The religious people have gained power because the King is a pussy...he should have never backed down the first time they questioned his authority. Weak command means there's nothing the soldiers can do and there isn't anyone that could guide the boy either.
Completely dont get the Sand Snakes, they went from being loyal to immediately dropping their weapons when the guards came to helping the very person they were told to kill...
Who's to say the 'cure' wasn't just water...
The religious people have gained power because the King is a pussy...he should have never backed down the first time they questioned his authority. Weak command means there's nothing the soldiers can do and there isn't anyone that could guide the boy either.
The religious people have gained power because the King is a pussy...he should have never backed down the first time they questioned his authority. Weak command means there's nothing the soldiers can do and there isn't anyone that could guide the boy either.
Yeah, I think there was just a touch of it. Honestly this no-nude thing is distracting because the cover up is so obvious, throws me into network sitcom for a minute.Best episode this season so far. Great tits also. Beatiful body. Also I saw Dany's nippel if I am not mistaken.
The Sand Snakes are like Shaes personality split into three women.
Druckmann approves, writers & actors are not fired.
Has anyone else noticed a steep decline in the quality of this show? Almost everything about this season sucks.. And don't get me started on how ridiculous this faith militant thing is. In a show where most aspects of the plot are slow beyond description, these faith militant people are locking up queens over night.
And this whole thing in Dorne with Sand Snakes has been pretty dumb. Yeah, she has breasts, okay, that's nice, I guess, but I can get that anywhere... The show kinda sucks..
Yeah I definitely see Stannis' story going "You've won the North, but at what cost?" route
Honestly does no one else feel the bolded is a problem? It is so freaking ridiculous and unbelievable. The worst part is these faith guys come completely out of the blue this season with no hints as to what they were doing for so long. It is absolutely piss poor story telling.
This is far and away the weakest season of the show.
I know. I want them to continue doing so.
While he does not deserve the shit that has happened to him, he also is undeserving of redemption.
I want neither Reek, not Brienne to play a role in Sansa's rescue.
She needs to do it herself.
I must have missed a previous episode that mentioned it, but why is Brienne waiting for a candle in the window when she knows full well who is in Winterfell and what's likely occurring?
Depends exactly what the point being made is, there's a distinction between it's believability and introduction as a plot device in the narrative sense. The later has been jarring, but the former? People should be more surprised religious societal upheavals didn't happen way sooner, it's more unbelievable we've gone four entire seasons without it.
Great episode. Are people really that impressed by the topless chick? Was one of the weakest moments of the episode story wise brehs.
Agreed. Doesn't hurt that she was incredibly hot. Way better actress than the dreadful obara.Tits or no tits I actually really liked that scene. The interaction between Tyene and Bronn was great in my opinion.
This is far and away the weakest season of the show.
She met Sansa and Littlefinger before and Sansa sent her away.
Maybe because I'm gay and impervious to the power of boobs, but I thought this episode left the sand snakes plotline in a even worse position than before.
Like, NONE of their motives make sense at this point.
Really good episode.
It was action packed from start to finish and it was good to see some of the build up from previous episodes pay off.
Bronn living was a nice surprise, I really expected him to die![]()
I get the feeling Bronn's going to have to take that antidote more than once, and that he's going to have to work a lot harder for it in future.
Honestly does no one else feel the bolded is a problem? It is so freaking ridiculous and unbelievable. The worst part is these faith guys come completely out of the blue this season with no hints as to what they were doing for so long. It is absolutely piss poor story telling.
Why doesn't Cercei bring Lannister soldiers along with her anymore anyway?
Yup. Have a gun in act 1, it'll go off in act 3.
Yeah, she's absolutely going to kill Ramsay. Which, thank the fucking old gods!
shes the queen and she thought that those fanatics were her lapdogs
her arrogance got the better of her
whats ridiculous is the fact tommen cant just pass a law removing that group of their powers and getting everyone back
I don't think Tommen has power over the sept or else Margaery and Cersei would have had nearly the same power, and wouldn't have been locked up. It seems like there's some sort of constitution that gives the sept superseding rule.
It's horrible. I keep saying it. It's a joke. I have enjoyed the show, generally, from the first season -- But wow, this shit is just bad.
After the episode ended, I figured Neogaf would probably be hyperventilating because 1) we saw some nice breasts and 2) cercei got thrown in jail, and I wasn't wrong. I'm too old and grizzled to be swayed by just a pair of breasts, though. The show is sucking ass.
Cersei can't die until Tommem and Myrcella are both dead. The flash back with the witch at the beginning of the season told us that.
It's horrible. I keep saying it. It's a joke. I have enjoyed the show, generally, from the first season -- But wow, this shit is just bad.
After the episode ended, I figured Neogaf would probably be hyperventilating because 1) we saw some nice breasts and 2) cercei got thrown in jail, and I wasn't wrong. I'm too old and grizzled to be swayed by just a pair of breasts, though. The show is sucking ass.
It's horrible. I keep saying it. It's a joke. I have enjoyed the show, generally, from the first season -- But wow, this shit is just bad.
After the episode ended, I figured Neogaf would probably be hyperventilating because 1) we saw some nice breasts and 2) cercei got thrown in jail, and I wasn't wrong. I'm too old and grizzled to be swayed by just a pair of breasts, though. The show is sucking ass.