This would have been perfect for Microsoft removing Kinect. Phil Spencer = littlefinger. Lysa = Kinect, or Don Mattrick.
A lot of my friends missed the mountain in season 2. He looked waaaaaay too different.
Almost like how a lot of us thought Danys boy toy was a new character at first.
This has been GRRM's plan all along hasn't it. Make us care about two sides just as much and then force them to fight each other. It begins with Oberyn and The Mountain (aka the Lannisters).
Everything then points to a showdown at the Eyrie. We could then see The Hound vs Brienne, fighting over the Stark girls. And who knows how that could go with Littlefinger in the mix.
You care about Cersei and The Mountain?This has been GRRM's plan all along hasn't it. Make us care about two sides just as much and then force them to fight each other. It begins with Oberyn and The Mountain (aka the Lannisters).
Everything then points to a showdown at the Eyrie. We could then see The Hound vs Brienne, fighting over the Stark girls. And who knows how that could go with Littlefinger in the mix.
I care about the mountain. Dude is huge! Easily the coolest looking guy on the show.
I'd make the same face if Oberyn said this to me.
Did anyone catch a single word from what Melisandre said this episode? I had some trouble following the conversation.
Also Hot Pie yeuh
Nice priorities.
I'd make the same face if Oberyn said this to me.
It's a tv show not real life.
Damn, that preview.
Yeah, and I was even more stupid, I selected spoilered text out of habit (tho, I consider this thread spoiler-free, and I don't watch episode previews ever, so I wasn't even thinking about what I'm doing >.>). Anyways, it would be nice if we could totally avoid preview talk in this thread, but, since I just checked OP, it's fair game if it's spoiler tagged, gotta remember that. But, nevermind, no biggie, I have faith in what (I think) is gonna happenThanks for that fucking spoiler, good job
Edit: Nvm, fixed now, but yeah - I read it already
I ain't mad tho
Damn, that preview.
Oberyn using a spear against a full armored Mountain.
The current mountain really is a beast. They should just keep this one around and stop changing it every season. Just like we had a million different Bobby's on Mad Men and we're on the second Daario in this show.
Kind of a long way down from the hole for Lysa, what do you think was going through her mind?
Kind of a long way down from the hole for Lysa, what do you think was going through her mind?
Kind of a long way down from the hole for Lysa, what do you think was going through her mind?
Kind of a long way down from the hole for Lysa, what do you think was going through her mind?
"Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello, Ground!"
Man Dany's scenes are so bad..
Man Dany's scenes are so bad..
I hope Robin follows his mother down that hole soon, the insufferable little cunt.
WHAT!? I was always confused. "Wait, wasn't Daario that other, blonde dude?"
God damn, that is one hell of a recast.
Am I the only one conflicted on the whole Oberyn vs. The Mountain thing? On one hand, I want Oberyn to win. I want Oberyn to get his revenge, I want Tyrion to live, it would be absolutely tragic to see both/either die, and The Mountain deserves to die as much as anyone. On the other, I almost feel it would be out of character for the good guys to win yet again. There's all this build up for the Craster's Keep mission, with Locke as the ticking time bomb waiting to explode...only for Locke to be unceremoniously ripped apart, and everything to go completely smoothly. Joffrey is poisoned. Dany is at the peak of her power. In general, things are going pretty well for the good guys, no?
Have they ever given reasons for some of the re-casts? It doesn't bother me, I just want to know why they happened, was it book adaptation reasons? Money?
Have they ever given reasons for some of the re-casts? It doesn't bother me, I just want to know why they happened, was it book adaptation reasons? Money?
Have they ever given reasons for some of the re-casts? It doesn't bother me, I just want to know why they happened, was it book adaptation reasons? Money?
I'm trying to sell my girlfriend on the show without spoiling much for her. I already have her interest by talking about the show, but she has yet to see anything and my explanations don't really do it justice. Is there a good video compilation or promotional video I can show her to seal the deal?
Just have her watch the first episode. Bran going for a tumble always hooks people.
The worst thing about Daario's recasting is that the show lead us to believe the Second Sons all carried the same look:
This new guy looks like any lame westerosi, not a leader of the second sons.