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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Hey guys remember this from an interview few weeks back?


Hey guys remember this image posted multiple times over the last few pages?
It's the scream that makes it so disturbing.

Yeah, for me it's definitely intensified by Oberyn doing such screams.
He's one of the last characters you would expect to see like that, completely helpless and in such pain that his overconfidence vanishes and he's making these inhuman screams.

Then, when you think about it, not only is he such a likable character, he also died by the killer of his sister he wanted to avenge and he didn't even get to hear before he died if Tywin really gave the order, which seemed to be his main motivation after all.

First I was a bit annoyed that he could "win" so easily against the Mountain, but overall it made sense. He's faster and he used a spear to stay out of his range.
It's exactly like Bronn said, he could probably take him but one mistake* and he's dead (because he will simply murder you with brute force then).
* includes not killing him fast because apparently critically wounding him doesn't do much, with him being built like a tank.



I don't get the obsession with her porn movies. That was something she did for a short time in 2002 when she needed the money I wish more people saw the movies that made her famous in Germany. Her lead role in the movie "Gegen die Wand " (Head On) got her many award nominations and awards for her performance. Her performance in Die Fremde got even more praise from critics. Both movies give a very nuanced, heartfelt look at the life of Turkish immigrants in the west. Must see movies IMO.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Yeah, for me it's definitely intensified by Oberyn doing such screams.
He's one of the last characters you would expect to see like that, completely helpless and in such pain that his overconfidence vanishes and he's making these inhuman screams.

Yes, it feels so out of character. Obviously, when a giant is plucking your eyes out, the character goes out the window and you only see the man under it.


Judging by previous seasons, the big shocking crazy thing usually happens in the 9th episode... Can't wait for next week.
A dragon comes in just as Tyrion is about to be beheaded/hanged etc and carries him to Dany, all her scenes instantly get's a lot more watchable and Tyrion's next trial by combat get's crazy as Tyrion can choose a dragon to defend him.


Judging by previous seasons, the big shocking crazy thing usually happens in the 9th episode... Can't wait for next week.

I bet next week focuses entirely on the battle for castle black. It looks a lot like Blackwater and is directed by the same guy. The preview also focused soley on it, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything
Jesus man. If one of the main actors dies in real life should we keep that news out of here too? Its just a job in the end, and i seriously doubt the writers are going to let a key character die or live because they have other obligations.

Thank you for this. I would have replied to him myself but my eyes rolled back into my skull, makes it very hard to type.
i seek comfort by telling myself, that despite the sheer brutality of oberyn's demise, geoffrey's was worse, because oberyn was in complete agony for about 20 seconds, where as joffrey probably helplessly choked for a good 1 or 2 minutes.

and i just hope oberyn poisoned that spear, at least maybe he still avenged his sister.

i swear to god if the opening scene of next episode is the mountain just shaking the wounds off and on his merry way i'm going to throw the remote at the tv.
Yeah, I will be furious and sad at the same time if that happens. I have a feeling his daughters are going to come to get revenge and all die a painful death, with the one that has his sister's name getting the worst of it. Also is Oberyn the strongest person in the Kingdoms until his death? With Jaime losing his hand, everyone seemed scared shitless of the Mountain, and he was handling him very well.

I do think Dorne might start a war with them now though, clearly they aren't going to stay out of it after this. Whether they survive is another story...

I am a bit pessimistic about Starks reuniting but I really hope they do episode 10. If they don't, this is going to start becoming comical (in a terrible piece of writing way) where they come close but miss every single time.

Zellard said:
Look at the way The Mountain was built up as a character - nigh-unstoppable, terrifying, a force of nature. Oberyn was drunk on both wine and rage, and instead of making the smart decision to finish the brute off when he had the chance after he had fought him brilliantly, his emotions overcame him and he paid for it.

Does that make his death any less tragic? No. Does it mean the character "deserved" to die from a moral standpoint? Of course not. But it does mean there's a logical underlying flow to the way it inevitably went. If Oberyn rams his spear into The Mountain's neck at the end of the fight, then he's still alive. Instead he underestimated The Mountain's fortitude and was then grabbed by the much larger man and brutalized. There's a clear cause-and-effect there.
This was a convenient plot point more than anything IMO. Oberyn was always a hot tempered guy but he was no idiot. I can see him in a normal circumstance staying out of the Mountain's range as he keeps talking, or at least have a weapon on him as he says it. He just went full retard with rage, vindictive actions going on to his crazy (and understandable) obsession at getting revenge. He just happened to a really stupid from a story POV. I could understand it for Robb and Ned, but this was a lot more convenient than the other occasions IMO to bring the shock value.
Judging by previous seasons, the big shocking crazy thing usually happens in the 9th episode... Can't wait for next week.

Someone big is going to die. :D Hope it's someone on the Lannister side this time (although Tyrion seems too easy/not shocking enough). Might also focus on the wall and killing of one of the two important characters there in Jon or Sam, probably something extremely depressing as him getting killed by Ygritte or something :( Shit, now that would be sad. I hated watching Jon leave without her.
Someone big is going to die. :D Hope it's someone on the Lannister side this time (although Tyrion seems too easy/not shocking enough). Might also focus on the wall and killing of one of the two important characters there in Jon or Sam, probably something extremely depressing as him getting killed by Ygritte or something :( Shit, now that would be sad. I hated watching Jon leave without her.

Jon will kill Ygritte I bet.

Salty Hippo

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but why exactly did Arya laugh? I thought that was a little too creepy for her character. Even with all the shit happening around her time and time again.
Sigh... I'm really depressed. I loved Oberyn and was hoping he wouldn't die. :( I mean, as soon as I saw how he was carrying on with The Mountain on the floor, I knew he would probably be dead in a few seconds, but... it was still incredibly painful to watch. Watching this show is pure torture sometimes.
But I can't stay away!

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but why exactly did Arya laugh? I thought that was a little too creepy for her character. Even with all the shit happening around her time and time again.

Pretty sure she was just laughing because they were just talking about the Hound getting paid. 5s later, they find out she's dead. "har har, no money for you!" kinda thing.
I am a bit pessimistic about Starks reuniting but I really hope they do episode 10. If they don't, this is going to start becoming comical (in a terrible piece of writing way) where they come close but miss every single time.
I don't think we're gonna get one though, Arya has no clue Sansa's there and that means the Hound is probably going to take her elsewhere (The Wall maybe?) now that Lysa is dead.
Although the way I see it, Arya's somehow going to end up at Braavos to find Jacquen and maybe Syrio. Could be that Stannis comes to the Wall as someone here said earlier and someone from there takes her to Braavos or something. I could see it happening definitely.


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but why exactly did Arya laugh? I thought that was a little too creepy for her character. Even with all the shit happening around her time and time again.

Because after all the Hound went through to get his reward from Lysa Arryn, she died and he got nothing.
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but why exactly did Arya laugh? I thought that was a little too creepy for her character. Even with all the shit happening around her time and time again.

She doesn't know her aunt so there was no love lost there. She was laughing at Sandor's misfortune at having traveled all the way to the Twins and then to Eyrie only to have his ransom plans fall through both times. It was the best scene of the episode, IMO.

Salty Hippo

But can't he sell her to someone else? I'm sure Royce would pay for her. You'd think Arya is aware that her aunt wasn't the only authority there... right?


Looks like next episode will be like season 2's Blackwater. I expect epic fights, and lol at Jon having plot armor. Dany, Bran, and Sansa sure, but Jon will be the first to go.


Well thanks for posting, I love the small stuff like this. Everything's connected, there's no filler.

Yep, there's a ton. I can't wait until the show is over and we can be like "and he knew her who knew him who once walked past her who killed his dad's sister's...". This is a dense world created by GRRM.


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but why exactly did Arya laugh? I thought that was a little too creepy for her character. Even with all the shit happening around her time and time again.

The Hound's first plan was to take her to the Red Wedding to get paid by Arya's family. They got there right after (during) the slaughter. His next plan was to take her to the Vale to get paid by Arya's family so they spend weeks traveling by foot and get there right after her aunt is killed

She didn't even know her aunt (as she explained moments prior) so it was a pretty cathartic moment for her and the audience. It lines up with how the audience feels as we move from hero to hero only to have GRR kill them. After a while, all you can do is laugh


erotic butter maelstrom
10 denari says the Snow growing inside her begs to differ.

*complete speculation, never read the books, no ban please*
Hmmm.... she did show mercy to Samwell's friend after seeing she had a baby. It's possible. I doubt J Snow had a rubber on him when they met. Seems like an epic battle would be a poor opportunity to bring it up, though. Maybe she will reveal it after he fatally stabs her or something because this is Game of Thrones.
10 denari says the Snow growing inside her begs to differ.

*complete speculation, never read the books, no ban please*

See, I thought about that last night too the moment she looked at Gilly. But then I wondered how long it's been since they've parted ways, which I have no clue. Could be weeks, could be months or even a year.


God if i were in Pascal i would shit in my pants for having the Mountain put his hands on my eyes/head, even if it's fake and just for acting.
I think I'd like to see all of the characters die now leaving only the dragons, the white walkers and Ser Pounce to finish off the next few seasons as a dialogue-free CGI adventure.


Hmmm.... she did show mercy to Samwell's friend after seeing she had a baby. It's possible. I doubt J Snow had a rubber on him when they met. Seems like an epic battle would be a poor opportunity to bring it up. Maybe she will reveal it after he fatally stabs her or something because this is Game of Thrones.
The first documented case of lambskins north of the wall lol

Also, a couple people have hit the nail on the head about why Oberyn's death was so brutal. He was such a calm, collected character that when the screams came it became frightening to think how much pain and terror it would take to reduce him to that. Swagger means jack shit to Clegane. He will prove it to you.
Looks like next episode will be like season 2's Blackwater. I expect epic fights, and lol at Jon having plot armor. Dany, Bran, and Sansa sure, but Jon will be the first to go.

Nope. They need Jon to keep the viewer grounded in the Night's Watch storyline, which is building in importance this season.


I'm noticing a pattern. Deaths only occur unexpectedly. The fact we know Tyrion is sentenced to death I'm hoping means something will stop this. Is there anything which breaks my theory?

Ned was sentenced to death, and then executed. There was like 5 seconds where it seemed like Joffrey was going to change his mind, but that was about it.

Still though, I just have this feeling that Tyrion is central to the story is too large a way to dispose of him now. I think GRRM is taking a cue from I, Claudius and making Tyrion into a sort of anti-hero that survives a corrupt, incestuous, murderous lineage of rulers despite his apparent shortcomings which engender their disrespect. So, I too do not feel it is Tyrion's time. In fact, if I'm right, it will never be.


Just saw the episode... holy shit that was gruesome. Thought Oberin had it won, but also had a bad feeling. Fuck fuck fuck I hope Tyrion gets out of this.

So if the mountain dies, dies it have any effect on the whole thing ? Or is it first dead first served.

Probably a first to die thing, doesn't look like the mountain was going to die anyway. Dude is huge it'd take a ton of hits to kill him.


Also I feel dumb asking but, what was the point of the beetle story? The symbolism was lost on me.
I thought it was actually very clear cut. Tyrion has been shit on his whole life. He identifies himself with the bugs being smashed and, as he finds himself in a situation that is not his fault -- a condemned, innocent man -- he feels the death sentence he faces is as senseless as the one meted out to the poor little beetles.


Hmmm.... she did show mercy to Samwell's friend after seeing she had a baby. It's possible. I doubt J Snow had a rubber on him when they met. Seems like an epic battle would be a poor opportunity to bring it up, though. Maybe she will reveal it after he fatally stabs her or something because this is Game of Thrones.

Hah! I was just thinking about that. It stuck in my mind that she put an arrow in a man right in front of his son... why would she suddenly feel anything about a woman and baby?


Just want to point out to the people bitching about how the new guy playing the Mountain looked like a Teddy Bear: Only a dude of his size and stature makes the head crushing believable. The first season one would have put the eyes out, but he didn't sell the inhuman strength as much as this one does.

And yeah, I had trouble sleeping last night too. To the people calling us queasy or lightweights: your misanthropy is not sexy.

Also, the Mountain is surely dead. Going into the episode, it was established Oberyn had extensive knowledge with poison. And last night, we had:

  • The Hound commenting on "poison being a woman's weapon."
  • Notable shot of the squire rubbing down the spear blade.
  • Oberyn generally being smart enough to ensure the Mountain dying.
  • The guy is called the Red Viper. Yeah, he's a badass warrior, but 'Viper'? Only a couple of ways of getting that moniker, and the strongest one is from coating one's weapons.
Dude's dead. As for Tyrion... well. I'm hoping he's the beetle that makes it.

Terrene said:
I thought it was actually very clear cut. Tyrion has been shit on his whole life. He identifies himself with the bugs being smashed and, as he finds himself in a situation that is not his fault -- a condemned, innocent man -- he feels the death sentence he faces is as senseless as the one meted out to the poor little beetles.

I thought it was an analogy to the Gods and life itself. How it kills randomly and wantonly, and without purpose. And, in the end, trying to understand the reasons is ultimately futile.



You know, the scene is good and all. But you can see being all into it and Jamie is like "fuck yeah look at me being handsome and making jokes". I dunno, I just wish Jaime was more into it.


Nope. They need Jon to keep the viewer grounded in the Night's Watch storyline, which is building in importance this season.
Idk about that, The Night's Watch is fucked with 100k troops coming down on them, especially with that douchebag in charge (I forget his name). I don't see The Nights Watch being important next season.


Idk about that, The Night's Watch is fucked with 100k troops coming down on them, especially with that douchebag in charge (I forget his name). I don't see The Nights Watch being important next season.

The Night's Watch will be important for the show right up until the moment the White Walkers come over the Wall. They're there as the White Walkers' bridge into everybody else's stories.
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