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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Um, for the theorists of Olenna-with-the-necklace, what would happen if Sansa didn't wear that necklace to the wedding? She would have another dose handy ?

Then why not just use that ?


The fiddling with Sansa's necklace bit didn't make sense to me because it depends too much on her wearing it on that day.

Also, great great discussion on Cersei so far! I really enjoy how different everyone seems to regard her. I agree with Thehorrorthehorror very much. I liked the chess player analogy. Very apt :>


Man I completely forgot about this exchange so long ago.

What do we know about IIyrio? From my memory he helps Danny's brother set up the meeting with the Dothraki to start that partnership. Was he instrumental in anything else?

And I am assuming up till now we know not the real intentions of Varys and who he wants in power or not. The only thing we know for sure is that he will try to protect himself above all.

Is it implied that he was somehow also behind the death of the Hand before Ned? Or was that simply the work of Cersei and Jaime? I ask because how else would he be behind the plan to start a war? And why? How would getting the Targaryens back be beneficial to him?

What has Llyrio been up to? I hope we'll get to see more of him since the actor was great in the few scenes he was in.

Yeah, Illyrio served as an intermediary between the Dothraki and the two surviving Targaryens. He also gifted Danaerys the 3 dragon eggs. We haven't seen him since his conversation with Varys. Around the time of the meeting Viserys and Khal Drogo get themselves killed, so his plans of a Dothraki invasion of Westeros were crushed. I'm surprised he hasn't made contact with Daeny, she has everything he'd hope her brother would acquire and more.

Who really knows anyones true intentions on this show but so far Varys has been genuine in wanting to do what's good for the Realm. Despite what he tells Illyrio, he did all he could to prevent the war from breaking out. Still, even if he believes he serves Westeros over his self interest, if the chance for a power grab presented itself I'm not convinced he wouldn't take it.

The Hand before Ned, Jon Arryn was poisoned ,by his squire. Varys knew what Jon into, hell he might have helped him put some pieces together like he helped Ned, but I'm pretty sure the Lannisters were behind his death. Remember they had his squire knighted without for no apparent reason then set him up to be killed by The Mountain in a jousting match.
Doesn't Varys hate magic? And aren't dragons pretty much top tier magic?

I think he hates people who practice magic, because they'll do anything they can to perform their spells.

Basically the anti-mage



Yeah, Illyrio served as an intermediary between the Dothraki and the two surviving Targaryens. He also gifted Danaerys the 3 dragon eggs. We haven't seen him since his conversation with Varys. Around the time of the meeting Viserys and Khal Drogo get themselves killed, so his plans of a Dothraki invasion of Westeros were crushed. I'm surprised he hasn't made contact with Daeny, she has everything he'd hope her brother would acquire and more.

Who really knows anyones true intentions on this show but so far Varys has been genuine in wanting to do what's good for the Realm. Despite what he tells Illyrio, he did all he could to prevent the war from breaking out. Still, even if he believes he serves Westeros over his self interest, if the chance for a power grab presented itself I'm not convinced he wouldn't take it.

The Hand before Ned, Jon Arryn was poisoned ,by his squire. Varys knew what Jon into, hell he might have helped him put some pieces together like he helped Ned, but I'm pretty sure the Lannisters were behind his death. Remember they had his squire knighted without for no apparent reason then set him up to be killed by The Mountain in a jousting match.

Thanks for the back story! I keep forgetting stuff from season 1. Didn't remember the whole squire knighted story arc.

Was catching a series of animated "History and Lore of Game of Thrones" on youtube. Anyone seen these? The animation and the art is amazing and its really well narrated. It presents the history up until Robert Baratheon takes over and shows different points of view.

It really helped me fill in some of the gaps since I never read the books. Now I am wondering if its anything official or just really well made by fanboys.

I'll post a link but I don't if its considered spoilery or not so I wanted to see first if its ok.


formerly nacire
Um, for the theorists of Olenna-with-the-necklace, what would happen if Sansa didn't wear that necklace to the wedding? She would have another dose handy ?

Then why not just use that ?


The fiddling with Sansa's necklace bit didn't make sense to me because it depends too much on her wearing it on that day.

I've watched that scene soo many times now and I keep feeling like the pie beats out the wine for the poison delivery method. Olenna never nears the cup from the time it gets filled by Tyrion, so either she gave it to Margery to put in his cup (if the necklace theory is true) or she somehow moved over to the table and did it herself while the camera was looking elsewhere (extremely unlikely). Either way the wine couldn't be poisoned before hand as others would drink from it, unless some sort of dual agents were used in which one part is delivered via wine and the other via the pie causing them to react when put together in Jofrey's mouth/body/stomach. I realize others would be eating pie too, which kinda defeats that theory in the same manner, unless the king gets a very particular piece. Margery was certainly eager to feed him some of it!

So many ways it could go in my head, but the big arrows point to House Tyrell for sure! Can't wait to see the season unfold and I can't help but feel like the shit is going to go down!


Um, for the theorists of Olenna-with-the-necklace, what would happen if Sansa didn't wear that necklace to the wedding? She would have another dose handy ?

Then why not just use that ?


The fiddling with Sansa's necklace bit didn't make sense to me because it depends too much on her wearing it on that day.

Maybe the necklace didn't actually contain the poison but was a way for Sansa/Tyrion to be framed? I know it's kind of a stretch but it's the only reason I can think of. I also wanna know what her motive is. There seems to be so many other people who stand to gain from Joffrey's death than her.
Thanks for the back story! I keep forgetting stuff from season 1. Didn't remember the whole squire knighted story arc.

Was catching a series of animated "History and Lore of Game of Thrones" on youtube. Anyone seen these? The animation and the art is amazing and its really well narrated. It presents the history up until Robert Baratheon takes over and shows different points of view.

It really helped me fill in some of the gaps since I never read the books. Now I am wondering if its anything official or just really well made by fanboys.

I'll post a link but I don't if its considered spoilery or not so I wanted to see first if its ok.

check out the dvd extras, they are on youtube. They are official stuff that won't spoil anything for you.
I think the Hound is one of my favorite characters on the show. His apathy is quite refreshing relative to the passion of most characters.

He is really fun ! : >

He was all like, "CHILD, we are NOT going to go in the-" [DOOR OPENS] .... [Hound turns around and enters as if he had meant to do so all along]


and then, the chicken remarks! so so cute~

(i had to restrain myself to go "i will now have to eat all the chickens in this place" when i went to buy kfc last time) (nerditism stronk in this one)


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Maybe the necklace didn't actually contain the poison but was a way for Sansa/Tyrion to be framed? I know it's kind of a stretch but it's the only reason I can think of. I also wanna know what her motive is. There seems to be so many other people who stand to gain from Joffrey's death than her.
They seem to know about Jaime and Cersei so maybe they know that there are no rightful heirs and can push for margeary to be queen. Still I hope that it was Sansa who poisoned him, adding the poison when she picked up the goblet. I don't remember the order of events to know if that is possible or not. She suffered the most at his hands so it would suck if she never got her vengeance.


Neo Member
Apologies if anyone have mention it but king joffrey (farewell my sweet king) did himself in by eating cake that got tainted by dead white pigeons. It was H3N1.
The Tyrell's are definitely making moves what with trying to secure Sansa. I get the impression that they want to take over everything. Joffrey was kind of a cunt so that stood in their way of them increasing their influence further. Also all of Sansa's warnings were taken on board so I don't doubt they were planning to solve that problem.


I can't decide if that'd be the best job ever or the worst

Back in the day, being a cup bearer for your liege was a big honour. It was your job to guard the Kings cup against poison and sometimes taste the wine yourself just in case. Since you're the one who serves drinks to the King, you'd be around for almost all of his meetings and would hear quite a lot of sensitive information.

So to get the job, you'd have to be seen as very trustworthy and held in very high regard. Once you had the job, it had a lot of benefits.


Back in the day, being a cup bearer for your liege was a big honour. It was your job to guard the Kings cup against poison and sometimes taste the wine yourself just in case. Since you're the one who serves drinks to the King, you'd be around for almost all of his meetings and would hear quite a lot of sensitive information.

So to get the job, you'd have to be seen as very trustworthy and held in very high regard. Once you had the job, it had a lot of benefits.

Lol, thank you. Joffrey's last scenes are now a lot funnier.
When I heard that line about "who kills a man on his wedding" (or whatever), I knew it was coming. I'm so happy I don't have to see that dbag anymore.


I'm curious as to what Danerys is going to do when she comes into contact with the various Dothraki tribes that once composed Khal Drogos.
I'm curious as to what Danerys is going to do when she comes into contact with the various Dothraki tribes that once composed Khal Drogos.

I think there's supposed to be some level respect afforded to former khaleesi but she did get Drogo killed do I doubt they'd like her very much.


I'm curious as to what Danerys is going to do when she comes into contact with the various Dothraki tribes that once composed Khal Drogos.

Kill the Khal and take their Khalasar? The Unsullied could stand around and beat their phantom dicks, it would be suicide to ride against three dragons in the open desert.


Back in the day, being a cup bearer for your liege was a big honour. It was your job to guard the Kings cup against poison and sometimes taste the wine yourself just in case. Since you're the one who serves drinks to the King, you'd be around for almost all of his meetings and would hear quite a lot of sensitive information.

So to get the job, you'd have to be seen as very trustworthy and held in very high regard. Once you had the job, it had a lot of benefits.

That's pretty cool. Reminds me of modern day body men

so like my mouse wheel broke so i need a new one

i've always liked wired mice since i feel battery charging is annoying but how much work it actually is?

Even if this was posted in the appropriate thread, I would still have no idea what you're trying to say lol


No, it's not unique, but the consensus is she delivers one of the stronger performances on the show. I and others could post more scenes or cite more examples showing her depth and range but what's the point when your dislike of her "cunt face" prevents you from being objective?

What consensus? I haven't visited GoT threads in a while, but last time I have, more people disliked her performance than the other way around. You're posting subjective ass shit but accusing me from lacking objectivity? Alright pal.
I think it's the old Highgarden lady that killed Joffrey, mainly because I can't see anyone else having done it. I can't think of a motivation though, wouldn't she wait until the queen was pregnant?
I think it's Oberyn but idk poison doesnt seem his style

So, then I think maybe the goblet was meant for someone else, cuz it was put near Olenna / Marge, but then ofc it was Joff's goblet, so it cant have been? so confuse

But if it was Olenna, the timing sucked (as per benefits to her faction)



Maybe it was Varys and he wanted to plunge the kingdom back into chaos and war and pies !

Or maybe it was Littlefinger, and he wants to perpetuate things to be as was because that guy thrives in juggling things when they are up in the air, also maybe somehow by keeping things afoot, he will still have chance to put his dirty paws on Sansa

:< i cant make heads or tails of it tbh. but i wants it to be oberyn.


I think it's the old Highgarden lady that killed Joffrey, mainly because I can't see anyone else having done it. I can't think of a motivation though, wouldn't she wait until the queen was pregnant?
Olenna has seemed a bit unhappy about the marriage for awhile. She's been talking to Sansa and forcing her to say her true opinion of Joffrey so she's heard all the terrible things he's done to women. She probably just didn't want her granddaughter to marry a sociopath.
I wonder where the Arya storyline is going. I see two options:

1. She's going to end up killing a major character

2. She's going to break our hearts and get killed like all the other Stark's

It better not be 2, my heart couldn't take it.


I wonder where the Arya storyline is going. I see two options:

1. She's going to end up killing a major character

2. She's going to break our hearts and get killed like all the other Stark's

It better not be 2, my heart couldn't take it.

I'll go with #3: both


Do we know this for sure? I took that exchange to mean she had gotten on a ship like Bronn said. I didn't at all get a sense that Bronn was lying or had betrayed Tyrion in any way. I'm curious if I missed something because I never thought she had been brought to the tower.

Don't know for sure, just speculation on my part which I'm beginning to doubt. I may have over read between the lines. I just found that conversation between Tyrion and Bronn so forced
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