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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Bronn is seriously the best character. I hope nothing bad happens to him since he's Tyrion's friend, if he sells him out I'll be completely heartbroken.


I think Jorah said they wouldn't accept "her" as the Khal, I mean she can't fight at all, and the Dothraki follow warriors.

He also said the Dothraki follow strength above all else. She has 3 Dragons, 8,000+ Unsullied, thousands of liberated slaves.

To me that's strength.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I have a real fascination with the performances on this show. Some seem wrong for what I feel are miscasts versus the written dialogue and scenes (Dany, to some extent Shae), but the strong actors are really, really incredible. Lots of really subtle and convincing nuances in facial expressions and emotions. Michael McElhatton is really fucking fantastic as Roose.

The Cowboy

My personal fav in the show currently (now that Jack Gleeson is gone) is Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow). i watched him in Misfits and thought he pulled off a shy character pretty good (season 1), then he pulled of a confident character pretty good (season 2 to 3) - but man is his sadistic fuck in thrones great! - we really don't get enough of him.


My personal fav in the show currently (now that Jack Gleeson is gone) is Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow). i watched him in Misfits and thought he pulled off a shy character pretty good (season 1), then he pulled of a confident character pretty good (season 2 to 3) - but man is his sadistic fuck in thrones great! - we really don't get enough of him.

I want to see more of him too. He's going away on an assignment for his dad, I hope the show focusses on that too.


My personal fav in the show currently (now that Jack Gleeson is gone) is Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow). i watched him in Misfits and thought he pulled off a shy character pretty good (season 1), then he pulled of a confident character pretty good (season 2 to 3) - but man is his sadistic fuck in thrones great! - we really don't get enough of him.
Ohhhh that's what he's from. I'm so terrible at recognising actors. It's ridiculously obvious now I think about it.


My personal fav in the show currently (now that Jack Gleeson is gone) is Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow). i watched him in Misfits and thought he pulled off a shy character pretty good (season 1), then he pulled of a confident character pretty good (season 2 to 3) - but man is his sadistic fuck in thrones great! - we really don't get enough of him.

But both the shy and the confident Misfit had a bit of psycho in him. So I am not surprised at all he plays such an evil Ramsay. God I hate him :p

The Cowboy

But both the shy and the confident Misfit had a bit of psycho in him. So I am not surprised at all he plays such an evil Ramsay. God I hate him :p
He was a bit nutty in Misfits but even though he killed, he was generally a good person. It was just so great to see him go full on "I'm gonna pull out your finger bones and cut off your junk" sadistic in thrones though, back when i first found out he had been cast i wasn't sure what to expect, when i got to see him in action i was like "OMFG! he's bloody crazy!!!" and i loved it.
Exactly, Drogo was strong, they followed him.

Daenerys is not a warrior, but she is incredibly strong by proxy, through the forces she has amassed.
But compared to Drogo's it's still unimpressive, her dragons are not large enough to pose a threat to other khalasars, at least not yet.


He was a bit nutty in Misfits but even though he killed, he was generally a good person. It was just so great to see him go full on "I'm gonna pull out your finger bones and cut off your junk" sadistic in thrones though, back when i first found out he had been cast i wasn't sure what to expect, when i got to see him in action i was like "OMFG! he's bloody crazy!!!" and i loved it.

He was a good guy indeed. But his face (my personal interpretation) always looked like he was going to snap.

And he did...just in Game of Thrones haha. He is even crazier than I expected though.
Exactly, Drogo was strong, they followed him.

Daenerys is not a warrior, but she is incredibly strong by proxy, through the forces she has amassed.

She isn't Dothraki and the forces she commands aren't either. Almost the entirety of her khalasar is dead. She has basically no link to them at this point.


The Tyrell's are definitely making moves what with trying to secure Sansa. I get the impression that they want to take over everything. Joffrey was kind of a cunt so that stood in their way of them increasing their influence further. Also all of Sansa's warnings were taken on board so I don't doubt they were planning to solve that problem.

My fear is that they are just as power hungry as the Lannisters. They only want to secure Sansa because she is their link to Winterfell and the North.

They do want to take over everything as the end goal. Why else would they offer Margery to Joffrey who at that point is known to be a sadistic lunatic?


Who made these? I find them fantastic!
Dear Khal Anonymo,

Since I am not a threat, come stand next to me and my dragons will breathe fire on us. Whoever lives gets your khalasar. If not, I can just burn your entire khalasar and you can be my stable boy. Up to you.

Crazy Dany, the Inbred Magic Tiny Lady


I have a real fascination with the performances on this show. Some seem wrong for what I feel are miscasts versus the written dialogue and scenes (Dany, to some extent Shae), but the strong actors are really, really incredible. Lots of really subtle and convincing nuances in facial expressions and emotions. Michael McElhatton is really fucking fantastic as Roose.

Seconded. The three headed monster of Roose, Ramsay, and Locke should fill Joffrey's villainous void nicely.


What consensus? I haven't visited GoT threads in a while, but last time I have, more people disliked her performance than the other way around. You're posting subjective ass shit but accusing me from lacking objectivity? Alright pal.

The general consensus of the media and Got community as a whole, not just GAF, even though very few people in this thread have echoed your opinion. There are several videos and several posts coming from several different perspectives highlighting the range and nuance of Headey's portrayal of Cersei Lannister. So far all you've offered up to support your claims is "cunt-face".
I just watched the entirity of this show this week,
going in with no preconcieved knowledge aside from Joffrey being an asshat, everyone dying & Tyrion being great.

It sure delivered on all three expectations.


So I rewatched the episode, keeping in mind the whole Olenna/Sansa's necklace thing, and I don't think there can be any other interpretation: Olenna did it. It's all there on screen.


"Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." -- camera focuses on Olenna.


"I haven't had the opportunity to tell you, how sorry I was to hear about your brother." -- she fondles Sansa's necklace and you can visibly see her take one of the jewels.


Shot of Sansa, to emphasise the missing jewel.


"War is war, but killing a man at a wedding ... horrid. What sort of monster would do such a thing." --- shot of Sansa, again to show the viewer the missing jewel.


Later during the "War of the Five Kings" play, we get this shot of Sansa multiple times, again you can see the missing jewel on the very left side of the necklace.


Margaery declares "Look, the pie!" As the pigeon pie arrives, Margaery places Joffrey's goblet on the table near Olenna. Everybody stands up and applauds. Here is where I think Olenna slipped whatever was in the jewel into the goblet.


A knowing look from Olenna as Tyrion retrieves it, knowing full well that he is about to take the blame for it all.


"Help the poor boy!" -- (i.e. "Oh my goodness I had nothing to do with this.")


"Idiots! Help your King!" (i.e. Again "I had nothing to do with this.")


Dontos slips Sansa away at Olenna's request. She knows Tyrion is going to take the blame and Sansa will be brutalised by the Lannisters by association. Sansa previously let Olenna and Margaery know that Joffrey was a monster, so Olenna protects her and has her saved.



I don't think Olenna sent Dontos to save Sansa because she told Olenna and Margaery know that Joffrey was a monster. I think she did it because she knows that Sansa is the key to controlling the north. Everyone at kings landing believe she is the last heir to winterfell.


I don't think Olenna sent Dontos to save Sansa because she told Olenna and Margaery know that Joffrey was a monster. I think she did it because she knows that Sansa is the key to controlling the north. Everyone at kings landing believe she is the last heir to winterfell.

That too. What I'm trying to say is, Olenna doesn't want any harm to come to her. She is genuine in that respect.
Even after how he treated Tyrion and Sansa? Little shit deserved a dagger in each eyes from them.

I feel bad that he got such an easy death with no knowledge of how many people hated him and not knowing why he was being killed.

He's a kid with severe mental issues who was utterly spoiled & given total freedom to do as he pleases by relatives with a lot of power. (particularly Cercei & Tywin)

Yes he's an absolute monster, but he's also a total idiot who would've been utterly harmless if he had been disciplined and constrained properly. Tyrion's probably the only one who did anything to keep him reasonably in check, but good luck doing that with everyone else around hating your guts.

I know Joffrey gets a lot of hate, and it's easy to hate him because he's done extremely horrible stuff; but I severely question his agency as a person. Cercei and Tywin let everything Joffrey did happen on their watch, and they let him.


The thing with Olenna is she was filmed too far from the cup. She would have gotten caught. Margaery could have done it though.

There is a lot of commotion when the pie arrives, everyone stands up and applauds and is concentrating on Joffrey driving his sword through it, then pigeons erupt out.


Good break down Vashetti.

I also assume she had her maidens scouer the city for necklaces so she could find the perfect one to conceal the poison, and presumably practice detaching it.

Not sure how she knew about Sansa and Ser Dantos' history, though. Perhaps there were stories flying around about the knight turned fool, or maybe it points to another conspirator who was present at Joffrey's name day celebration.
Amazing that she of all people had the courage to do this, especially with so much at stake.

We have to remember that, last season, Tywin Lannister threatened to draft Ser Loras into the King's Guard, which would have effectively ceased the Tyrell's line of succession as he's the house's only male heir. We also have to remember that Cersei threatened Margaery Tyrell directly, reminding her of House Castamere and pointing out the similarities between that fallen house and the House of Tyrell. The Lannisters have indirectly and directly threatened House Tyrell from the very beginning, and if the old day actually is responsible for Joffrey's death, then the Lions had it coming.
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