This was the most important thing for me. It's pretty clear that Jon is going to be one of the few characters in for the long haul, along with Tyrion and Dany. Before last night, I really couldn't have given that much of a shit about that, but now I'm pretty impressed with Jon's character.
Yeah Jon is poised to be the hero of the show. I totally get people being bummed about not getting the Kings Landing story(this includes Arya, Baelish, Brienne etc. ), especially coming off the heels of a week long hiatus, but this was a seminal moment in his arc and I'm glad they took their time on it. Even characters like Sam, Edd, Throrn, Maester Aemon, and Janos Slynt were elevated considerably by this hour of television. Shit, I actually give a modicum of a fuck about Gilly now.