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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I can't honestly say that Oberyn's death itself surprised me. The story's made it a fairly strong point that whenever a heroic character seems to be getting too big for their britches, the rug often gets pulled out from underneath them in devastating, permanent fashion. I've long gone past being surprised that it's happened yet again; the show's disabused me of that notion pretty effectively.

Not totally, though, I must admit. As naive as it may be, I doubt that Tyrion is actually going to die this season. I feel like he or someone near him has something up their sleeve, but if Tyrion's head does happen to become detached from his body in the coming episodes - well, thanks George.

And while Oberyn's venomous anger was righteous, and pretty much anyone would have wanted to see him just lop The Mountain's head off after a somersault and jump into a hot orgy afterwards, the fact is he was simply too arrogant and blusterous against too worthy a foe. And he paid for it, dearly.

Some people are heavily criticizing GRRM for transparently going the anti-Hollywood route in consistently killing off these fan favorites, but I think he's actually just playing these things somewhat realistically. Ned and Robb were both, despite their noble intentions, political incompetents and came at their ends due to that. And The Mountain has been conveyed throughout the series as an absolute monster of a man that people talk about in hushed tones and nobody wants to fuck with, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that if you give him any sort of opening, he'll make you pay.

Oberyn was precisely the sort of character you'd expect to unleash the proper comeuppance against his enemies, and to some degree that's why you can't be too surprised when it doesn't exactly go according to plan. There have been several examples now of seemingly elegant courses of action by likeable, good-intentioned characters not exactly going as forecast. Oberyn coming to some last-minute rescue of Tyrion by majestically flipping around and putting a beating on a much bigger foe everyone was terrified of was dream-like in how too good to be true it was in such an unforgiving world.

I will say however that the sheer brutality of Oberyn's death was quite something, especially in that lingering image of his head caved in. That's the sort of image that sticks.


No Scrubs
What? Littlefinger not an enemy, huh? Has she (and you for that matter) forgotten this guys betrayal of Ned in the Throne room? Now that we know he was responsible for Jon Arryn's death, everything that has happened to the Starks is his fault.

Yes, but right now he's Sansa's best bet at survival. Everyone between the Vale and the North wants her dead. If Little Finger doesn't take over the Vale and the kid does, then her life is basically contingent on her keeping that little shit in a good mood. She knows Little Finger wants her, he won't hurt her, and this gives her time to look for another option. It was the first smart move she's made this season.


Cersei's Sith training sessions are finally baring fruit. The entirety of Sansa's testimony was ripped right out the Queen Regent's playbook. Cersei also taught her that a weapon powerful enough to bring most men to heel rests between her legs. Never thought I would say this, but Sansa is poised to have Baelish eating out of her hand.
Indeed. Can't agree more.

Littlefinger: "You think you know me?"
Sansa: "I know what you want."

Words of a woman (can we call her that?) who realizes the pedestal she's been placed on. I'm totally in for that ride. Finally ready for her to step up.

Daenerys - She's entitled, and young. She doesn't really understand the grays. The years it's taking her to get to Westeros I imagine she will be more seasoned. Shame she lost Jorah though. If we're in for four more seasons or so, still time for that, assuming she makes it. I only picture two characters with "plot armor" at the moment. Her and Bran.

Oberyn - Paraphrasing:

Oberyn's woman: "Don't leave me in this world alone, my love."
Oberyn: "Of course not."

Proceeds to have his head crushed. That scene actually hit me pretty deep, even though it's fantasy. Getting smacked, his teeth coming out of his mouth, then that huge man (Mountain) mounting him (no way you can get him off you, you know it as soon as he's on top of you), shit talking him (I raped her, killed her children, and crushed her head, like THIS!), then crushing his skull in front of his lover, his crusade for nothing. That was beyond depressing. Can you imagine that happening to you? I think that's the worst TV death I've seen considering the context of it all. And the gore was insane.

And final note:

I always feel like everything on this show is relevant, despite how disconnected things seem to people. The Bolton storyline isn't random. I would think that moment where Roose explains the significance of the north to Ramsey and names him a Bolton (and that final camera shot of them) would be significant to people.

This show is top tier.


Best gif reaction to that scene:



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Yes, but right now he's Sansa's best bet at survival. Everyone between the Vale and the North wants her dead. If Little Finger doesn't take over the Vale and the kid does, then her life is basically contingent on her keeping that little shit in a good mood. She knows Little Finger wants her, he won't hurt her, and this gives her time to look for another option. It was the first smart move she's made this season.

I guess this is a fair point, but it all hinges on rather Littlefinger genuinely cares about her, or does see her as just another chess piece on the board. Seeing this guy in action makes me wary if any move or word he says. I'm just afraid for Sansa, and if it were me, I'd probably make the gamble to deal with the cousin. If push comes to shove, little cousin can go fly. She'd have to marry him to get the Vale though, that could complicate things. I see where you're coming from.


No Scrubs
I guess this is a fair point, but it all hinges on rather Littlefinger genuinely cares about her, or does see her as just another chess piece on the board. Seeing this guy in action makes me wary if any move or word he says. I'm just afraid for Sansa, and if it were me, I'd probably make the gamble to deal with the cousin. If push comes to shove, little cousin can go fly. She'd have to marry him to get the Vale though, that could complicate things. I see where you're coming from.

I don't think she wants the Vale, at this point I don't think she's looking past her own survival. She's not playing the game of thrones to win, she's playing it to not lose.
Definitely one of the low points for the series so far in terms of emotional impact.

Yes, yes, Oberyn blew it. I get it. However, there comes a point where your narrative and tropes begin to weigh heavily on your audience.

Perhaps GRRM doesn't care. Actually, I'd probably guarantee he doesn't care. However, something just seems awry in a narrative that never gives a viewer an actual moment to boast about.

I get it. Anti-Hollywood and all that jazz. In fact, I was so committed to thinking that GRRM wouldn't go that far anymore. And yet, that inkling stuck in my head that "look, he's obviously going to kill him because that's the MO."

Sure, you could argue that the same result happens in 95% of other stories, which it does. But, it figuratively has become an exercise in continual bombardment upon the audience.

I won't deny it, though: it was a fantastic episode and an utterly brutal moral for all. I'm
Just wondering when the shining like for the investment comes through.

On a
Phone, excuse oddities.


You know I'm not so bothered by Oberyn dying, it's just the way he did go out. I mean... fuck that was brutal. One of those things where it keeps replaying over and over in my head and I wish it stop. I know he wanted to get justice for his sister and all, which he still kinda did I guess, but he got cocky and, well, we saw what happened.

And I got a feeling Tyrion is still somehow gonna get out it. One of his traits is just how damn lucky he is. He'll luck his way out again, I'm willing to bet on it.


No Scrubs
I know Tywin called it for The Mountain but is he even alive? He got stabbed real good.

No way, he got skewered. Only reason The Mountain won was because he crushed Obyern's head before he bled out.

And I got a feeling Tyrion is still somehow gonna get out it. One of his traits is just how damn lucky he is. He'll luck his way out again, I'm willing to bet on it.

I think the same. He's got enough people that actually like him enough to bust him out. If it's not Bronn then it'll be Jaime or Vayrs. Vayrs owes him one from the trial, this would be a good way to pay that debt.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
This was Prince Oberyn tonight:


Dude was too caught up in it personally. When he started going, "no, no you can't die!" at the moment where any normal person would have finished their opponent, I knew he fucked up.


No Scrubs
So the Gods won't call a draw? Weak.

More like Tywin's a dick. The Gods obviously wanted a do-over. They wanted to see Bronn stab Meryn Trant to death. Actually I want to see that, still do. Meryn deserves it for fighting an unarmed Syrio and looking like a bitch in the process.


I can't even process that right now. Like, I heard he got crushed by Gregor but it was just too brutal, the most disgusting, stomach turning show death I've ever seen. What made it worse was the actor was selling it so well; those screams will haunt me for a long time coming.


To some of the dumb ass, overly negative criticisms in this thread:


I swear to god GAF can you enjoy anything just once. This is the most vile forum.
Well , I agree this thread is filled with stupid whiners whi have no idea what they are talking about and should probably watch something else. Also never study history.

Robot Pants

Show is getting pretty tedious to watch, honestly.

I don't care about Daenerys' story. It's really boring and I get that she's a prominent figure. Go to war already. The last thing that was remotely interesting that was related to her was that guy (I've given up on names) fighting to prove his worthiness or something.

The whole Ramsey/Reek thing I don't care for anymore. They've ruined Theon Greyjoy, who was more interesting than Ramsey.

The Wildling/Jon Snow/Wall plotline, I don't know, I'm kind of opinion-less on it. It was interesting when Snow became a Wildling, but nothing seems to be happening now...

This would've been a horrible episode if it weren't for the trial combat in the last 10 minutes of it.

If Tyrion gets axed, I don't know if I can force myself to watch the show anymore...
It WAS a horrible episode. Oberyn dying just made it that much worse.
I thought the episode was pretty darn great. That beetle conversation, though...? ugh. Felt like it was killing time. To me, it didn't feel like foreshadowing, nor was it revelatory about character. It just felt like an insert for two great actors to monologue because they needed to fill a gap. For me, it was one of the few times they've taken a liberty on the show (I don't remember this scene in the books, but I could be wrong), and it didn't necessarily pan out. Normally GoT monologues are fantastic little morsels. The Oberon/Tyrion 'underwhelming' monster monologue was beautiful (and directly from the books).

As someone previously said, I'd have rather they filled the time with a scene of Oberon announcing his intentions to Cersei and Tywin.

Regardless, it's nitpicking. Still a fantastic episode.

#team Nathalie Emmanuel and ObamaSullied
beetles story wasn't in the books and it was pointless filler. hell. most of tyrion's interaction with jamie in the cell was show made.
fight was awesome. though.


Neo Member
I see that people keep saying that they want the Lannisters- generic- to die, cause they are the bad guys.

I was expecting people to have moved past this phase of Lannisters-bad guys against Starks-good guys. Because, honestly, if you think about it, which are the Lannisters that you want to be killed?

We have Tywin and Cercei- which i get it.

But then we have Tyrion-which everybody seems to like- and Jaime- who some of you may not like, but honestly, he isn´t that bad, at all.

And then we have Kevan, Tywin´s brother, who didn´t seem that bad either. And Lancel who is an idiot, but not such an evil guy that we want necessarily to get killed.

So why keep saying that we want the Lannisters to die like they were the representative of Evil in this show? There are only two of the Lannisters who deserve this statement. And I think there are other people far worse.

As regards the Starks, Arya is definitely moving to the dark side. And we don´t know if Sansa is not going there, either.

So I think we moved past the phase "the Lannisters are bad guys and they all deserve to die" long ago! And the idea, which I thought should have come across by now, is that there aren´t actually so much Pure Evil versus Poor Good guys in this show. The majority move between different shades of grey...

Edit: We also have Tommen, who seems like such a nice kid. And Myrcella, who was also a nice young lady..


Everything is moe to me
I thought it was a good episode, since i felt it was setting a lot of groundwork for what is to come.

The Boltons are claiming full control of the north, so maybe they will end up marching on the wall to fight the wildlings and hopefully detach Jon from his wall duties.

Jorah now has the potential to share a camera with someone interesting.

Tyrion is now legally fucked in kings landing.

Arya and the hound's journey has ended and they may now either seperate or get a more meaningful quest than marching around.

The beetle genocide of Castly Rock had ended.

the only really odd part was having Ygritte spare the woman and baby, since they've made a point of her being pretty evil up until now. Though i suppose it's nice that Sam might get to see them again.

The Real Abed

Oh fucking hell.

Why the fuck did I have to be right?

That aside, what a great episode. It had everything. Including the character who should have been naked when she first appeared finally naked. Niiiice. I mean what? Oh, and poor guy getting cast out. Oh man. And that speech from Sansa. Wow.

Confused though, did Arya and Sansa get to meet? Or did they send them away and Sansa doesn't even know she was there?

Anyway, now I guess Tyrion dies... or does he. I mean this is GRRM. Mr opposite of what you expect. I haven't read the books so I have no idea how long he sticks around. I'd hate to lose him. Damn. I mean they did both die. Inigo Montoya just ended up dying first. Cocky bastard.

And this was only episode 8. What the fuck is going to happen next week???
the only really odd part was having Ygritte spare the woman and baby, since they've made a point of her being pretty evil up until now. Though i suppose it's nice that Sam might get to see them again.

Not too surprising, there's quite a few characters that switch between deranged maleficence and sudden total sympathy in this show.

Nose Master

Wait, I get it! The beetles are the decent characters in the show, and the slow guy crushing them without reason is GRRM! How meta.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Wait, I get it! The beetles are the decent characters in the show, and the slow guy crushing them without reason is GRRM! How meta.

Yeah it wasn't exactly subtle, but subtlety isn't always king. I just started the first book :3 gonna see if I can catch up
It's been 7 or so hours since I watched the episode, and I still can't get poor Oberyn's death off my mind. :/
Him and his lover's frightened screams(both of the actors really sold it)were haunting. Plus, the image of his smashed head at the end was incredibly disturbing. I think what really unnerved me the most was The Mountain's confession, that was just mean.
I really hope Tyrion manages to get out of the execution. I don't think I can handle another extremely likable character's death.
At some point it'll get tiresome and predictable.


I...I'm depressed. I still haven't really recovered from the episode. That was brutal. :'(

I was so sure Oberyn had it in the bag. It didn't make sense to me that they would introduce a new character just to kill him off so quickly, especially considering this season is based on the second half of Book 3. I guess I'll need to remind myself from now on that George R.R Martin has set out to defy expectations and break the mould where narrative conventions are concerned. Tyrion's story about the beetles foreshadowed the situation perfectly: sometimes things happen and there isn't any reason for it.

I'm not angry at the show, but I am incredibly disappointed that Oberyn is gone. He had fast become one of my favourite characters, and the way he died just makes it so much worse. He had him! He had the Mountain down, and could have ended the fight there and then, but made a stupid mistake that such an experienced fighter shouldn't have. I mean, it makes sense. Revenge had been his obsession for years, and it caused him to lose focus and give in to anger at the worst possible moment. I do find it amusing that in this instance it was the good character who lost because they fucked around with theatrics and monologues though.

Also...I have seen a LOT of gorey shit in movies before, but this has to rank among the worst. Oberyn screaming. Lady Sand screaming. Just disturbing. :|


Anyway, the rest of the episode! It was probably the best of the season so far tbh, even though the entire time I was just holding my breath and waiting for the Trial scene.

It looks like Littlefinger is slowly putting the wheels of another war in motion. Sansa seems to have finally realized that she needs to start playing the same game the rest of Westeros is. I love her new look and am excited about where her character is heading now. Her dynamic with Petyr is interesting, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she falls for him; he is one of the few men who has shown her kindness, after all.

Arya and the Hound continue to be amazing. I love that the she was upset she never had an opportunity to kill Joffrey herself, and laughing at the irony of another family member dying just before she reached them was hilarious. Poor Sandor though! He's dragged her all over Westeros and still hasn't gotten paid. Given they have no reason to suspect that Sansa is at the Eyrie, they'll likely just turn around and leave. Another Stark reunion will be closely avoided. :p Now get to Bravos already!

Theon's actor (Alfie Allen) is really good. I laughed at the idea of Alfie Allen pretending to be Theon Greyjoy, pretending to be Reek, pretending to be Theon Greyjoy. ;D I think he nailed it though; you could really see glimpses of Reek and he almost fell apart towards the end. Ramsay becoming a Bolton was cool (and this was a really nice looking scene, Moat Caelin looked pretty awesome), but...I'm not really sure what to think of this entire storyline. What are the Bolton's goals, aside from taking the North? They are so far removed from every other character aside from Theon at this point, and he's a complete mess. I have faith that Theon will make it through this, but apart from that I don't really know where this is all going.

What else? The happenings at the Wall are tedious, as is the impending Wildling Invasion. Daenerys' storyline continues to bore me. I guess I should commend her, since I almost expected her to call for Jorah's head, but she's still an awful Queen. I don't care about any of her crew. Jorah is dull, Sir Barristan is dull, Grey Worm is dull. Maybe Jorah leaving and heading back to Westeros will be fun? Missandei though...she is gorgeous.
Great episode! Missandei Missandei Missandei godddaaaaaamn! At first I didn't like how Reek/Theon had no noticeable difference visually compared to the novel, but man Alfie pulling this shit off like a g!

And lol @ all the queasy people getting upset at the gore. That Arya laugh cracked myself up and the friends I was watching it with lol


Nose how to spell and rede to
ohhhh lmfao is that why Tyrion kept asking ""Why does he do it?"

Haha I hadn't thought about that, I just meant more of a general question of "Why is the world so (arbitrarily) brutal" but that's a really good and funny point.


Probably the most upsetting of any TV show. I mean I've been far more sad but never felt this sick before. Just a perfect combination of killing a cool character before you expected and in such a brutle way.
What? Littlefinger not an enemy, huh? Has she (and you for that matter) forgotten this guys betrayal of Ned in the Throne room? Now that we know he was responsible for Jon Arryn's death, everything that has happened to the Starks is his fault.

Yeah, he betrayed Ned. But... let's not jump into hasty conclusions. There's a lot of debate regarding about the involvement in Jon Arryn's death. It's safe to assume that Littlefinger wanted his death but so wanted the Lannisters. All that thing about Ser Hugh's being killed by the Mountain in first season, Cersex not protesting about being accused by Ned of involvement in Jon Arryn's death, Pycelle's talking about the poisoning to Tyrion... we don't know if the Lannisters worked in the scheme along with Lord Baelish. If they did, Littlefinger betrayed them and actually led a valuable clue to Catelyn with that letter written by Lysa. Of course it was to his best interesting, but he helped the Starks on that.

And Littlefinger didn't predicted all the consequences. Joffrey was the one behind the attempted murder to Bran, that was the main thing that led to Tyrion's capture. It was just Joffrey acting by his stupid standards. Besides, Littlefinger tried to convince Ned that was insane to confront the Lannisters, and told him to be quiet, but Ned said he swored by Catelyn to help them... and so he did the betrayal. He just sided with the strongest ones, the Lannisters, seeing that the animosity between them was inevitable (he was trying to make that happen) and he just didn't wanted to die in a dangerous conspiration. He isn't an enemy of the Starks, neither the Lannisters. He just uses them. That's my point. He don't want to destroy them. He just wants the best for himself and only eventually both Starks and Lannisters could be enemies to him.

And just to be clear, Ned's death was unpredictable since it was the result of Joffrey's madness.

Littlefinger is the best player imo, but he couldn't predict everything and he isn't all that psychopath. His actions indeed led to the Stark's fall, but it wasn't all his planning. He loved Catelyn indeed, he didn't wanted the Red Wedding to ever happened. He plays the game but he isn't the one in control of everything. Besides his bad actions, he helped Sansa and he didn't ratted Arya to Tywin when he saw her in Harrenhal. And now, Sansa needs him and I doubt he would harm her. I guess she will eventually bewitch him like her mother did.


Neo Member
She's not much of a hero though. Heroes don't do half the shit she's done. She's got no empathy nor any sense of mercy for the vanquished.

I think the only hero in this story is Jon Snow.

I totally agree. And I agree with Angry Fork that Dany is not actually one of the good guys. How can everybody root for her when she murders people just because they don´t do what she want, is beyond me!!!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
This has fucked me up way more than the Red Wedding. Holy fucking fuck.

I so wanted Oberyn to win, if not for Tyrion then just because Oberyn was one of my new favourites.


I was screaming as he was getting his head crushed. Good god that was brutal. I mean holy shit.
Those are the screams that will haunt your dreams. I can't remember any death that brutal..... Ever. Just too many elements to the cruelty.

First off, Viper was kicking ass! He had the recipe for Gregor's downfall down to a tee. Then he gets his teeth knocked out which left me agape just as much as Oberyn, then the cruelty of the finish came; make him suffer as you give him the confession he provoked for the whole duel knowing he won't be able to enjoy it.

I've never heard the type of sound that was made at the end.
I see that people keep saying that they want the Lannisters- generic- to die, cause they are the bad guys.

I was expecting people to have moved past this phase of Lannisters-bad guys against Starks-good guys. Because, honestly, if you think about it, which are the Lannisters that you want to be killed?

We have Tywin and Cercei- which i get it.

But then we have Tyrion-which everybody seems to like- and Jaime- who some of you may not like, but honestly, he isn´t that bad, at all.

And then we have Kevan, Tywin´s brother, who didn´t seem that bad either. And Lancel who is an idiot, but not such an evil guy that we want necessarily to get killed.

So why keep saying that we want the Lannisters to die like they were the representative of Evil in this show? There are only two of the Lannisters who deserve this statement. And I think there are other people far worse.

As regards the Starks, Arya is definitely moving to the dark side. And we don´t know if Sansa is not going there, either.

So I think we moved past the phase "the Lannisters are bad guys and they all deserve to die" long ago! And the idea, which I thought should have come across by now, is that there aren´t actually so much Pure Evil versus Poor Good guys in this show. The majority move between different shades of grey...

Edit: We also have Tommen, who seems like such a nice kid. And Myrcella, who was also a nice young lady..

I totally agree with you. This thing is not about a good x evil show.


Meh. I saw something similar coming as soon as Oberyn accepted (I said Tyrion went for the Game Genie. Also known as an obvious mistake. Using the same "trick" twice and all that). No surprise, simply a little bit of bloody amusement.

And "Boo" to Daenerys' story. It sucks and I would be happy if neither she nor her band of merry men ever showed up until it was time for her to crash on the mainlands. Jorah the Talking Fedora getting the boot was entertaining though. All skeletons must fall out of the closet eventually.

Overall a mediocre episode. On the bright side, I finally saw what Sophie Turner was talking about in her interviews with Sansa's circumstance this season (turning the tables and all that). I suppose that was neat. She sports that new Vale getup swell too. Woo-wee.
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