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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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So... That Dorne guy that stabbed the Lannister fool's hand is the uncle to Daeny? I'm assuming that it was Daeny and her brother (that got a gold crown) that were his sister's kids, right? Then again, he seemed to indicate specifically that they were killed and desecrated. /confused

Yeah, this. I thought it sounded like he was Daeny's uncle but he also mentions they were brutally murdered as well. So I was like uhhh

Demon Ice

Solid opener. I would enjoy a spinoff only about Arya and The Hound.

So when Oberyn was talking to Tyrion about his sister and her husband, are we supposed to know who they were? Or are we gonna find that out later in the series? I'm way too scared to Google the names.

It's the first time in the show Obery's sister has been referenced. I do believe her husband was referenced in the earlier seasons.

Red Comet

Solid opener. I would enjoy a spinoff only about Arya and The Hound.

So when Oberyn was talking to Tyrion about his sister and her husband, are we supposed to know who they were? Or are we gonna find that out later in the series? I'm way too scared to Google the names.

Her husband was Rhaegar Targaryen. They were killed during Robert's Rebellion when Kings Landing was taken, which was talked about a bit in the first season.


Solid opener. I would enjoy a spinoff only about Arya and The Hound.

So when Oberyn was talking to Tyrion about his sister and her husband, are we supposed to know who they were? Or are we gonna find that out later in the series? I'm way too scared to Google the names.

He was talking about The Mad King/Rhaegar, right? I guess Rhaegar had been married to Oberyn's sister, but then decided to be with someone else. And I believe that "someone else" happened to be Ned's sister/Robert B.'s lover/wife/whatever she was to him.
That last scene with The Hound and Arya was the best. Holy shit @ The Hound. He's so badass. And so is Arya !

Arya is definitely my favorite character.

Her face as she was watching the guy coughing his own blood:



So was Daenarys or however you spell it Oberyn's niece?

No, because it was implied that the last king took another girl as his wife and left her, so we can assume that Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark, killed there kids in the prequel before Season 1, Episode 1.

Edit: the last king married his sister and there kids were Daenarys and her bro. All Targaryens though were killed after the fall of King's Landing, as per the stories told throughout hte season, so Oberyon, is not related to Daenarys at all, other than there uncle married Oberyn's sister, so uncle-in-law??


So... That Dorne guy that stabbed the Lannister fool's hand is the uncle to Daeny? I'm assuming that it was Daeny and her brother (that got a gold crown) that were his sister's kids, right? Then again, he seemed to indicate specifically that they were killed and desecrated. /confused

Also did find the Daario replacement a little jarring, but I liked the new actor in Treme a lot so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Also, I could swear I had seen that Dorne guy's bastard consort before, what else has she been in?

They were Rhaegar's children, which is Dany's other brother that died in the war that led the baratheons into power. Unless I misunderstood the implications between S1 dialogue and this dialogue, Rhaegar was married to his sister, bore her children, then left her for Ned Stark's sister? and then was killed by Robert Baratheon. the kids and Martell's sister were then murdered/raped when Tywin took over King's Landing.
Also did find the Daario replacement a little jarring, but I liked the new actor in Treme a lot so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Also, I could swear I had seen that Dorne guy's bastard consort before, what else has she been in?

Sorry for the self-quote, but the lady is Niobe from Rome. Good to see her again!

Red Comet

So... That Dorne guy that stabbed the Lannister fool's hand is the uncle to Daeny? I'm assuming that it was Daeny and her brother (that got a gold crown) that were his sister's kids, right? Then again, he seemed to indicate specifically that they were killed and desecrated. /confused

Dany's brother (the dead one, not Viserys) was married to Oberyn's sister.
They were Rhaegar's children, which is Dany's other brother that died in the war that led the baratheons into power. Unless I misunderstood the implications between S1 dialogue and this dialogue, Rhaegar was married to his sister, bore her children, then left her for Ned Stark's sister? and then was killed by Robert Baratheon. the kids and Martell's sister were then murdered/raped when Tywin took over King's Landing.

Wait... so Dany is Oberyn's aunt ? What ?

edit: ^ never mind.

Demon Ice

He was talking about The Mad King/Rhaegar, right? I guess Rhaegar had been married to Oberyn's sister, but then decided to be with someone else. And I believe that "someone else" happened to be Ned's sister/Robert B.'s lover/wife/whatever she was to him.

Rhaegar was the Mad King's brother, not the Mad King himself. The rest of your post is correct.


I started watching Rome yesterday, a lot of actors/actresses are in both shows, its freaking me out.

Besides Mance and the woman who just made her first appearance, who else has been in Rome?

Rhaegar was the Mad King's brother, not the Mad King himself. The rest of your post is correct.

Okay, I'm officially confused!

The Mad King is the one Jaime killed, right? And is also the one who "stole" Ned Stark's sister? No?

Red Comet

They were Rhaegar's children, which is Dany's other brother that died in the war that led the baratheons into power. Unless I misunderstood the implications between S1 dialogue and this dialogue, Rhaegar was married to his sister, bore her children, then left her for Ned Stark's sister? and then was killed by Robert Baratheon. the kids and Martell's sister were then murdered/raped when Tywin took over King's Landing.

Yes, this is correct. As Oberyn says, a war was started when Rhaegar took Lyanna Stark (Robert's Rebellion).
They were Rhaegar's children, which is Dany's other brother that died in the war that led the baratheons into power. Unless I misunderstood the implications between S1 dialogue and this dialogue, Rhaegar was married to his sister, bore her children, then left her for Ned Stark's sister? and then was killed by Robert Baratheon. the kids and Martell's sister were then murdered/raped when Tywin took over King's Landing.

Dany's brother (the dead one, not Viserys) was married to Oberyn's sister.

Wait... so Dany is Oberyn's aunt ? What ?

Ah, I think I get it -- thanks! So Oberyn's brother-in-law is brother to Dany and Viserys (golden crown), which makes them unrelated.
That last scene with The Hound and Arya was the best. Holy shit @ The Hound. He's so badass. And so is Arya !

Arya is definitely my favorite character.

Her face as she was watching the guy coughing his own blood:


Loved this bit.

Just finished the ep, lovely ending music setting the tone for the season :D

Best Part:
Lots of people name their swords.
Lots of cunts...

REV 09

solid opener. the ending was excellent and sorta made the episode...everything before it was just ok. GoT is beautiful to look at; i had forgotten how good the scenery and costumes are.
They were Rhaegar's children, which is Dany's other brother that died in the war that led the baratheons into power. Unless I misunderstood the implications between S1 dialogue and this dialogue, Rhaegar was married to his sister, bore her children, then left her for Ned Stark's sister? and then was killed by Robert Baratheon. the kids and Martell's sister were then murdered/raped when Tywin took over King's Landing.
Yes, this is correct.


Needle back in its proper owner's hands.
Arya kill count +2.

Good stuff. Strong end, episode was a bit slow until the last bit.

Red Comet

I know that feeling. Walking Dead had ended and now Game of Thrones takes its place. AMC and HBO going to war with good shows. Glad Walking Dead and Game of Thrones aren't going head to head for viewers.

I'm just glad that Mad Men will be airing at 10 starting next week, so I won't have to choose which to watch first.


Rhaegar wasn't with Ned's sister. She was betrothed to and loved Robert. Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark and she died somehow while held captive.

Oberyn tells in the episode that The Mountain raped and killed her in the war that got Robert as the King. Edit: NOT TRUE

EDIT: I'm stoopid.
Arya Stark. YES! YES! YES!

Another moment in GoT that got me clapping with approval.

And please give me more of the Brienne/Jamie together. I need it.

Yeah, some of you are too young to have caught her in Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love. For those of us who did:

I watched that late one night. It was after seeing her on Rome, but it was all good.
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