wedding is just a political thing to stop her marrying someone with power, what is she going crazy over?

She wants his D
And he doesn't give it to her
Shae acting irrational as fuck. She already knows Tyrion isn't into Sansa, she knows they didn't sleep together on their wedding night, she knows their wedding is just a political thing to stop her marrying someone with power, what is she going crazy over?
Yeah, I usually don't mind her, but she's pushing it now, and she might of all ready pushed it too far.


Man the character of the Hound is so strong it's as if the lines write themselves. Really enjoyed the fight as well, good finisher to a good episode.


Shae acting irrational as fuck. She already knows Tyrion isn't into Sansa, she knows they didn't sleep together on their wedding night, she knows their wedding is just a political thing to stop her marrying someone with power, what is she going crazy over?

Dude doesn't want to bed her anymore, she's got a reason to complain about his inattention now, from a relationship point of view.


The dragons looked absolutely class for a TV show from a technical perspective.

Really good episode. Arya aka Hound Junior is a riot to watch every time.
I didn't get the recap since I watched it on demand.

Just seems like a pointless scene, but what do I know, I haven't read the books!

I have an idea as to why this guy has given Sansa the necklace.

If there is another massacre, ala the red wedding, the necklace will act as an identification to keep her alive.

I havent read the books so don't know if the guy who gave her the necklace has ties to any family going for the throne though I.e. A baratheon, starc or the dornish guys but given the scene was shown, the necklace is important and it comes from a guy who Sansa saved his life.

If it was just a thank you present, then it doesn't matter if someone else sees him giving it to her he waited for her to be alone to give it to her so no one saw him give it to her.

But given how prominent all the lannister characters are, surely they can't kill them off. On the other hand, they did that to the starcs....

Great episode, I am starting to like the hound and arya story, though where the hell are they heading? I thought arya wanted to leave to that place where that coin is from to learn black magic so That she can kill the people that killed her family. But now she is tagging on with the hound, but where?
Great episode, I am starting to like the hound and arya story, though where the hell are they heading? I thought arya wanted to leave to that place where that coin is from to learn black magic so That she can kill the people that killed her family. But now she is tagging on with the hound, but where?

Well The Hound wants to sell her to her Aunt, and Arya wants to learn how to be good at killing people from Jacken, if I recall correctly. And someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he comes from the same country as Shae, somewhere on Daenerys' continent ? So here's my speculation:

1. Arya stays with The Hound and he's the one who teaches her in his ways
2. Arya is sold to her Aunt and she learns how to kill while being there, probably from Jacken (is that his name ?) after calling him
3. Arya somehow crosses over to the other continent, seeking Jacken by herself, and her story intersects with Daenerys

I'm personally hoping for option 3. I want Arya to become the ultimate coldhearted killer and I want her to change continents, just for variety's sake. Option 1 is also okay, as I really like The Hound. Although I guess nothing stops him from tagging along with her. :)


I really like GoT. I never watched, read about or was interested in the show until 2 weeks ago. I watched all 3 seasons in less then a week, and have to say it's pretty awesome. While the Lannisters are despicable, they are an incredible cast to watch, Jamie and Tyrion are superb, what great characters and acting. It seems that overall, the show really is all about the Lannister family, not sure about the books. In any case, I'm now a huge fan of the show and especially the Lannisters, despite everything. They're just too interesting not to love!


Really enjoyed this episode. Oberyn is probably my new favorite character despite only being in it for a shirt period.

Also the actor who plays Jaime lannister hasn't aged well at all. He used to to be quite good looking in the first series, now looks haggard and greying. Not sure if it's the haircut though.
Really enjoyed this episode. Oberyn is probably my new favorite character despite only being in it for a shirt period.

Also the actor who plays Jaime lannister hasn't aged well at all. He used to to be quite good looking in the first series, now looks haggard and greying. Not sure if it's the haircut though.

Even if the actor has aged, under the circumstances of what his character has been through, his character won't be looking his best.
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