Let's just say the blood from his opponents keeps him young.
I just didn't like him since he was introduced, the way he talk/walk, the actor; and then at the trial next to those he wanted to kill he looked like he was having fun. Now we know that may had been part of his plan so he can take a name of his killing list and so I dislike him a little less, plus that scene with Tyrion was awesome on his part (actor and script).
His enemy family was infighting over one of their own murdering another of their own. He's having fun watching the world burn.I just didn't like him since he was introduced, the way he talk/walk, the actor; and then at the trial next to those he wanted to kill he looked like he was having fun. Now we know that may had been part of his plan so he can take a name of his killing list and so I dislike him a little less, plus that scene with Tyrion was awesome on his part (actor and script).
His enemy family was infighting over one of their own murdering another of their own. He's having fun watching the world burn.
Allegedly murdering one of their own.
Season 1 mountain was the best.
I wonder who the Mountain was killing there, I would guess prisoners.
so disappointed in Tywin Lannister, everything about him was smarter than allowing his selfish daughter getting her way. Tywin you disappoint me.
but he doesn't even like tyrion so why would he give a shit
Tywin uses his intelligence for all the wrong things, which is just as bad as being an ignorant disappointed in Tywin Lannister, everything about him was smarter than allowing his selfish daughter getting her way. Tywin you disappoint me.
Tyrion that look in his face when the man from Dorn(can't think of his name) said he would be his champion was so good.
People calling Tywin dumb. What the fuck am I reading, and what show are you guys watching? Unless Tywin has the ability the control minds, he's done exceptionally well in terms of getting what he wants. There's just too many variables happening at once, and they're all going against him.
Only my pipe dream however, judging from Ned Stark vs Jamie and Beric Dondarrion vs The Hound, the swordfight choreography of GoT leaves a lot to be desired. :-\
None of that is happening now...Jamie will leave the Kingsguard, marries and the family line continues.
Tyrion gets shipped off to the Wall and never seen again.
Sounds like Tywin is getting exactly what he wants rather than him being manipulated by Cersei. I'm expecting that we'll see more of Tyrion next season so it'll be interesting to see if Jamie will keep his word since the terms of the bargain has changed.
He let his insane grandson run rampant over an entire nation, tried to leverage the jealousy of his unhinged daughter to further his own means and failed, his family is deep in debt, and he's placed Oberyn, a man who has vowed to destroy his family, within striking distance of himself and everyone he "loves".People calling Tywin dumb. What the fuck am I reading, and what show are you guys watching? Unless Tywin has the ability the control minds, he's done exceptionally well in terms of getting what he wants. There's just too many variables happening at once, and they're all going against him.
Let his insane grandson run rampant? You mean the King, whose completely bat shit crazy and could have gotten Tywin killed if he tried to undermine him too much? Tywin still did whatever he wanted and when he wanted, and it's pretty clear that Joffrey can't be controlled 100%. Explain to me again how it's his fault that his family is in debt when the gold's run out?He let his insane grandson run rampant over an entire nation, tried to leverage the jealousy of his unhinged daughter to further his own means and failed, his family is deep in debt, and he's placed Oberyn, a man who has vowed to destroy his family, within striking distance of himself and everyone he "loves".
He's acting like a dolt.
What I don't get about Bron is that he straight up refused to be Tyrion's champion against The Mountain, yet he had no problem picking a fight against the Hound in Season 2 right before Blackwater. I guess he really is getting old.
What I don't get about Bron is that he straight up refused to be Tyrion's champion against The Mountain, yet he had no problem picking a fight against the Hound in Season 2 right before Blackwater. I guess he really is getting old.
Well I think Bronn and the Hound are equal to each other. The Mountain is in another league. I can't blame Bronn, he's got something to live for now. Before he was just a sell sword.
I don't think so.
I read somewhere that Gregor and Sandor are equal in strength but Sandor is faster.
Spoiler'd just in case.
When Joffrey first took the throne, it was quite clear that Tywin thought he had a free ride to rule from the shadows, but as Joffrey's malevolence grew, his influence waned substantially. He did not do "whatever he wanted".Let his insane grandson run rampant? You mean the King, whose completely bat shit crazy and could have gotten Tywin killed if he tried to undermine him too much? Tywin still did whatever he wanted and when he wanted, and it's pretty clear that Joffrey can't be controlled 100%. Explain to me again how it's his fault that his family is in debt when the gold's run out?
The only mistake I think he did is put Oberyn on the Council, though it's completely understandable why he did it. It's easy to talk about him doing the right things when you get the perspective of every single character in the show while he doesn't have that luxury. I really have no idea what you're on about to be honest, he's blatantly one of the most intelligent characters in the series. His plan before Tyrion shit on it was brilliant, esp considering how quickly he thought of it after the King's death.
People calling Tywin dumb. What the fuck am I reading, and what show are you guys watching? Unless Tywin has the ability the control minds, he's done exceptionally well in terms of getting what he wants. There's just too many variables happening at once, and they're all going against him.
Seems rather unlikely to me.
I mean, the dude single-handedly wields a zweihander… And it's said he's incredibly faster for his size.
Gregor Clegane is kinda like the ultimate warrior as far as a melee goes.
What exactly did Joffrey stop Tywin from doing? The guy even moved the Coucil meetings near his room away from the King, he didn't really care.When Joffrey first took the throne, it was quite clear that Tywin thought he had a free ride to rule from the shadows, but as Joffrey's malevolence grew, his influence waned substantially. He did not do "whatever he wanted".
Whose he going to notify? The golden son who is a knight and doesn't really care for continuing the family's legacy? Or maybe the little brother who throws money away on whores and wine all the time? Or maybe his bat shit crazy daughter, who he only notified now to explain why she has to marry the Tyrell.And of course it's his fault that they're broke, especially since the mines ran dry three years ago and yet he didn't feel it necessary to inform anyone else in his family about this situation. He obviously had no contingency other than to rely on other people's wealth and the fact that his family would still be in power. He abhors his alliance with the Martells, and only made it because there is no one else he can turn to. And it's quite telling that Margaery was able to have more sway over Joffrey during their brief time together, as opposed to his own family. And that's another thing Tywin failed at. While Olenna and Margaery realized that it might be prudent to have your subjects actually like you, Tywin made no effort to better the perception of his family with the commoners.
As someone said this is a keep friends close, and enemies closer type of tactic that has been used for many times in story and real life. However in this case, this is where Tywin IMO made his only real mistake.RE: Oberyn, and "knowing everyone's thoughts", you could use that excuse to back any decision any character makes. But it's quite clear that Tywin is fully aware of the hatred Oberyn has for his family, and yet he thinks he's being wise by keeping his enemies close. This will probably not work out well.
So foolish that it wasn't until Shae came out that he was going to do it.And speaking of Tyrion, Tywin was also quite foolish to think that Tyrion would just roll over and take this little scheme laying down. He has no idea who his son is.
From what I've read, Sandor is just as capable as Gregor in battle. Do you remember that scene where Sandor chops that guy in half through armour, bone, and muscle? He's not one to be taken lightly. A fight to the death between those two would be one of the best fights I can imagine.
By FAR Varys and Tywin are the most intelligent characters on Game of Thrones.
I don't know about that I don't think Season 3 Tywin is any different from Season 1 and 2 Tywin. It's just that in previous seasons Tywin was focused on grabbing power and in season 3 he has it and has to hold on to it which is a very very different situation (which Dany is finding out across the sea).Everything before this season Tywin was the one of the smart people.
He spent the entire life of Tyrion keeping Tyrion alive and not letting anyone kill him, along with Jaime. Tywin had the smarts to send Tyrion to King's Landing to keep Joffery in check and keep King's Landing under under Lannister control. Season 1 and 2 Tywin was smart as fuck, Season 3 Tywin has decided its time to kill the smart level headed people around him or send them away. Season 3 Tywin is utter fucking shit stupid badly written new(?) writers of the show changed him into a dunce since he arrived at King's Landing.
Tyrion was making KIng's Landing a money maker but now that clearly is not a viable storyline anymore so lets all forget what Tyrion has done. Shitty
That would be Petyr Baelish. Tywin seems losing control of current events.
I disagree.
Sandor's as skilled a warrior as they can get in Westeros, but he would (reasonably) fear his big bro in a single combat.
Sure, the Hound has some pure might about him as well, but he's no equal to the Mountain, and Beric Dondarrion most likely wore shitty battered-ass armor.
Nope it wasn't. He married Lysa. He didn't need her any more. Sansa is his captive, by marrying her off to Robyn he gains access to Winterfell.I would had included Baelish, but I think he darn goof'd up killing Lysa in front of Sansa. That was a rookie move, in my opinion.
And of course it's his fault that they're broke, especially since the mines ran dry three years ago and yet he didn't feel it necessary to inform anyone else in his family about this situation. He obviously had no contingency other than to rely on other people's wealth and the fact that his family would still be in power. He abhors his alliance with the Martells, and only made it because there is no one else he can turn to. And it's quite telling that Margaery was able to have more sway over Joffrey during their brief time together, as opposed to his own family. And that's another thing Tywin failed at. While Olenna and Margaery realized that it might be prudent to have your subjects actually like you, Tywin made no effort to better the perception of his family with the commoners.
Maybe the reason he doesn't have any real allies is that everyone knows how ruthless he is. Maybe the reason his kids hate him is because he transparently uses them to gain power and has never treated them like people.Also, what is Tywin supposed to do now that his wealth has mostly went away? You make it seem as if it's so easy to make money and continue to be rich. If you have a better idea on what he should have done, let me know. Yes vaginas tend to have more sway with men than anything else, but again what did Joffrey do to stop Tywin from doing whatever it is he wanted. He did very well to create this alliance. The truth is that he has no real allies other than some cousions etc. and they don't seem to be intelligent, as we saw in season 2. His daughter is insane, his son doesn't care about politics and he and his younger son hate each other at King's Landing. He doesn't have any real allies.
Nope it wasn't. He married Lysa. He didn't need her any more. Sansa is his captive, by marrying her off to Robyn he gains access to Winterfell.
and all of those well crafted pieces can come tumbling down if Sansa says 3 little words, "He pushed her!"
Well, it's his word agains hers. Also, she's still wanted right? I don't think a lot of people would believe her anyway.
Well, it's his word agains hers. Also, she's still wanted right? I don't think a lot of people would believe her anyway.
She's her niece. I imagine the court knows her better than they know Baelish. Regardless, it'd be a stupid move on her part. She should play dumb until she's in a more powerful position.'s a tough call. I'm sure Sansa realizes the last time she lied in a royal throne room, and see how bad that turned out. I just can't see her making the same mistake.
Tywin Lannister is smarter than your favorite character
Honorable mention