The hounds facial scars have really been toned down.
I think that could just be the low lighting.
The hounds facial scars have really been toned down.
Surely a large number of people would pledge allegiance to her once she arrives in order to be on the winning side in the upcoming war, with only a few arrogant houses left fighting against her. I suspect by the time she arrives all eyes will be on the North and the whitewalkers, with people flocking to her to save them.
Yeah...that's what I'm thinking. I haven't noticed a difference and a shadowy shot insn't gonna convince me.I think that could just be the low lighting.
As someone with a Tyrion avatar I don't see how you could say that, since many of her more sympathetic moments came as she confided in him. Look, I get it, she's a cunt and you don't like her, but she's a cunt with emotional depth.
One would imagine that Dorne would be on her side without question, being in laws and all. Not to mention a common hate for the Lannisters.
The hounds facial scars have really been toned down.
To back up your argument:
I felt this was a great scene for Cersei's character. The audience has come to loathe her at this point, but moments like this make you feel genuine sympathy for her.
You should check out his scars in the pilot, they are very different from what came afterwards.
A bit off-topic:
I just gotten in my hands all the books released so far for the A Song of Ice and Fire series from A Game of Thrones all the way to A Dance With Dragons.
Never watched the show before, not an avid TV watcher but I do like reading novels.
Don't know what to expect, but I am pretty excited to begin considering how famous this entire series is. I wonder how fast I can go through all the books: seems so many pages to turn and read, hahaha!
Jesus, don't post in this thread, man. Spoilers everywhere. Go to the monthly reading thread.
The only time the people in Westeros have mentioned the Targaryens is in the first season, and they haven't mentioned her since. Surely word would have reached them about the 100,000+ Unsullied army and three fucking dragons that thousands of people have now seen?
what's the Iron Bank?
The hounds facial scars have really been toned down.
I don't remember his facial scars being that purple.
The bank of Westeros.
what's the Iron Bank?
A really, really powerful bank in Braavos.
I wonder what The Hound would say about Tommen as the new King
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one!
Do we know in the show if the Bank is private or controlled by a government/State ?
Do we know in the show if the Bank is private or controlled by a government/State ?
Fuck the Queen
I'd totally forgotten about that guy! I suppose since we haven't seen him, he presumably got killed in the wildfire blast.
Oberyn MartellI'm really liking the new foreign prince character (i'm awful with names, and i'm afraid to google this show).
So good.
Her and Robert reminiscing is what made me a fan. Still one of the very best scenes in the series:
Lena is a beast
So was the first kid she lost Roberts?
So was the first kid she lost Roberts?
Oberyn Martell
Salladhor survived. Remember he found Davos injured & marooned and sailed him to Dragonstone.
Dang. Just subscribe to this one and only access it through your Subscriptions.
As someone with a Tyrion avatar I don't see how you could say that, since many of her more sympathetic moments came as she confided in him. Look, I get it, she's a cunt and you don't like her, but she's a cunt with emotional depth.
No, you don't get it. I read the books, and she can feel sympathy for the character. But not Leana Heady with 100% cunt-face 100% of the time. She has zero depth. Jesus, it's not like my view on this in anyway unique.
I'm really liking the new foreign prince character (i'm awful with names, and i'm afraid to google this show).
He's not really foreign, Dorne is one of the seven kingdoms.