I think an important part for the set-up of the next episode(s) was when Cersei asked what Loras and Margaery might do, and the High Sparrow explained the Mother's Love. It requires begging for forgiveness and showing contrition, though, which we all know Cersei simply can't do. But if the only charge against her is sleeping with her cousin (they have no evidence regarding the parantage of her kids) then maybe the Mother's Love would be enough to have her set free.
Also, how influential was Littlefinger in getting Lancel to give up his secrets? Today's episode made it sound like he had a huge part in it because he could see that Cersei was bringing down both his empire and the entire King's Landing, but I reckoned from the start that the High Sparrow was working on Lancel, and would have gotten that stuff out of him eventually anyway.
It was also incredible to see Olenna meet her match for the first time ever. None of her punches landed, and in the end she was nearly lost for words. She can play every game ever invented, but the Sparrow simply refuses to play along. He wins by failing to engage and sticking to his principles - something Olenna simply can't understand. It will be interesting to see, in time, if the Sparrow does indeed have any vices or amibtions that might make him a hypocrite or see him brought low. He has certainly convinced me, and he's also the best new actor on the show since Oberyn.
Other thoughts:
Myrcella is sweet and cute as hell. She's literally the classic 'innocent princess in love' archetype, and we've strayed so far from typical fantasy that's it's bizarre and fun to see something like that injected back in the show.
Sam needs to get Gilly and her boy south, and in a hurry. Once again, is the Maester's life calling for Sam? They've been setting that up again and again.
Sorry, but the sand snake scene was lame. Everything about them was lame. And she looked underage. I felt dirty.
As for Cersei, I actually find it hard to know how genuine she's being when she deals with Tommen. I want to believe that everything she does she does to combat the prophecy of his death, but she's so false in all regards that it's hard to believe anything about her. Tommen seems to be waking up, though. What are the odds that he busts Marge and Loras out of jail and leaves his mom to rot? Would be delicious justice, and would win his wife back completely and get King's Landing back on the mend.
You know I want to like the show, I really do. I just give my honest opinion, always. That's the thing you've got to remember about people who really dislike certain things... they can't all be trolls!