This seems strange to me, but because most of you agree, I guess I am on the outside. Arya is still super valuable no matter who is in charge.
It was everything.It wasn't overconfidence. It was his anger. He wanted to have his own revenge instead of just killing the guy.
I don't want to see that episode ever again in my life.
I know it's fiction but I am still mad that Oberyn didn't drive his spear through the mountain's head or wait for him to bleed out. It seems a bit far fetched that such an experienced fighter would allow himself to be within arm's reach of that monster.
I know it's fiction but I am still mad that Oberyn didn't drive his spear through the mountain's head or wait for him to bleed out. It seems a bit far fetched that such an experienced fighter would allow himself to be within arm's reach of that monster.
Me too. But it probably wont destroy me as much if tyrion finds a way to get out of this mess alive. I hope he will as he is like the only likeable guy in kings landing.Damn that ending destroyed me...
What is getting old for you?
Another season of betrayals cant believe Jorah betrayed Daenerys like I cant believe Bronn, and Shae betrayed Tyrion.
Ramsay is starting to scare me the last thing this evil brick needs is higher status now he is going to take the North. Oh he definitely up there with his father whose deaths need to happen for the fairness of this show.
Ramsay so going to surpass Joffrey with his evil deeds as being most hated. Tyrion just damn his fate seems set looks like he is 1-1 in trial by combat reason I thought he would live his because he survived one before and Oberyn is going to be his champion he had motive. Sansa has finally become likeable hopefully we see less tears and more evolution to her character.
For me, Daenerys.
I hope she dies in the next episode By the hands of Ser Jorah.
That was some shit! At least we got to see Missandei. Dat everything.
Nightmare > Kilik
I'm guessing the Mountain will die too, technically making it a draw. What happens after a draw?Holy shit buckets....No no no no no no no.
There's no way Tyrion dies right?
She is, but who's the hounds next option? Tywinn? I don't think he has much use for arya since Robb and cat are dead. Plus, he would get killed if he set foot back in kings landing.
an entire fandom's reaction.
The Mountain with the sneaky schoolboy rollup. lol
I'm guessing the Mountain will die too, technically making it a draw. What happens after a draw?
I took it as her laughing at the irony of having more family die right before she met up with them.
It seems obvious that the hound is maybe not as dark as some would assume.
Ramsey needs to die. Now that he achieved acknowledgement from his daddy he needs to die a gruesome death.
Honestly, it's part of what makes this series so interesting. The bad guys can win. No one is safe.I'm kinda getting sick of this show's lack of poetic justice. It's starting to become really unsatisfying.
Man i am never so much devastated after watching any media. Seriously Fuck this show.
Also one thing that bugged me that how could Tywin Lannister let this fight happen. I know it was obreyns own choice to be champion but wouldn't it cause a larger rift between house Martell and House Lanister and may even cause a war. Specially now when kings landings is completely broke
Honestly, it's part of what makes this series so interesting. The bad guys can win. No one is safe.
Now im thinking who has a legit shot of saving tyrion?
Ser Pounce's owner? Bronn? Jaime?
Fuck.. please dont kill tyrion, george.
Ramsey needs to die. Now that he achieved acknowledgement from his daddy he needs to die a gruesome death.
damn it.
That was seriously the worst. The worst. :/
Just the last second "GOTCHYA" type of stuff. I don't read the books so I don't know if it just GRRM or jus the writers. Just bugs me, nothing against the quality of the show or anything.What is getting old for you?