I was laughing at the idea that he should have stayed at Wall, the bold part in the quote.
I can see from the pent up rage that Danny gets constantly shit on here that you couldn't see it though 
. Stannis does what needs to be done. He doesn't like burning people, I'm not sure how much he even believes in the Lord of Light. He just sees that it does help him and his cause, and he's willing to do shitty things to get his rightful throne. He's not monster (in this world). A monster would do those things for the sake of doing it or enjoy it, you know like Danny was when her dragons were burning then eating a potentially innocence man two episodes ago. Have you seen that episode? Is Stannis a good person? No. But in a world where people are shit people, I'll take him over others. The only decent human beings seem to be the Starks, and one of is faceless-to-be assassin that is all about death and another is bffs with one villain that crushes everything in his path from the shadows.
Davos was wrong when he told him to stay. They had no food to support them so how were they going to survive at the Wall? How? Especially since this upcoming winter seems like it's going to take many years to finish.
Danny is seen as potentially insane because she's an inbred Targeryen. They're known to be a batshit, crazy family. Her father was fucking insane and her brother seems to be going on a similar path sans the Lord of Light burning people tie-in (at least so far). It's pretty clear she's on a thin line between going to either the savior and hero to the villain of the story.
I meant for fans as well. People won't be happy if he burns his daughter alive.